Has anyone used Apocalypse Now as the source for an adventure?
My DnD group is on the outskirts of a war basically guarding supply lines, etc. I am thinking about a huge reversal in the war effort, betrayal both at the front and back. Not so much an overt assault like the Tet Offensive, but more along the lines of assassination, terroristic attacks and a lot of damage to the headquarters at the front.
I think the Apocalypse Now part can come from the party trying to reestablish communication with an outpost that has been unheard from since before the setback. Their teleportation circle is no longer active and no messengers have returned. I am not sure if I want any of the last communications to show the weakening grip on reality by the commander or not. I don't think they need any "help" in the traveling to the area ( as in the companions in the movie ), but they would hear increasingly disturbing rumors as they get closer.
Since the enemy in my campaign are undead, maybe the commander has been turned but is still "allied" with the good guys? Of course, his undeadness makes for lots of problems with his living soldiers, unless they are somehow changed also ...
I just started thinking about this and not sure how feasible it is.
Any thoughts?