Author Topic: What Vidja games are you playing?  (Read 1298475 times)

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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #645 on: March 16, 2012, 02:54:50 AM »
Sounds like it may not be the true ending. They seem to have just wanted to get us talking, and have a little extra time to work on the game. You have to bare in mind, the early leaks screwed things up a bit. I love the game, and (blasphemy?) Liked the idea of the ending, I actually got up and slowly clap and complimented Bioware for having the Balls to pull a stunt like this, It was a very interesting developement. I hope The Truth DLC rumor ends up being true, but the idea of Trans-humanism could be cool too.
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #646 on: March 16, 2012, 01:26:08 PM »
In the interest of not spoiling the game for any who haven't beaten it, I'm going to stick this all in spoiler blocks.

[spoiler]I'm curious. What precisely did you like about the ending?

I, personally, felt like it amounted to a kick between the legs, as it did a complete 180 from everything the series has done, and not in a good way; the entire journey (all ninety hours of it over the series, good god)'s triumphs and failures utterly negated and rendered moot by the last 10 minutes.

Especially when the last 10 minutes has 3 choices. Red explosion, blue explosion, green explosion.

While I can understand BioWare not wanting to go with a default 'Shepard comes down from the Crucible-Citadel and falls unconcious, gets picked up by the medics and recovers and lives like a godqueen/king for the rest of her/his life' ending, did they really have to do it by having all the Mass Relays destroyed? Keep in mind, when a Mass Relay is destroyed, it erupts with the force of a supernova.

This is enough to destroy entire solar systems. Easily. So now everyone dies. Again. Making the entire journey completely pointless, and rendering all of BioWare's spiel about how 'your choices matter!' when in the end, not a single one of them amounts to ANYTHING.

I typically don't get uppity about video game endings, because endings are almost always crappy, but they're usually crappy in the right direction. This however, is not. No closure, no sense of satisfaction. Just a lingering soreness in the pants due to the kick betwixt the legs.

While it COULD be rationalized as 'Shepard hallucinating whilst KO'd due to Indoctrination', at this point, that would be straight-up bullshit, and wouldn't really help matters.  [/spoiler]
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #647 on: March 17, 2012, 12:05:25 AM »
This is in reply to Moondogs last reply. It has mass effect 3 spoilers.

[spoiler]I don't know what to say, I was given three choices that all ended with me not seeing my romantic interest and so I chose the option that didn't result in the Geth or EDI, whom all trusted my character with their lives, dying and broke the cycle of the reapers. I figured the reapers couldn't be controlled with that option and the synthesis ending seemed more appealing, at least as far as I saw it. Seeing joker and EDI happy was a cool ending even though my character was likely dead and had left Liara alone and possibly with child. (I assume that's what the final romance sequence with her was all about). I also dug the idea of the galaxy becoming half synthetic/half organic, i think that more attributes to listening to the eclipse phase actual plays I've been listening to lately. XD

As for the concept of the mass relays being destroyed and destroying everything, I can only draw a personal conclusion that the energies that power them were just used for dispersal of that crucible energy and it has a different affect than when a asteroid crashes into one. I was thrown off by the ending and confused for a bit, but for some reason I wasn't Raging about it or all that disappointed, I liked the twist?

And then i saw the rumors cycling around about The Truth DLC the next day and replayed a separate ending where my character destroyed the reapers, because the info I saw for why it was a hallucination made a lot of sense to me. I can understand people feeling betrayed by bioware, I just dont feel about it though, I see the cup as half full?[/spoiler]

That's my personal opinion anyway.
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #648 on: March 17, 2012, 01:47:46 AM »
Fair enough.

I still think it utterly invalidates literally everything the series has stood for, but I can see where you're coming from, too.
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #649 on: March 18, 2012, 06:30:16 PM »
I agree with everything that is being/ has been/ will be said...



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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #650 on: March 20, 2012, 05:52:56 PM »
Im finding Mass Effect 3 pretty damn annoying.

a. no support for 360 gamepad on the PC
b. which ok fine, youre on the PC, meaning you have the keyboard and a crap-ton of buttons allowing for more complex and accurate controls...except the fucking space bar is set up to do everything, running, dodging, using items, cover, etc etc. So if its just treating the damn keyboard like a gamepad, why did I bother moving this to my main monitor so I could use the keyboard and mouse again?
c. autosave is shite, just went through a bunch of conversations, unlocked one of the playable characters and left the level...should be at least some kind of milestone, so why, when the power cut out 30 seconds later did I have to go back and do all that shit over again?
d. holy crap movement is slow and clunky, its annoying just to walk anywhere
e. scanning planets is straight up retarded, how come when I start scanning a stupid thing it decides to slow my mouse down to practically nothing, and when I get to the edge of the planet, it doesn't rotate it when I hold it, so I have to keep nudging the fucker going the whole length of my mousepad to a very small increment of scrolling. Its either that or stop scanning, move it when the mouse is actually at the speed it should be, and then start scanning again, not annoying or anything...
f. why the fuck does it always drop you after a mission in the fucking bowels of the Normandy, where you ahve to go through 2 pretty much empty rooms and THEN a security scanner you have to practically crawl through as you stand ass still for a few seconds just to get to the part of the ship where you can do anything.
g. the graphics suck, the graphics shouldn't suck this much. Not necessarily how it looks, but textures keep flashing occasionally, stuff pops in, and using the presets for the face on Shepard her fucking eyeball pushes through her face. And everyone moves all weird.
h. why the hell cant I pause cutscenes? did they think people would be so god damned enraptured with their story that all other factors of life will just fall by the wayside? That noone would dare interrupt you, or the phone ring, or anything?
i. just a bunch of little stuff.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #651 on: March 20, 2012, 06:10:48 PM »

I'm playing Sword of the Stars 2! I haven't run into any bugs so far but it lacks a tutorial and the instruction manual is sort of vague. Also thinking about a Let's Play series but can't decide on a game. Opinions?
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #652 on: March 20, 2012, 07:54:12 PM »
I just beat Rochard

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Fun little game!


