Author Topic: A Study in the Logic of Gaming  (Read 180415 times)


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Re: A Study in the Logic of Gaming
« Reply #195 on: March 05, 2010, 03:34:51 AM »
I actually ran a game not too long back which defied "gamer logic"... It was a scenario I had run a couple times before with different groups. Here's the general scenario: It's a Mutants & Masterminds game in which the PC's are the unofficial "B-Team" of a major super-hero group. The primary heroes are off thwarting some major disaster (I think, in this particular one, they were part of the disaster relief for major earthquakes at the time - hurray for being topical). They PC's were in their headquarters when it was surrounded by a mob (lead by an NPC of mine who was using emotion control on the mob to make them mad at the team). This initial scenario would be a tie-in opening scene to a much larger problem. The basic objective would be pretty easy. They would have to locate the "leader" of the mob and subdue him (a not-all-together difficult task). Every group I had run this scario with did so with relative ease... except the most recent. They called the cops and barricaded themselves inside their HQ.

Granted, in a real life situation like this, I would have done the same... but isn't gamer logic supposed to defy this reasoning? haha


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Re: A Study in the Logic of Gaming
« Reply #196 on: March 05, 2010, 05:45:26 AM »
So Strange. Super heros calling the cops!


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Re: A Study in the Logic of Gaming
« Reply #197 on: March 07, 2010, 03:14:11 PM »
LOL, I guess that's why they're the B-Team. Seriously though, that superhero team should consider hiring some new heroes.