I figured it was better to necro this thread than create a new one.
Anyway, I was wondering how people ran the rules on Spray. Do you let your players apply all their extras (mainly Gnarly) to each Spray match? I ask because in my last session one monster had Spray x2 and Gnarly x4, and got 3 matches, and after applying all of the modifiers, nearly obliterated the opposing monster in the first round. I let it go because it was the intro adventure and there were 2 combats in total.
I dealt with this problem when I was running Sucrose Park by just having more sentry robots and traps for that monster to deal with. I suppose I can abuse the hell out of the threat system to fight fire with fire if need be.
Perhaps I was wrong in cluing the players into the Ben Baugh quote "You can break my game, but what's the fun in that?" by missing the fact that there's at least one Power Gamer in my group.
Also, SkyMaul was the first MaOCT adventure I ran for my group one late evening and did not expect it to be as long as it is. I seriously expected it to be about an hour and it somehow stretched into four (including Character Generation, I believe this session was like 6 hours). I later re-read SkyMaul and realized I missed a few things (including how Tik-a-Tak speaks). I tried to re-write it into Road Trip, and ended up with
Ed's Diner.