Author Topic: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons  (Read 39332 times)

Vega Baby

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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2010, 01:45:56 AM »
I use Skype for my weekly 4E game alongside MapTool, and it works perfectly fine.  There have been some problems with brief disconnects, but it isn't frequent enough to really disrupt gameplay.

On topic, my favorite class is Bard.  Why, you ask? Two words:  BARDIC KNOWLEDGE.

I don't know why, but I love playing the character who just knows about everything.  Every time I roll a Bardic Knowledge check, I'm filled with childlike glee.

Beyond that, I also like Paladins, because it's fun to play a pure goody-goody every now and then, and Monks, because they're ready, willing, and able to punch a dragon in the face.  ;D


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2010, 09:18:31 AM »
Real Life: The definitive social game.     

Also, you're doing it wrong.
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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2010, 06:53:06 PM »
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 06:54:51 PM by Order66 »


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2010, 09:00:19 PM »
3.5 is outdated and lame.

Pee-pee doo doo.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2010, 09:20:33 PM »
3.5 is outdated and lame.

Pee-pee doo doo.

"Something smart so that I can impress people I don't know." - Some Author I've Not Read


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #50 on: March 30, 2010, 11:30:06 PM »
3.5 is outdated and lame.

Pee-pee doo doo.

I am not trying to flame but 4e makes me sick.Shame on you James Wiat >:(.

that's good to hear

This is just more proof that 4E is a good game.


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #51 on: March 30, 2010, 11:45:40 PM »
3.5 is outdated and lame.

Pee-pee doo doo.

I am not trying to flame but 4e makes me sick.Shame on you James Wiat >:(.

that's good to hear

This is just more proof that 4E is a good game.

really what was he thinking the whole game is skrewing around with minis and the RP element is gone
why do you need to make crits so easy to get? i mean why dont you need to confirm it i mean how often would you really get a critical hit in real life?

Uhhh...3E is heavily reliant on minis and a grid. Have you even listened to the New World campaign? There's a lot of good RP in it and it is in 4E.

What does real life have to do with a fantasy game with magic and wizards and dragons


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #52 on: March 30, 2010, 11:49:37 PM »
3.5 is outdated and lame.

Pee-pee doo doo.

I am not trying to flame but 4e makes me sick.Shame on you James Wiat >:(.

that's good to hear

This is just more proof that 4E is a good game.

really what was he thinking the whole game is skrewing around with minis and the RP element is gone
why do you need to make crits so easy to get? i mean why dont you need to confirm it i mean how often would you really get a critical hit in real life?

Technically you do need to confirm a critical hit.  It is only a critical if the roll of a 20 plus the modifiers would result in a hit.  To me this is somewhat more reasonable.  Basically what it is in my mind is rarely when you are fighting, you'll do something really well (nat 20).  This is always a hit, no matter what (so you could be facing one of the best guys ever, but you'll still hit), so to somewhat balance that, they make it a crit if you would have hit already (to make up for the fact that you didn't really need the auto hit).  Plus the critical hit is not nearly as potentially devestating as before (rolling the damage again).  To me the idea was make critical more of a "really good hit" not necessarily a "critical" hit.  In the end, I think it largely averages out (with the possible exception of really good rapiers with extended crit ranges from 3.5)...


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #53 on: March 31, 2010, 01:34:07 AM »
i am not flaming in any way i am just clarifing myself
Ross,3e can be miniature/graph dependant or not depending on the dm just go flip through your 3e books and see the miniatures are completly 4e it even puts speed into "squares" you need to transfer that to feet if you want to play with no grid.
it really comes down to preferance and the way you play witch is better but soon this will be behind us and we will have 5e!(I don't know when i hope soon for my sake and for you if you don't like 5e keep playing 4e like i was made to play 3e when there was 4e being played elsewhere)

and Ross, it is a fantasy world but the laws of physics still are in affect so it should be as easy to get a critical hit in real life as it is in D&D


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2010, 11:52:22 AM »
I could be compleatly wrong, but I think ross's point is, Its a game, and you play it how you want to play it, as he has proven that 4e can still be heavy RP, and less action, granted its built around Minis and a Grid map, but the only time he uses that is in combat, a game is how you the DM/Player makes it, not how the books may be written for it. Just like in CoC you could easly have minis and a grid in it and do nothing but fights all day, Prob lose 10 Sheets of paper due to death but you still could do it.

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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #55 on: March 31, 2010, 12:18:31 PM »
Technically you do need to confirm a critical hit.  It is only a critical if the roll of a 20 plus the modifiers would result in a hit.  To me this is somewhat more reasonable.  Basically what it is in my mind is rarely when you are fighting, you'll do something really well (nat 20).  This is always a hit, no matter what (so you could be facing one of the best guys ever, but you'll still hit), so to somewhat balance that, they make it a crit if you would have hit already (to make up for the fact that you didn't really need the auto hit).  Plus the critical hit is not nearly as potentially devestating as before (rolling the damage again).  To me the idea was make critical more of a "really good hit" not necessarily a "critical" hit.  In the end, I think it largely averages out (with the possible exception of really good rapiers with extended crit ranges from 3.5)...

There is a lower overall damage possibily at the lowest levels of Heroic Tier, when compared to 3.5 Critial hits. A 4E crit does maximum on any dice you rolled with the attack, weapon dice, power dice, and class feature (ie sneak attack) dice. Where it really changes and 4E critical hits become something quite stunning, is with magical equipment and some class powers.

All weapons with magical bonuses grant bonus dice to the damage on a crit. These additional dice aren't automatically at maximum and their size depends on the weapon (a basic enchantment gains 1d6 per +1 on the weapon). Similarly, if you are using a weapon with the "High Crit" quality than you can get alot of dice.

A 4E Fighter at 1st level with a longsword rolls roughly 1d8+4 for damage (+5 if he took weapon focus or whatever else, there's lot of ways to get more damage in 4E). So, on a crit that 1st level Fighter does 12 damage.

If that Fighter had been using a Scimitar (1d6+4 normal damage), which has High Crit, than a critical hit would do 10 + 1d6 because High Crit allows you to roll the base damage die one addition time per Tier (Heroic=1, Paragon=2, Epic=3).

If the Fighter keeps the Scimitar and then gets an enchanted version, let's call it a +1 basic, than on a Crit he would get 10+2d6, one for the High Crit and one for the +1 on the sword.

And it only goes uo fromn there.


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2010, 01:15:08 PM »

All weapons with magical bonuses grant bonus dice to the damage on a crit. These additional dice aren't automatically at maximum and their size depends on the weapon (a basic enchantment gains 1d6 per +1 on the weapon). Similarly, if you are using a weapon with the "High Crit" quality than you can get alot of dice.

Most weapons.

There are some that don't grant bonus damage dice, and the type of bonus dice vary.

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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2010, 01:32:33 PM »
I haven't seen any magic weapons that do not grant bonus dice on a crit. Are they in Aventure's Vault?

Die types do vary, they nearly always trend upwards from d6s, some in specific circumstances, such as going from d6s to d10s if you score a critical against a certain kind of creature.

I have not seen any that have +d4s on crits. I could be wrong.


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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2010, 05:43:34 PM »
Jagged weapons apply a ongoing X(save ends) amount of damage, X depending on the level of the item

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Re: Favorite character class in 3.5 Dungeons and dragons
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2010, 06:19:22 PM »
Jagged weapons apply a ongoing X(save ends) amount of damage, X depending on the level of the item

As a property. I believe the weapons with jagged get +d8 for the critical bonus. Those are fun. My brother prefers the Withering Enhancement, which lowers the AC of the enemy each time you hit the target.