I stumbled across the New World actual plays some time ago, and just sort of rediscovered the site when I was looking for some more actual plays to listen to on my 40 minute walk to the train station to commute another hour to work each day. I dowloaded a couple of RPPR episodes, and found the discussions interesting and relevant (although I've got to say the disorganisation of the flow of conversation can make me lose track sometimes).
I turn 31 tomorrow. Been roleplaying for 21 years, ever since a friend at primary school got given the D&D black box for a present, and then photocopied another friend's Monstrous Compendium. I ran a 2E D&D campaign for the last three years of high school, before joining the roleplaying society at my university, where I ran AD&D, Mage, Vampire, and a Superheroes game of my own devising (ripped off a system called Kill Puppies For Satan), as well as a few con games in my time (first one I ever ran was a Matrix prequel just after the Matrix came out, using Mage rules).
After leaving university, I got a job working for a mission agency, and had to move states to Queensland (oh, I'm Australian btw) and there got involved in a gaming group where I ran some 3E D&D, Shadowrun, Mage, and also got into Warhammer 40k. Then some guy I met got me into the card game Shadowfist, as well as Feng Shui, the roleplaying game based on it. Then my car got stolen - with my 40k armies inside. But I was frustrated with GW and their crappy rules support anyway, so I put my energies into Shadowfist instead.
Then I moved back to Sydney to follow a political job opportunity (which went belly up), but I found some people to teach Shadowfist to, ran some D&D, Mage and Feng Shui games, and went back to running games at the gaming convention my university roleplaying group runs. I also started a gaming club called
Ministry of Game this year, which exists to help gamers in my local area meet and to encourage more people to run games, as there seems to be a dearth of DMs in the gaming scene where I live.
So, yeah. Hi.