Author Topic: Eclipse Phase  (Read 769974 times)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #405 on: May 23, 2013, 06:03:16 AM »
in salute of Caleb and the Know Evil Crew...

"The Local Church"
-Religious organization that is a synthesis of Neo-Confucism and Christianity
-The faith group offers community outreach services such as therapy, psychosurgory, micro loans and legal help to Fall-Evacuee indentures.  In reality it is a front for the Shui Fong Triad.
-First just another ploy by the Shui Fong, one of it's members came into possession of AWE.  Using it, he assumed control of the organization and now uses it to 'convert' indentures.  The Triad use AWE to twist and manipulate their converts into doing whatever they want.

The Raelian Choir Ascendant
-Exhuman Factor cult
-The Raelians believe the next great leap forward for humanity is through the Factors.
-Members under go extreme ego and morph modifications to mimic the Factors. 
-The Raelians routinely break servers owned by the PC, LLA and gate exploration hypercorps to find any secrets they might have on the Factors and sell anything they find on the servers in the process. 

The Allure of Decadent Thinking
-A small PC entertainment hypercorp
-In reality it is a front for a Titianium covert operations group.  Their network of spies and informants targets bio-conservatives and Hypercorp elites.
-The goal of the organization is to subvert targets by luring them into compromising circumstances and then blackmailing them into serving the organization.

The "I Am" Activity
-A Mercurial AGI Cult
-Once an AGI rights organization, "I Am" has become something more.  Publicly they engage in memetic wars and grief hacking the LLA and the PC.  However in the past year an undercurrent of Gnostic thought has begun to dominate their propaganda.
-The activities of the organization are now being more directly controlled by a hidden committee referred to as the 'August Body.'  This committee is believed to be on Mitre.

The Red Witches
-Martian Tribal Shamanism
-Existing since before the Fall, the Red Witches are a loose collection of shamans who dot the Martian outback, ranging from small communities to ascetic caves.  The Red Witches claim to be in tune with spirits of Mars; be them transhuman, uplift, AGI, habitations, technology, Titans as well as the flora and water created by the terra forming. 
-The Red Witches routinely arbitrate disputes among nomads and settlers alike.  It is rumored a number of shamans are powerful Asynics who wield pre-cognitive powers and others listen to the whispers of the Titans in the White Zone.
"Old R'lyeh Brewery. Enjoy a cold one on the Great Old One!"


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #406 on: May 24, 2013, 09:40:45 PM »
At long last I get to run Eclipse Phase, Imma run Think Before Asking and it's gonna be soooooo cool.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #407 on: May 31, 2013, 08:47:20 AM »
In the latest RPPR episode where Ross, Caleb and Tom talk about Know Evil, Ross mentioned that he was interested in having the characters from Know Evil show up as patrons or allies in other people's eclipse phase games.

I have just started playing in a campaign of eclipse phase and decided to make an Ultimate Async, but I was wondering if it would be ok if I had Bartleby as an enemy? I was thinking along the lines of my character either fucked up his cover in the Jovian Republic after taking to much MRDR (guess who recommended it to me?) or perhaps more extreme, I did something to his Beta fork with Alice.

I'd like to get the OK before I go ahead with this though, it wouldn't be right to just hijack someone else's character without their consent.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #408 on: June 04, 2013, 03:01:19 AM »
More Eclipse Phase Now

real life Ultimates


Looking for the house thing I just read this. That's not the most stupid thing I've seen but close. I mean it's like an angry eugenics fetishist wants to get in on the sweet Heritage Foundation money or something.

And there's this thing:
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 03:13:04 AM by Journ-O-LST-3 »


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #409 on: June 04, 2013, 01:03:44 PM »
My reaction to that guy:


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #410 on: June 04, 2013, 06:50:19 PM »

Buzzing factories: Maker bots by NSTRMNT

Nicknamed A_FAB, these automated manufacturing operatives by NSTRMNT suggest a way past the highly restrictive bed-size issues associated with current 3D printers. Swarms of these bots might crawl over a manufacturing zone adding or subtracting material to the work piece depending on their tooling.

These creatures have both a syringe to deposit material, and a routing head to remove it. They have 9 standard servo motors and 7 linear actuators that allow it to work, whilst locomotion is controlled by a further 12 motors. Live data is fed from Firefly and Grasshopper whilst tool paths are also generated from Grasshopper.

With technologies like this, there are implications for factories as there would be no reason for a dedicated production line churning out identical products but for small variations. With this paradigm one corner of the factory might be making a car whilst the other was creating a dress. In fact why have a factory at all.

