Author Topic: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread  (Read 264102 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« on: January 25, 2010, 07:59:33 PM »
Welcome to everyone.

WARNING: This thread will contain 'spoilers' regarding the Rogue Trader actual players hosted on the Nerd Bound podcast. You are warned.

Firstly, this thread is intended for the use of current and future players in the Rogue Trader game I am GMing via Skype. Anybody who wants to can post comments and advise to the players but only the players are going to be able to make any in game choices.

The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for players to do any and all of the boring work that occurrs between game sessions and relates to the running and construction of the new colony and/or the Valkyrie, the players' starship.

This is also the place for players to ask questions of me and for other people to ask questions about the system from people who have actually played it.

To set the stage, we are exactly where we left off at the end of the last game:

The Valkyrie is currently in orbit around the unnamed planet you conquered and you are in the process of landing your forces to begin colonization of the world. Illian is currently in the process of finishing off the bombardment of the chaos infused lands (which makes for a impressive lightshow on the horizon) and Gearus is in the formerly locked command chamber with three of his senior Engineseers studying the various documents you found there.

So, what does everyone want to do? Time can move as slowly or as quickly as you feel the need to state and I'm leaving things fairly vague so you can fill in details.


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 08:39:21 PM »
If possible, I would like to retry an identification check on any artifacts we found, but this time referencing the vast tomes of knowledge found in the ship's library (+10).  Possible?
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2010, 08:56:44 PM »
Lorayne's primary concern, at least for now, is colony security.  She'll spend the majority of her time organizing and constructing barracks and perimeter defenses for our site.
When he has a few minutes, she'll have some questions for Captain Trask.
  • How many troops are we leaving here in garrison?
  • Have we informed other members of our dynasty, or are we keeping this planet to ourselves?
  • What the hell is this planet called, anyway?

Another thing.  Captain Trask did a fine job ensuring the loyalty of our newly-assigned missionary, and, so far as I know, scaring the bejeebers out of our newly-assigned Navigator.  Someone should attempt, if possible, to befriend Gearus, in order to further bind him to our crew.  (Not that he has much choice, given the circumstances of his assignment.)
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2010, 09:12:26 PM »
If possible, I would like to retry an identification check on any artifacts we found, but this time referencing the vast tomes of knowledge found in the ship's library (+10).  Possible?

Possible, not completely needed. Gearus is basically "Taking 20" on the test for you. He'll be working on it for days unless you assign him to another task (he's deligated some of his tech priest to the construction concerns). Your welcome to test using Occult or a fitting Scholastic Lore to discover details before Gearus' research turns them up.


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2010, 09:17:49 PM »
Other than trying to identify the artifacts, I will order scouting parties and scans to catalog all useful resources on the planet and begin organizing facilities to harvest the materials.  Housing and basic necessities will need to be constructed as well.

To Lorayne:
- What is your best judgement on the troops necessary to protect the colony from local threats? (Roll tactics I guess)  My initial thought was 5-10K.  It may make sense to do 5K and give some sub-par weaponry to the local militias.
- For now, we'll operate on our own.  There is less chance for someone to subvert our plans while we are unprepared.  I'll report in once we are stable and need to begin transport of goods.  Sound good?
- Didn't think about the name, any thoughts are welcomed.  

I will actually attempt to contact Gearus in his quarters once in while to see what he is learning and let him tell me the 'gory details' if he is excited by something.  While at it, I will also attempt to gain any information regarding his past and what motivates him to be here other than be "recycled".
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2010, 12:02:55 AM »
Quote from: nbneil
- Didn't think about the name, any thoughts are welcomed.  

Our ship's the Valkyrie.  How about calling our planet Valhalla?
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2010, 08:24:04 AM »
Love it. Put it on the star charts.
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2010, 12:29:04 PM »
I'll get you guys a map of the planet and the results of the resource survey in a few days.

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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2010, 01:56:12 PM »
So, Neil, go ahead and make a Charm Test at +20 to try and get Gearus to spill his life story to you. He's the talkative sort, the Charm Test is to get him to talk about the things you want him to.

Also for your consideration are the current servitor production levels. Servitors will follow the commands of anyone who can speak orders to them so normal crew can give them commands. However, servitors are literal creations and construction commands like "a little farther" or "left a bit" don't make for the best direction.

To see to it that servitors operator at their most efficent it is abvised to have a Tech-Priest command them in the Binary language because it removes assumptions.

Only one or two of the sub-seers is currently assigned to servitor duty with the senior staff of Engineseers maintaining the Valkyrie or assisting Gearus directly. Convincing Gearus to assign additional priest to construction would speed the process up and reduce accidents.


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2010, 02:47:23 PM »
For the charm to learn more
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(12): Total = 12 </div>

I will try another charm test to get some additional tech priests for production.

