Author Topic: New world campaign  (Read 289988 times)


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #315 on: August 04, 2010, 02:40:30 PM »
Was it Ross or Niel who did skill challenges during combat? Anyway I thought it was a great way to break up the normal roll play.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #316 on: August 04, 2010, 03:39:10 PM »
Cody: you are right. I was wrong. Ross's combats don't suck. His players suck!

Here is my fantasy about how combat color would improve the game:

Ross: A minotaur is guarding the entrance, accompanied by a group of gnolls.

Players: We offer to give the minotaur dead babies.

Ross: The baleful minotaur raises his massive greataxe and charges! The gnolls let out a horrible cackle as they draw their cruel short swords from their sheaths, joining the cloven beast in its attack upon your persons!

Players: shit on tits etc.


Players: Oh dear!

Ross: (Insert Amazing Description of Orcus Eating PC's Faces)

Players: Wow! We have been playing this wrong! Now we will be team players and help Ross make combat more flavorful for our amazing listeners! Especially Mathey!

I can dream.

But the talking to the minotaur was amazing...


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #317 on: August 04, 2010, 04:55:54 PM »
Cody: you are right. I was wrong. Ross's combats don't suck. His players suck!

Here is my fantasy about how combat color would improve the game:

Ross: A minotaur is guarding the entrance, accompanied by a group of gnolls.

Players: We offer to give the minotaur dead babies.

Ross: The baleful minotaur raises his massive greataxe and charges! The gnolls let out a horrible cackle as they draw their cruel short swords from their sheaths, joining the cloven beast in its attack upon your persons!

Players: shit on tits etc.


Players: Oh dear!

Ross: (Insert Amazing Description of Orcus Eating PC's Faces)

Players: Wow! We have been playing this wrong! Now we will be team players and help Ross make combat more flavorful for our amazing listeners! Especially Mathey!

I can dream.


We don't suck. We just have different interests than you do.

Who is to say who is right in terms of what makes for better gaming? To quote West Side Story "HOW MANY BULLETS, CHINO?! HOW MANY BULLETS?! ENOUGH FOR YOOOOUUUUUU? ENUFF . . . FOR MEEEEEEEE?!!?!?!"
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #318 on: August 04, 2010, 05:13:10 PM »
The minotaur negotiation was cool and all, but Orcus Eating Your Face is just good radio.

And, Cody et. al., I hope you know I was joking when I said Ross' players suck.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #319 on: August 04, 2010, 05:36:41 PM »
We don't suck. We just have different interests than you do.

I disagree. I think you guys do suck, especially when it comes to combat, but you all have always sucked at combat.
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #320 on: August 04, 2010, 05:44:41 PM »
The minotaur negotiation was cool and all, but Orcus Eating Your Face is just good radio.

And, Cody et. al., I hope you know I was joking when I said Ross' players suck.

Reminds me of this...


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #321 on: August 04, 2010, 11:48:06 PM »
I'm just listening to the newest episode, and it's hilarious as always.

A few things I've noticed...

First off I can't believe you missed the chance for "Cum"mento.

Secondly, after listening to Cody's mockery of the barrister, I began to get an idea... the "Legal" power source.

Barrister (Legal Defender) Str, Cha, Con

Sample At Will Power: Habeus Corpus (Str vs AC - 1W + Str Damage - Target must end its turn adjacent to you, or take damage equal to your CON modifier)

Sample Utility Power: Commute the Sentence (Encounter) (In any attack that brings you to 0 hitpoints or below, you may immediately spend your second wind but only regain half of the hitpoints of your healing surge (rounded down)).

Attorney (Legal Striker) Cha, Dex, Int

Sample At Will Power: Objection!  (Cha vs Fort - 1d6 + Cha Psychic Damage - Target is stunned, save ends)

Sample Daily Power: If the Glove Don't Fit (Cha vs Will - 3d6 + Cha Damage - Target is unable to include the Attorney in any of its attacks.  Save ends)

Council (Legal Controller) Int, Wis, Dex

Sample At Will Power: Cross Examination (Int vs Will - 1d6 + Int Psychic Damage - Shift the target a number of squares equal to your Dex modifier and it is dazed.)

Sample Daily Powers: Contempt of Court (Int vs Fort - 2d8 + Int Force Damage - Target is put upon shaky ground and all squares within a area burst 1 of the target are now difficult terrain.  Creatures that end their turn within this shaky ground take damage equal to your wisdom modifier.)

Advocate (Legal Leader) Con, Wis, Cha

Sample At Will Power: Emancipation Strike (Con vs AC - 1W + Con Damage - Any Ally can add your Wis modifier to their next saving throw)

Sample Encounter Power: Pro Bono (Grants any ally within 10 squares an immediate standard action as a free action)

Heh, this is fun, I may work on this a bit and see if I can at least make it all the way through heroic tier.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #322 on: August 05, 2010, 10:07:54 AM »
Encounter power Objection Immediate Interrupt. When another character has made a social skill roll, once per encounter you may object to their statement and they must reroll.
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #323 on: August 05, 2010, 01:31:23 PM »
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Laaaaaaw....

POW! Habeas Corpus!
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #324 on: August 05, 2010, 09:17:48 PM »
4. Use terrain a lot! It gets boring to fight in an 8x8 grid all the time, and D&D provides lots of great terrain features to use. Traps that can be sprung by PCs or the enemy (or even controlled by PCs!) difficult terrain, skill challenges  during combat, obstacles that can provide cover, elevated areas to push people from,  damaging tiles like lava pits and burning structures, holy sites that provide bonuses or evil areas that provide penalties. Combat becomes much less predictable and a lot more fun.



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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #325 on: August 24, 2010, 06:13:33 PM »
Hooray for the new New World AP!

Listening to it while I set up a Classic Battletech scenario. Nerdgasm, AHOY!
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #326 on: August 25, 2010, 11:39:08 AM »
Fischig ross? really?

and you give cody shit for his naming conventions.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #327 on: August 25, 2010, 12:35:32 PM »
I suppose the Attorney would be able to choose between Prosecution and Defense for its specialization? Prosecution would emphasize more straight-up damage with some controller secondary stuff, trying to force their target into an unwinnable scenario. Defense attornies would focus on attack and defense bonuses for allies with a little less damage than prosecution.

Seriously, though, almost finished with the latest episode. I seriously hope Axegore goes down once and for all. In flames.
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #328 on: August 25, 2010, 02:21:41 PM »
Fischig ross? really?

and you give cody shit for his naming conventions.

I pulled the name from the Eisenhorn trilogy :D

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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #329 on: August 25, 2010, 02:25:37 PM »
Fischig ross? really?

and you give cody shit for his naming conventions.

I'm obligated to side with Cody, the whole cult thing, "Dog the Bounty hunter"? I'll take 40K names over that any day.