Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 571780 times)


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #300 on: April 20, 2013, 08:16:01 PM »
Hi all, my name is Eric.  I'm the guy that posted the "What Are Must Listen Episodes" thread on FB and the guy that is currently correcting all your Star Wars references on Raillery.   ;D

I've been listening to the APs since last Fall.  As I said in another thread, my first AP was Aaron's Haunting and for some reason it didn't scare me away.  I quickly listened to all the CoC, then New World, then Eclipse Phase, and now I'm finally half way through New Arcadia.  I don't know what I'll do when there's no more backlog for me to catch up on.  I joined the forums mainly to stalk Crawlkill.   ;)

Quick bio: I'm 28 and from Idaho.  I have limited rpg experience: a couple of 4e DnD campaigns that fell apart rather quickly and a few pbp's over at Penny Arcade.  I want to role play more but its hard to find a group.

Anyway, I love RPPR.  Keep up the good work guys!


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #301 on: August 07, 2013, 01:40:11 PM »
Hey guys I'm Vivax. I started listening to the podcast during the summer of 2010 when I found myself in a laboratory identifying insect specimens down to genus for hours on end (long story...). In no small part to the influence of the show I started reaching out to RP groups and have tried my hand GMing several times. I'm so fond of No Evil that I've listened to the campaign in full at least thrice. And...well...that's it.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #302 on: August 07, 2013, 04:21:28 PM »
Welcome aboard Vivax.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #303 on: August 07, 2013, 05:46:45 PM »
It's humbling to hear from fans who listen to episodes more than once. I rarely do that with podcasts myself, so it's high praise to me.

Jadzia Katarzyna

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #304 on: August 30, 2013, 04:33:09 PM »
Hi all. I figure since I'm being all serious business in another thread, I figure I should introduce myself so you know I'm not all doom face all the time.

I'm an Australian of Polish descent hence the name Jadzia Katarzyna.  I'm studying psychology and social science and sell video games in the hours that I'm not reading a seemingly never ending amount of material on Freud (seriously, so much Freud).

Cyberpunk was my gateway game but then I fell in love with World of Darkness, particularly mortal campaigns. I've been a GM more than a player but unfortunately have no current group atm.

I've been listening to RPPR for over two years but I tend to be a lurker unless it's something I'm passionate about (serious business thread a case in point).

I tend towards both sci-fi and psychological horror in games and fully support Ross' obsession with the King in Yellow. I may also want to run off with Ross' and Caleb's brains for all the tricksy creepiness and have a soft spot for Aaron and his wonderful logic (seriously, I genuinely wish I'd had a player that determined to stay true to character).

So that's me in a nutshell. Thanks for all the good times so far and I look forward to more wonderful stories.

Edit to fix phone autocorrect mistakes -_-
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 04:35:40 PM by Jadzia Katarzyna »


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #305 on: August 30, 2013, 06:58:30 PM »
We're glad to have you and your snazzy MST3K avatar!
"All of time and space, everything that ever happened or will happen. Where do you want to begin?"


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #306 on: November 13, 2013, 10:49:52 AM »
i am Biest from Germany. I am 28 years old and have been roleplaying for 18 years, after getting my first box of The Dark Eye (Das Schwarze Auge, the biggest RPG on the german market) for my tenth birthday. I am still playing with some of the people I started with that day, even if we only manage to do skype games these days.
I have two other groups as well and am an avid con goer. So I get my RPG fix you could say. I gm more often than I play a character but I like both roles. I have been listening to the podcast since sometime around the original Slenderman thread on something awful. Where Ross linked the actual play. I did my own Slenderman scenario too, while the thread was still running. Developing the pictures as photos to use them as handouts.
I play a variety of games and have tested many.
The Dark Eye always will be one of the favorites and it is the game i played the most and where I know the background world best.
Changeling: The Lost is the game I ran the campaign I am happiest looking back in and one I player often.
Shadowrun was one of my favorites during my teenage years but I just can't get excited about it anymore.
I got Dirty World and Monster and other Childish Things because of the podcast.
My favorite indiegames probably are Fiasco and Monsterhearts.

I work as a newsroom writer for the local radio. I am always trying to get some RP text written and finished enought so I can show it to people, but usually I give up. I am an allright Magic: The Gathering player too, PTQ level I would say.
I will see if I post here more often, but it seems like a hassle to always do the captcha thing.

I forgot to mention Call of Cthulhu and related systems, they are pretty much my go to for one shots. I love gming horror.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 11:38:09 AM by Biest »

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #307 on: November 13, 2013, 12:06:40 PM »
Welcome, Biest!  This is a fun community; you will be glad you joined.

