I don't know what to say except . . . you like me, you really . . .
eh . . . enough cliches.
Honestly though, I really appreciate the love being sent my way. I really try my best to add some diversity and pathos to the characters that I play. Granted, my wizard in the New World campaign is pretty much all hedonism in those early episodes, but he gets better as time goes on.
I also loved Father Cole in the Fear Itself AP. I thought that was one of my best games and certainly one of the creepiest sessions I have ever played. Ross set a great mood, Tom and I were on and serious, and we both had great interactions.
We just finished playing the Watchmen inspired campaign tonight and I must say that I am incredibly proud of all us. It was a fantastic session and well-played by all. Great times.
As for being more active in the podcasts . . . I would be absolutely more than happy to be more active.
Once again, thanks for all the kind words. I deeply appreciate it.