So here's the old Twitter thread: I was going to post a reply there, but the forum didn't want me to; it in fact
strongly suggested I make a new thread. So, here's it is, obeying the internet overlord's order to make a new thread.
I'll admit that I'm a late bloomer to Twitter. I've been following a few people for a while now, but never writing many tweets for myself. That's changing, so here's my twitter account for those interested in gaming/geek things -'m happy to follow anyone that posts their account - the more networking we all do, the more we get out of Twitter (which I often mistype as "tweeter" for some reason

), right?
This thread could also be used to discuss which famous person is actually interesting to follow and which ones just are no good. For instance, I appreciate Brian Michael Bendis' tweets (he's a big time comics writer for those not in the know). Another worth following is shitmydaysays: which you need to read to believe how good it is.
Any other recommendations are welcomed!