I like what you did with [spoiler]Samhain as the basis for a mythos occurrence. By the way: I'ma be "that guy" for a second and tell you that it's pronounced like "sow-in". I love using real world mythology and tying it into the mythos like that, though. I thought you did a good job there. Also, I like how you handled the results of occult roles - i.e. the yellow sign = negative energy according to celtic mythology. I thought that was clever.[/spoiler]
Edit: The only thing I wasn't a fan of was that at a few points you seemed to be telling the players how their characters felt in a given situation. Example: [spoiler] When you told one of the players that her character felt angry/wanted to shake some sense into the guy that said he felt compelled to go back to the "haunted" area.[/spoiler]
Looking forward to the rest.
Well, I was trying to show a bit more of the sanity loss coming forward - no one in the group has ever played the system before, so I was trying to show some of the effects of san loss. I probably did go a bit too far with a couple of those touches.
As for the signs, [spoiler]wait until they run into
clockwise spirals.

We (hopefully) will be playing again on Sunday. We'll see how well I can finish this up. I think, depending on how many players show up, we might finish this week or go two more sessions. We'll have to see. Thank you for the feedback!