Hello the forum.
Bill here.
That Bill, yes.
Been ghosting since the new forums went up, got tired of making Dan be my occasional forum puppet.
Decided I needed to make myself known before a whole year got by me.
Things worth knowing:
Been gaming since sophomore year of college, so 2004. Dan brought me into the fold with Star Wars d20, back when many of us lived in Scholars Hall @ MSU.
Neti are a fun race
Declarative sentences are declarative.
Met Ross (and Patrick) via Matt Howell (Orphan Bane, Matt-in-the-Hat Irl) junior year via a late winter break one-shot (Twilight 2000, IIRC). Collided a few times since, then left town for a couple of years. Came back, moved in w/ Dan (hurray low rent), played some 4e, got yelled at by Mike, ran my own game (this sentence is not chronological), let that game die in a pile of 'meh.' because I was tired of being unemployed, got a job that mostly keeps me out of gaming.
Hoping to correct that last bit soon.
True story: I can't listen to any actual play I'm in for more than about ten minutes before I get the Jibblies. It's not the whole voice-minus-skull-resonance thing, that I can handle, but I just can't be entertained by them. Things that are funny at the time, or are great from other people, just turn dumb when I know it's me.
Other true story: I haven't ever been an active, frequently-posting member of a forum before, but I'm trying to get comfortable writing by just doing more of it, so maybe you'll be seeing more of me around these here parts.