And I, of course, neglected to introduce myself when I joined.  :(

My name is Chris, I am 29, and I live in Kenosha, Wisconsin.   I am currently a bank manager, but I am planning a new career path in Special Education, and I am expecting to have a job in education next fall.

Between the ages of 10 - 16, I had a group of friends that regularly played just about every RPG we could get our hands on: DnD, Shadowrun, GURPS, Rifts(ugh..), Battletech, Vampire, and so on.  I am pretty confident we played everything wrong, but it was still fun.

We stopped gaming for various reasons, but when I was in college I was able to play a few games of Call of Cthulhu.  Then I went into a period of almost 8 years where I did not game at all.

Last Christmas, my wife bought me an iPod, and I decided to load it with some podcasts to listen to while I excercised.  I came upon Critical Hit, which reminded me of all the things I did NOT like about gaming (hours of endless crunchy combat, awkward in character social interaction..) and I was nearly scared off from the hobby.

Luckily, I also downloaded an episode RPPR and an RPPR AP to try out.  I immediately subscribed to both because they reminded me of all the things I LOVED about gaming (the sense of play, the creative group storytelling, the wonderful social interaction).  I have gone headfirst back into gaming to catch up for the time I have missed.

RPPR brought me back to the hobby, which is why I am here today!  :D
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 12:24:11 PM by PaulyMuttonchops »


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #308 on: February 22, 2014, 04:57:10 AM »
Long time listener (since the early 'teens if not earlier), first time poster!
I'm Alex, 31 year old from the North of England, been into RPG's since I was 13 or so, but only properly started playing in the past few years. Sadly life tm is preventing me from doing all that much playing at the moment, so I'm trying to spread my wings into PbP and usually falling flat!

Anyway thought I'd introduce myself, love the show, even if I'm not that up to date on it!


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #309 on: February 22, 2014, 12:08:27 PM »
PbP games take a lot of time and energy - google hangout/skype games might be easier for you since they're in real time as opposed to requiring a lot of time to write out posts.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #310 on: February 25, 2014, 08:19:19 PM »
I recently realized that I've been on the forums for over a year now and have yet to introduce myself, so let me rectify that mistake.

Hi! I'm Noah, I'm 25 and from North Carolina. I've been playing tabletop RPGs since 2008 when D&D 4th ed. came out. Since then I've quickly broadened my dice rolling horizons to stuff like CoC, Shadowrun 4, Eclipse Phase, Warhammer Fantasy, Deadlands, and a bunch of others. My first introduction to RPPR was a few AP games my GM said I should give a listen back in 2010-ish. Since then I've started listening regularly to both shows and I love it!

I'm actually on a mostly Actual Play podcast myself called A Fistful of Misanthropes, if anybody feels like checking it out. We've played all of Caleb's No Security scenarios and greatly enjoyed them! Just one minor warning, we get kinda NSFW at times and tend to get distracted pretty easily, so apologies there. One final plug, I guess, I'm also on twitter as @kamenotaku for those of y'all who are into that. I don't tweet very often by myself and mainly just reply to folks. Still, we can have some nice ~140 character chats!

Anyway! Thanks to Ross and all the RPPR guys, you all provide me hours upon hours of RPG entertainment and knowledge, and it really helps during the work week! Thanks again and see y'all 'round!


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« Reply #311 on: March 26, 2014, 01:39:48 PM »
Hello folks. This would be my first foray into the forums of anything, ever, so that's fun. I really don't know what to say, so I guess I'll go into a bit about me?
I've been around gaming, most of my life, my dad was a 1st ed dnd DM for as long as I could recall. Uh let's see. I probably got into it, 5 years ago? I started with Star Wars d20. Since then I've been part of my dads group, which has changed to include my great uncle, a buddy we met at a local con, and we just lost someone to a move. My first game I ran as a gm was savage worlds, in which I butchered the hell out of the initiative because I was lazy. Then I got comfy with that, ran a few games. Then I discovered my love for Cthulhu gaming wise. Who isn't a fan of lovecraft? I'm not wholly experienced as much as the rest of my group in terms of being a gm, but I've got tons of ideas and now the time to write them all down and horrify the group. Going to try base raiders next. Good luck me? I'll try and start posting some of my more successful one shots as scenarios for you guys to use. Anyways, now that's over with, what's next?

My name is Josh. Not Steve. Definitely not Steve Carlsberg.