Nests of these machines could live in small buildings on the end of a street churning out all the material goods a community needs.

Fabberbots!  They could fab a house for you!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 08:21:19 AM by CADmonkey »
CADmonkey: G+; Tumblr
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #411 on: June 04, 2013, 06:54:23 PM »
My only comments on the fabberbots is, "Not the face, not the face!"


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #412 on: July 19, 2013, 04:44:57 AM »
we are (oh oh, certainty creeps in) living in Eclipse Phase (but without the overweening horror)
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 08:25:01 AM by QuickreleasePersonalitY »
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #413 on: July 20, 2013, 07:43:51 AM »
we are (oh oh, certainty creeps in) living in Eclipse Phase (but without the overweening horror yet)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #414 on: July 31, 2013, 07:52:15 PM »
out of context campaign material go!

The Civil War on Minerva 4
The Pathfinder Colony has broken down into civil war because of brutal treatment from the colony leadership and the aid of anarchists, who have discovered the planet from a hidden gate linked to Fissure Gate. Complicating things is a recently discovered third gate on the planet’s moon, linked to Discord Gate. Ultimate and Extropian speculators have begun exploiting the civil war for profit.
Reasons why Pathfinder can’t just send 1000 Direct Action Mercenaries in Reaper Morphs to win the war or nuke the anarchists:

1.   The Arete Indoctrination Program was used to indoctrinate new colonists. It is essentially a fascist simulspace training program, rewarding colonists who oppress others and was modeled on Nazi occupation governments in Continental Europe. Autonomist journalists uncovered the program and revealed it to the public. Even the Planetary Consortium has limits to what they can cover up and Arete is hugely unpopular with the masses on Mars. While anarchists are not viewed as heroes by any means, the public would not like seeing all of the colonists murdered after suffering through Arete. A peaceful resolution is desired.
2.   Most of the rebels are former colonists who defected to the anarchists. Pathfinder wants to bring them back into the fold. Killing them all is wasteful.
3.   Pathfinder does not know where the Fissure Gate is located. They cannot shut down the anarchists without taking that out.
4.   Even Pathfinder does not have unlimited resources or gate time. Sending in reinforcements is expensive and sending in overwhelming force is still too expensive. It also makes the statement that they are afraid of losing to anarchists. Such is hypercorp pride.
5.   The Ultimates and Extropian speculators are positioning themselves to claim a major chunk of the planet – building up forces on the moon. Pathfinder wants to make sure they cannot jump their claim. This means keeping a reserve at all times to fight off potential attacks from the moon.
6.   Pathfinder kept their colony focused in a single region. This gave the anarchists the chance to build up outposts throughout the planet. Anarchists are building up all over the planet in secret underground and underwater bunkers.
7.   The anarchists are better at fighting than previously believed.
8.    Most of the fighting occurs in the outlying colonial habitats and stations. It does not currently affect the main business of exoplanet colony logistical support that much. Because of that, Pathfinder hypercorp leaders do not want to launch a total war yet. They are certain the rebellion will fizzle out and the anarchists will get bored and move on.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #415 on: August 01, 2013, 10:21:04 AM »
Because of that, Pathfinder hypercorp leaders do not want to launch a total war yet. They are certain the rebellion will fizzle out and the anarchists will get bored and move on.

I love hypercorp execs.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #416 on: August 01, 2013, 03:07:00 PM »
More 'real life' Eclipse-Phase-without-the-overweening-horror
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #417 on: August 01, 2013, 05:19:54 PM »
Well, from the hypercorp perspective, it does seem reasonable that anarchist militia members will get tired of dying and resleeving battle after battle. Dying for the cause is all fine and good the first time, but 12 deaths later, it loses its charm. They are volunteers so when times get tough, they will lose morale.

Hypercorp security forces and mercenaries won't have a choice once times get tough. Their contracts will force them to keep fighting and dying, again and again.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #418 on: August 01, 2013, 08:49:27 PM »
I just got my PDF copy of Transhuman, and giving it a quick glance I can see some great stuff in here. Awesome!

Speaking of which, what parts did Ross and Caleb help write? And by that I mean, are there any Know Evil easter eggs to be found?  ;D

 I won't tell anyone I swear.  :-X


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #419 on: August 01, 2013, 09:25:52 PM »
Ross is all over the damn place. He and I co-authored the first ten pages or so of the Playing Characters section, though some stuff got moved around.

As far as Easter Eggs go...check out the Alternate Moxie Rules.