Author Topic: First time with ShadowRun  (Read 11356 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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First time with ShadowRun
« on: July 05, 2009, 01:17:13 AM »
So, I'm going to be getting the chance to play in my first Shadowrun game.

We're playing 3rd edition because that's the version the game master likes best and I just picked up a copy of the core book the other day to get started. The other players are in a similar boat having never played a full game before. Two others have made characters before but not played, the other player and the game master have both played the game several times so they have a leg up on us.

The game is set in Seattle, the year is 2060, and the style is going to begin as an episodic saga (shorter, seperate and distinct storylines).

My character concept is a Troll who specializes in Structure Hit jobs.

Really I'm just looking for any advise for a first time player to try and avoid dying in my first session.


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Re: First time with ShadowRun
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2009, 12:46:19 AM »
I've never played the tabletop version....

but  I've beaten this many times.  My advice, run a series of simple ghoul killing missions in the first city before you move on so you have a lot of money.

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Re: First time with ShadowRun
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2009, 09:27:55 PM »
I've only played 4th edition of Shadowrun but I imagine these rules apply all the same.  Its kinda like Paranoia, except you don't try to kill your buddy as much, and theres magic.

If you don't see any technological defenses, theres probably all sorts of magical defenses.  If you don't see either, its probably a trap.

Corps won't get mad at you if you steal there assets.  There multi billion nuyen corporations.  They don't care if you steal several thousand nuyen worth of stuff on a run.  They might even hire you if you do a good enough job.  But never ever kill a mage. A seasoned Mage is a probably several million nuyen
investment thats not easy to replace.  Plus the mage's buddies are probably also mages.

Remember to tape everything, and edit yourself out of any tapes you find yourself on.

The new guy you bring along, whose replacing the old guy, who your buddy vouches for as "cool" will invariably flip the fuck out and fuck everyone over.


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Re: First time with ShadowRun
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 03:27:52 PM »
I've never played the tabletop version....

but  I've beaten this many times.  My advice, run a series of simple ghoul killing missions in the first city before you move on so you have a lot of money.

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahah ;D ;D ;D