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #653 on: March 20, 2012, 10:03:15 PM »

I'm playing Sword of the Stars 2! I haven't run into any bugs so far but it lacks a tutorial and the instruction manual is sort of vague.

I bought that game during Steam's winter sale, haven't gotten around to playing it. Looks fun though.

Also thinking about a Let's Play series but can't decide on a game. Opinions?

Pick a game that you are very knowledgeable about.

Don't do what people who try to be internet celebrities do and start a blind run of the game. Not only will you have no interesting commentary, but if you get stuck in the game you will bore your audience. If you can get a friend to comment on the game alongside you, all the better.

For reference, check out the LPs by supergreatfriend and Chip & Ironicus.

(Of course, this is my personal opinion on the matter, so take that as you will.)


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #654 on: March 20, 2012, 10:04:54 PM »

I'm playing Sword of the Stars 2! I haven't run into any bugs so far but it lacks a tutorial and the instruction manual is sort of vague. Also thinking about a Let's Play series but can't decide on a game. Opinions?

Dunno, but if you're ever looking for a co-commentator message me. I've been thinking of doing one myself for a year or two but haven't found a game I'm passionate enough about and good enough at to do it.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #655 on: March 21, 2012, 03:06:43 PM »

Pick a game that you are very knowledgeable about.

Don't do what people who try to be internet celebrities do and start a blind run of the game. Not only will you have no interesting commentary, but if you get stuck in the game you will bore your audience. If you can get a friend to comment on the game alongside you, all the better.

For reference, check out the LPs by supergreatfriend and Chip & Ironicus.

(Of course, this is my personal opinion on the matter, so take that as you will.)

Maybe not the best example but I have been hooked on following The Yogscast, Yogscast2 and Robbaz lately.

Edit- Oh and Totalbiscuit

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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #656 on: March 21, 2012, 04:24:10 PM »
Two Best Friends Play Resident Evil 2 is an excellent example of the above. Picking a game that's fun for you, that you know alot about, and having someone along for the ride that you know will spout entertaining stuff and that you can bounce things off of so your not talking directly to the audience all the time.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #657 on: March 23, 2012, 06:13:29 AM »
Im finding Mass Effect 3 pretty damn annoying.

a. no support for 360 gamepad on the PC
b. which ok fine, youre on the PC, meaning you have the keyboard and a crap-ton of buttons allowing for more complex and accurate controls...except the fucking space bar is set up to do everything, running, dodging, using items, cover, etc etc. So if its just treating the damn keyboard like a gamepad, why did I bother moving this to my main monitor so I could use the keyboard and mouse again?
c. autosave is shite, just went through a bunch of conversations, unlocked one of the playable characters and left the level...should be at least some kind of milestone, so why, when the power cut out 30 seconds later did I have to go back and do all that shit over again?
d. holy crap movement is slow and clunky, its annoying just to walk anywhere
e. scanning planets is straight up retarded, how come when I start scanning a stupid thing it decides to slow my mouse down to practically nothing, and when I get to the edge of the planet, it doesn't rotate it when I hold it, so I have to keep nudging the fucker going the whole length of my mousepad to a very small increment of scrolling. Its either that or stop scanning, move it when the mouse is actually at the speed it should be, and then start scanning again, not annoying or anything...
f. why the fuck does it always drop you after a mission in the fucking bowels of the Normandy, where you ahve to go through 2 pretty much empty rooms and THEN a security scanner you have to practically crawl through as you stand ass still for a few seconds just to get to the part of the ship where you can do anything.
g. the graphics suck, the graphics shouldn't suck this much. Not necessarily how it looks, but textures keep flashing occasionally, stuff pops in, and using the presets for the face on Shepard her fucking eyeball pushes through her face. And everyone moves all weird.
h. why the hell cant I pause cutscenes? did they think people would be so god damned enraptured with their story that all other factors of life will just fall by the wayside? That noone would dare interrupt you, or the phone ring, or anything?
i. just a bunch of little stuff.

Is this Mass Effect 3? And not 2?

Because you don't have to scan planets in Mass Effect 3 for any appreciable amount of time.

Also: Playing a game designed around the XBox on a PC seems like a good way to find a bunch of niggling issues.


It sucks. Because the combat is the worst combat I have ever played. Like even Kengo: Master of Bushido has superior combat. And that game is awful.


If we're talkin' LP's.

Kikoskia.  'nuff said.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 06:24:26 AM by Moondog »
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #658 on: March 24, 2012, 01:17:25 AM »
Yeah, its ME3, and its not that you have to scan them for so long, its just been reduced to busy work. Whats the point? You don't have to hunt for it, you just follow the white line, then it shows up as a giant white dot. And you pretty much only get 1 thing at each planet, why have the scanning in there at all?

I will say this in favor of ME3, even though pretty much everything is mapped to the spacebar it always seems to know exactly what it is I want to do at any given time when I press it, I can tell by the fact that it never does what I want it to the first time, it HAS to be intentional.

On an actual positive, the heavy pistol that shoots the big blue explodey balls is pretty satisfying.  It can clear out several husks or assault troopers at once and gib them nicely. Which is helpful since Shepard trudges around combat like the floor is covered in glue, and she forgot to turn off her mag-boots and is worried her backpack full of neutron star matter will spill if she makes any sudden movements.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #659 on: March 24, 2012, 01:36:57 AM »
Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)