I started listening to RPPR probably 3 years ago and have listened to everything at least once. I keep a steady stream of campaigns on my phone as, at my job, I listen to music and what not all night. So you guys have been filling my ear holes with this amazingness for a good while now. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this thing. It truly has been some of the best laughs I've ever had, and I'll continue to be an willing guinea pig for whatever Ross cooks up, I'll fall into the hands of whatever deathtrap Caleb sets down, I will even play victim to whatever Aaron lures us into, and I'll run screaming from whatever monster Tom throws at us like a kindergarden food fight, with a smile on my face. Or not. You guys are the best. Or maybe the worst. Not sure. Probably both. :D
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 01:47:45 PM by Jlcthulhoid »


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #312 on: March 26, 2014, 07:56:36 PM »
Hello folks. This would be my first foray into the forums of anything, ever, so that's fun. I really don't know what to say, so I guess I'll go into a bit about me?
I've been around gaming, most of my life, my dad was a 1st ed dnd DM for as long as I could recall. Uh let's see. I probably got into it, 5 years ago? I started with Star Wars d20. Since then I've been part of my dads group, which has changed to include my great uncle, a buddy we met at a local con, and we just lost someone to a move. My first game I ran as a gm was savage worlds, in which I butchered the hell out of the initiative because I was lazy. Then I got comfy with that, ran a few games. Then I discovered my love for Cthulhu gaming wise. Who isn't a fan of lovecraft? I'm not wholly experienced as much as the rest of my group in terms of being a gm, but I've got tons of ideas and now the time to write them all down and horrify the group. Going to try base raiders next. Good luck me? I'll try and start posting some of my more successful one shots as scenarios for you guys to use. Anyways, now that's over with, what's next?

My name is Josh. Not Steve. Definitely not Steve Carlsberg.

I started listening to RPPR probably 3 years ago and have listened to everything at least once. I keep a steady stream of campaigns on my phone as, at my job, I listen to music and what not all night. So you guys have been filling my ear holes with this amazingness for a good while now. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this thing. It truly has been some of the best laughs I've ever had, and I'll continue to be an willing guinea pig for whatever Ross cooks up, I'll fall into the hands of whatever deathtrap Caleb sets down, I will even play victim to whatever Aaron lures us into, and I'll run screaming from whatever monster Tom throws at us like a kindergarden food fight, with a smile on my face. Or not. You guys are the best. Or maybe the worst. Not sure. Probably both. :D

What's up with this jerk?  I say we make death threats....

(JK, saw your FB post, so had to poke some fun)

Welcome!  Hope you enjoy your stay!


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #313 on: March 26, 2014, 08:47:50 PM »

Hello folks. This would be my first foray into the forums of anything, ever, so that's fun. I really don't know what to say, so I guess I'll go into a bit about me?
I've been around gaming, most of my life, my dad was a 1st ed dnd DM for as long as I could recall. Uh let's see. I probably got into it, 5 years ago? I started with Star Wars d20. Since then I've been part of my dads group, which has changed to include my great uncle, a buddy we met at a local con, and we just lost someone to a move. My first game I ran as a gm was savage worlds, in which I butchered the hell out of the initiative because I was lazy. Then I got comfy with that, ran a few games. Then I discovered my love for Cthulhu gaming wise. Who isn't a fan of lovecraft? I'm not wholly experienced as much as the rest of my group in terms of being a gm, but I've got tons of ideas and now the time to write them all down and horrify the group. Going to try base raiders next. Good luck me? I'll try and start posting some of my more successful one shots as scenarios for you guys to use. Anyways, now that's over with, what's next?

My name is Josh. Not Steve. Definitely not Steve Carlsberg.

I started listening to RPPR probably 3 years ago and have listened to everything at least once. I keep a steady stream of campaigns on my phone as, at my job, I listen to music and what not all night. So you guys have been filling my ear holes with this amazingness for a good while now. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this thing. It truly has been some of the best laughs I've ever had, and I'll continue to be an willing guinea pig for whatever Ross cooks up, I'll fall into the hands of whatever deathtrap Caleb sets down, I will even play victim to whatever Aaron lures us into, and I'll run screaming from whatever monster Tom throws at us like a kindergarden food fight, with a smile on my face. Or not. You guys are the best. Or maybe the worst. Not sure. Probably both. :D

What's up with this jerk?  I say we make death threats....

(JK, saw your FB post, so had to poke some fun)

Welcome!  Hope you enjoy your stay!

See? This is the kind of abuse I wanted to avoid.
Thanks! As long as Ross keeps his death gazes away from me, I think I'll be ok. Hopefully.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #314 on: March 26, 2014, 08:55:35 PM »