Author Topic: Eclipse Phase  (Read 650605 times)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #420 on: August 01, 2013, 11:41:13 PM »
Ross is all over the damn place. He and I co-authored the first ten pages or so of the Playing Characters section, though some stuff got moved around.

As far as Easter Eggs go...check out the Alternate Moxie Rules.

I am most proud that my bit on hitler morphs made into the book.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #421 on: August 02, 2013, 01:55:58 PM »

I am most proud that my bit on hitler morphs made into the book.

Take that Boys from Brazil!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 12:46:17 AM by Tim »


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #422 on: August 13, 2013, 02:16:25 PM »
Looking for advice or suggestions: I am interested in running a one-shot or short adventure that could be extended into a longer campaign and was wondering what thoughts people who have more experience with the system have for hooks.  I will be running it for folks who have never played Eclipse phase, but almost all will likely have played a variety of RPGs.  Part of me wants the players to start as unaware alpha forks (or an old backup was used to crest an alternate version of them years ago), but another part says that might get too messy to handle effectively.  I am thinking that this might allow me to gradually introduce Firewall and craziness as others mistake the PCs for the other version.  Essentially Total Recall-esque....


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #423 on: August 13, 2013, 02:52:36 PM »
you could do a tutorial adventure like I did with A Glorious Fall


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #424 on: August 13, 2013, 06:57:20 PM »
One thing I like to do for one-shots is to run a relatively mundane side-story in an existing story in the setting. For example, I ran a Dark Heresy game set on Graia in the middle of the events of the video game Space Marine. For Eclipse Phase, the obvious choice would be a sidestory to Know Evil--start the characters out as just normal people going about their business when Manjappa's crew (or Bartleby's) shake things up.
  • On Miter trying to catch conspirators in the attack on Professor Truth
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All of these leave you in relatively known settings afterwards, so you can work with known locations and NPCs to flesh it out into a campaign that goes off in another direction.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #425 on: August 14, 2013, 10:09:41 AM »
Campaigning in around Jupiter?

Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #426 on: August 14, 2013, 11:10:15 AM »
by jove, so beautiful -- a solar system within a solar system :3

(i am also reminded of a fond rpg world setting, 'the jovian chronicles')
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #427 on: August 20, 2013, 07:17:54 PM »
More 'real life' Eclipse Phase
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #428 on: August 29, 2013, 10:12:14 PM »
Since I unfortunately lack a group at the moment (curse moving cross-continent!), and I'd rather it was used then languish on my hard-drive, here is a plot-concept that's been a brewing.

Muse Duels

The newest craze to sweep the system, muse-duels (also known derisively as drooler-dustups by those who frown upon such fads) has broken into the entertainment market as the latest successful grass-roots endeavor propagated by the consumers, not the media corporations.  Similar in nature to old Earth’s pocket monster media, muse-duels follows a simple, yet compelling, premise.  At its most basic, muse-duels involves taking one’s muse and pitching it into a simulated battle with another individual’s muse, using a slick algorithm to derive the attributes and abilities of a muse from its own history, skillset, and mindset.

The ubiquitousness of muses, as evidenced by their inclusion across the vast gulfs found in transhumanity’s varied cultural and societal norms, has helped propel muse-duels to a feverish height of popularity never before dreamt of by any inner-system media fat cat.  But all is not well under the umbrella of unrestrained child-like enthusiasm found in muse-duel’s wake.  Many notable psychologists and psychosurgeons are warning against the use of muses in such a manner, as the long-term effects of repeated exposure to violent and stressful situations on muse mind states has yet to be researched.  Furthermore, they, alongside a host of traditionalist media pundits, question the mental health and stability of using a muse, commonly thought of to be a transhuman’s lifelong companion akin to the dogs of yesteryear, in what amounts to little more than a virtual cockfight.

The introduction of muse-duels has also shaken up the criminal world as well, a staple of the resultant undertow of vice and corruption that follows every new form of entertainment.  In particular, enterprising young thieves have begun the wholesale theft of muses from across hab meshes, many of whom had simply been running errands for their owners.  Not covered under the jurisprudence of any major political body, this has resulted in a rash of hasty finger-pointing and fearmongering, particularly amongst parents warned about the health of young Timmy’s psych should he discover that his muse/best-pal had been illegally abducted and subjected to an endless procession of bloody ring-fights to the virtual death.  This has also produced a host of gang-violence related crimes, as the already hotly contested and poorly defined arenas of egonapping and forknapping between Nine Lives and the ID crew grow hotter.  Lines are being drawn in the virtual sand, and the opening salvos already promise a bloody year for both gangs.

While all of these items are a concern for Firewall, the transhuman conspiracy is concerning itself with another factor entirely.  Namely, the author of the mysterious bit of coding that drives muse-duels has yet to reveal themselves, despite the instant ascension to stardom, and the attendant mountain of credits and rep, that authorship promises.  While the code appears entirely benign under the harshest of scrutiny, several proxies of the conservative bent have questioned whether it might still be dangerous.  As muse-duels pervasiveness spreads, even the most accepting proxy begins wondering the intent behind this child's game ...
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 10:19:04 PM by Rawtooth »
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #429 on: August 29, 2013, 11:27:12 PM »
In other words, is too hype for even Firewall to deal with


I'm sold.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #430 on: August 31, 2013, 05:44:12 PM »
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #431 on: September 02, 2013, 02:32:57 PM »
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #432 on: September 03, 2013, 07:16:09 PM »
NASA wants to put SpiderFabBots in orbit.  Another step closer to the horrible, horrible future.

NASA Plans to 3D Print Spacecraft in Orbit

As revealed in an article on Gigaom, NASA has recently added an extra $500,000 into a collaboration with Tethers Unlimited, a company researching ways to 3D print and assemble structures whilst in orbit. Using this technology, their SpiderFab robots reduce the size of the rockets needed to launch materials into space, and also allow for much larger structures to be created than in any previous technique – opening up new possibilities for construction in space. You can read the full article here.
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #433 on: September 08, 2013, 10:35:51 PM »
File this under why we cannot have nice aerostats on Saturn.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #434 on: September 09, 2013, 10:55:44 PM »
some eclipse-phasey related "rl" materiel:

some conversations with George Dyson; we might have already created artificial life, and it is free, growing, learning, exploring...
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