okay toughness is only helpful at low levels will give you extra hit points so your 1st level fighter instead of having 12 hp he'll have 15 - 3HP is boaring
as i said improved critical is good for all weapons and classes - Valid but you still have lots of level requirements for them.
quick draw free action to draw your sword - Who dont walk around while holding there Great Axe.
skill focus - Ehh.
weapon focus and specialization - good for the fighter
whirlwind attack - takes forever to actuly get, when you do get it its nice in situations, Dont help aginst a Solo monster.
all those ranged attack feats like point blank shot shot and on the run - Play a ranger.
improved initaitive - Everyone should have this.
dodge - What are you a monk?
defect arrows - See above you get it free!
Those are pretty weak. 3 hit points means jack and shit.
i said your FIRST LEVEL fighter
thats like a whole wizards hit die
You get 3 feats if your a human, of the 3 as a fighter your gonna get power attack, wepon focus, and maybe toughness cus seriously thats about the only thing left to get, other then quick draw.