Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. Visual novel style of game, 4th in the Phoenix Wright series, does some pretty cool things.
But the 3rd case drives me absolutely nuts, as there's a plot-hole large enough to drive a behemoth through, and it's one the characters all call attention to.
'The victim was killed with a .45 caliber revolver! This gun puts so much strain on the shooter, it could dislocate an untrained person's shoulder!'
The suspect: A 14 year old, frail pianist boy who weighs 120 pounds tops, if soaking wet and inside a wet denim bag.
First off, they could tell if he fired it just by looking at his HANDS which would be bruised and yadda yadda. Not to mention 'how did he get the gun from the six foot seven three hundred pound monster of a bodyguard' in the first place. Or many other things that just don't work. >=[
Oh, speaking of Champions. I loved it. Was my first MMO, even. Got my bad-ass catgirl gunslinger to level 40, went 'yeah, ok, I'm done', and quit. Fun times, especially the zombie apocalypse PVP matches.