Welcome, Biest! This is a fun community; you will be glad you joined.
And I, of course, neglected to introduce myself when I joined.

My name is Chris, I am 29, and I live in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I am currently a bank manager, but I am planning a new career path in Special Education, and I am expecting to have a job in education next fall.
Between the ages of 10 - 16, I had a group of friends that regularly played just about every RPG we could get our hands on: DnD, Shadowrun, GURPS, Rifts(ugh..), Battletech, Vampire, and so on. I am pretty confident we played everything wrong, but it was still fun.
We stopped gaming for various reasons, but when I was in college I was able to play a few games of Call of Cthulhu. Then I went into a period of almost 8 years where I did not game at all.
Last Christmas, my wife bought me an iPod, and I decided to load it with some podcasts to listen to while I excercised. I came upon Critical Hit, which reminded me of all the things I did NOT like about gaming (hours of endless crunchy combat, awkward in character social interaction..) and I was nearly scared off from the hobby.
Luckily, I also downloaded an episode RPPR and an RPPR AP to try out. I immediately subscribed to both because they reminded me of all the things I LOVED about gaming (the sense of play, the creative group storytelling, the wonderful social interaction). I have gone headfirst back into gaming to catch up for the time I have missed.
RPPR brought me back to the hobby, which is why I am here today!