Author Topic: Character Sheet Sharing Station  (Read 29569 times)


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Re: Character Sheet Sharing Station
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2010, 03:07:37 AM »
Skype based M&M game you say....

tempt me with mechs and mutants and masterminds you say...
My new goal in life is to play D&D with Judi Dench


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Re: Character Sheet Sharing Station
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2010, 05:40:26 AM »
Made a third.

Code Name: STUKA
Model Name:MVA-6c
Maker: System Technology ink. /  United Martian Coalition
Size: Huge
STR=24 DEX=10 Toughness=+4 Handling mod=-2
Cockpit and Controls: Environmental Seal1, Ejector Seat3
Movement modes: Flight System1
Sensors and Communications : Base Comms5(radio2; Area; Selective ), Base Sensors5 (Blind Sight[radar], Radius[radar]), Profile  Entry (Asteri Argonaut1, Edafos Argonaut1) ,Recording Equipment1
Defense and Countermeasures: Countermeasures1
Targeting System: IFF Transponder1, Target Tracking Interface2
Misc.: Environment Optimization2(Planet Sky)
Weapon System:
Missile Packs: Blast 2 ( Mounted, Explosive , Mounted on Shoulders;Cluser1,Guided,Total Fade;Fades)
Railgun Rifle: Blast 3(Handheld, ballistic ;Accurate;Improved range1, Total fade ;Fades)
Attack +0*, Railgun Rifle+2* ,Grapple(pilots Attack Bonus+15), Damage +7(unarmed), +2(Missile Packs), Defense-4*, Knockback-10,Initative+0
*And pilot corresponding trait.
Hard controls(-4 to defense rolls, -4)
Mech points=44 (Device/Equipment 9)


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Re: Character Sheet Sharing Station
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2010, 05:02:20 AM »
Made some actul characters. Will porbably start the game up soon.

Name: Basic Mook Pilot
“Oh God, Not the face!”
Abilities: STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 12 (+1) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA:10 (+0)
Skills: Climb(1) Computers(5) Craft Electronic(1) Craft Mechanical(1) Intimidate(1) Knowledge Current Events(1) Knowledge Tactics(2) Notice (6) Pilot Mech(6) Sense Motive(2)
Feats: Benefit( Home organization has proved him/her with a Vinci Armor) , Equipment1,
Equipment: Pilot suit(Thoughness+1,immunity to Suffocation, hard pressure, and vacuum)
Combat: Attack +3, Defence+3(1flat footed), Init.+2
 Saves: Toughness (+3/+2*) Fortitude (+1) Reflex (+6) Will (+2)
*without Pilot suit

Name: Rovol “Laser of Rasten”  Antag
“My custom Zero has the power of 300 Zero and 5 Wildcats. Exactly. I did the math.”
Abilities: STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 12 (+1) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA:10 (+0)
Skills: Climb(1) Computers(7) Craft Electronic(5) Craft Mechanical(5) Disable Device(4) Escape artist(4) Intimidate(1) Knowledge Current Events(1) Knowledge Tactics(4) Notice (7) Pilot Mech(7) Sense Motive(2)
Feats: Attack focus(melee),Atractive1,Benefit2( Home organization has proved him/her with a Custom Vinci Armor) , Equipment1,Mecha Dogfighting1, Salvage
Equipment: Pilot suit(Thoughness+1,immunity to Suffocation, hard pressure, and vacuum)
Combat: Attack +3(ranged),+4 (melee) , Defence+3(1flat footed), Init.+2
 Saves: Toughness (+3/+2*) Fortitude (+1) Reflex (+8) Will (+2)
*without Pilot suit

Mech Name: Rovol ZERO custom
Model Name: N/A
Maker: unknown
Size: Huge
STR=26  DEX=10  Toughness=+4 Handling Mod=-2
Cockpit and Controls: Environmental Seal1, Precise handling1
Movement modes: Flight System4, Zero-G Thrusters1
Sensors and Communications : Base Comms5(radio; Area; Selective ), Base Sensors5 (Blind Sight[radar], Radius[radar]) , