Author Topic: D&D Essentials  (Read 8743 times)


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D&D Essentials
« on: September 24, 2010, 12:40:23 AM »
Has anybody else picked up Heroes of the Fallen Lands yet?

I am glad to see Wizards has finally acknowledged the complexity inherent in their system (granted, 4th edition is a huge improvement from 3/3.5) and provided a stepping stone for those new to D&D or RPGs in general. The class archetypes presented in Heroes are definitely much more straightforward than their predecessors, but still feature that "accumulative complexity" Wizards was aiming for with 4th edition.

Oh, and the feats. OH GOD YES THE FEATS. Actual, in-depth explanation as to what each feat is an abstraction of (and feats as a whole)? No class-specific feats? Expertise feats that do more than "+1 bonus to attack rolls"? Yes, yes, yes.

This seems like the right move for Wizards. People who want to more precisely calibrate their characters can still use the previous three PHBs and "Power" books, while those who want general character archetypes or are learning the game can use the Essentials.

I feel this new product line will attract more players to D&D. Or at least generate interest in RPGs. Either outcome would be a huge victory for all involved, from Wizards employees to us players.
My avatar is Jade Harley from Homestuck. You really should be reading it.

Vega Baby

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Re: D&D Essentials
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2010, 02:26:43 PM »
I've only given the book a short lookover in a book store, I don't really have the cash for a new book right now, and honestly, I don't know how to feel about the new classes.  While the Mage and Warpriest seem fine, the new Martial builds just seem like they'd get boring after a while with no real Encounter or Daily powers.  Also, while the Martial classes essentially get free feats in place of Daily powers, I don't know if a bit more constant reliability replaces those big, game-changing hits properly. 

I agree with you on the feats though.  They're pretty great changes.  And it does look perfect for introducing new players too, which is always a good thing.


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Re: D&D Essentials
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2010, 03:32:01 PM »
My tabletop D&D group features at least two players who can barely remember what their own powers are between sessions, so I think some simplification as an option is worthwhile. I also like the idea of making different roles (Striker) available for the Fighter class, though I know a lot of people think that muddies the conceptual waters too much.

Can't afford it yet, but chances are pick it and/or the Rules Compendium up at some point.

Seejo Crux

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Re: D&D Essentials
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 08:29:59 PM »
Just bought the Heroes of the Fallen Lands and the Rules Compendium. I'm hoping to upload a character made with the former to the sharing station.