<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(91): Total = 91 </div>

My fel+20 is 68

That was not my preferred result. It was 12 then 91 by the way. Didn't know it would mess it up to modify after.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 02:50:38 PM by nbneil »
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2010, 03:05:53 PM »
Yep, editting removes the cool graphic. But don't worry, the numbers are still displayed even if it reverts to code.

As for the second roll, it didn't have to be a Charm check, I was just advising you of a course of action, you can decide for yourself how to proceed. You are the Lord Captain after all, you could just order him to do it. He may then inform you of farther complications which you and the other senior staff would have to deal with.

Anyway, your first roll to get him to spill his guts succeeded with five degrees so you get his life story (which I'll post for you later, I'll type it up in Word so I can spell and grammar check it fully).


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2010, 05:30:02 PM »
Since we're so tight now, I'd like to ask him the consequences of diverting some of his tech priests toward the construction efforts.

By the way, I am a very charming individual . . . ladies.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 05:33:42 PM by nbneil »
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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2010, 05:52:36 PM »
By the way, I am a very charming individual . . . ladies.

Those void born have to come from some place. Why not your ship.

Anyway, Gearus is willing to assign some of the Engineseers to servitor duty on the planet and informs you up front that this is likely to be of no real disruption of activity. It will only be a problem if something goes wrong on the ship while a number of Engineseers are delayed on planet side.

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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2010, 06:50:02 PM »
Gearus story:

"My story, captain? Well, if you are really interested…

I incubated on forge world Ura Delta, in the historic Castigation District. I don’t often bring this up but my parents where progressives, unfortunately. I’m afraid that they did not last me beyond my larva development. By the time my pseudopods had developed my Y-chrome donor was being juiced by the Magos for refinement into lubrication for the sublevel servitor transportation rotators. So he got to do something useful in the end.

My gestation pod was, apparently, found worthy of higher cause. I have not been fully informed what that cause was but I do know my first image recollections are of the smoke pillars from Bolt Steel Heights in the Temple Sector so I assume she was involved with the priesthood.

I did not see much of her once I was able to maneuver on my own limbs. Apparently the priesthood had me marked from primary cell division on, so I was primarily in the secondary Temple Facoturam where the acolytes received their training. Ah, those where good days. You know the overseer’s pair of servo skulls used to wait outside my cell, knowing I would interfere with something before long. Luckily for me I was quite adept at evading them before too long. My greatest achievement was managing to wield their proximity cabling together so that they intertwined a vent pillar. Their eye lens where half melted before the overseers got them loose. He was the first real staff member to threaten to recycle me. Hung me over the vat pits by my ankles even.

But I’ve gone round about too much. You wanted to know why High Tek Magos Malum handed down the ultimatum that he did. Well, in truth, it was no single event. I had been a trouble to Malum for a long time, since the very day that I got my vox speaker in fact. Malum was just a Magos back then, not the High Tek, and he was in charge of acolyte installation function. I got my vox installed under his watchful eye. He demanded my first test only a half hour after the surgery (did of an over sparked plug, old Malum was). Well my throat was still on fire from the stitching and my skin was oozing because my plating hadn’t under grown my flesh yet and on top of all that I wasn’t a shinning student of binary. So when he made he give the servitor’s an order to test my vox I just told them to ‘clean this place up’. Problem was I hadn’t learned to adjust my volume or connections yet and I broadcasted that order to the whole of the Flesh Towers. And the servitors proceeded to strip every lab bear until some of the Tech Priests managed to chase them all down.

It was one thing after another after that. I seemed to follow Malum around like a cold, even when he was reassigned by the High Tek. There was the time, while Malum was shipment manager, that I gave a whole vat load of servitors left eye enhancements in their right eyes. That doesn’t sound like a problem until you realize that eye enhancements have wiring emerge from that same side. When they came out of the vats their lenses looked fine, heads looked pristine, but they had hosing inside their brains.

So, about fifty years later, Malum became High Tek and ten billion nanoseconds later I get called into his office with a simple offer: “Gearus”, he said to me, “Either you climb into a salvation pod and blast yourself into the void or I break you down into component parts and let the novices experiment with typing to put you back together.”

So, after three months in the void I got picked up by a ship of the line in the Emperor’s trading fleet, dropped at Port Wanderer and was assigned to your crew. If you look closely at the orders High Tek Malum signed for me, after word was set to him that I was signing on with your ship, you’ll see a very fine collection of tiny black and red stains from where he tried to spit on the paper."

You are free to ask for up to five additional things (one for each degree of success) about Gearus story such as more details about some events or follow up questions.


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Re: Rogue Trader: Between Session Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2010, 08:58:38 PM »
I have the first two questions.

Gearus, how exactly is it that you came to be assigned to my ship? And were you purposely staying close to Malum to screw with him?
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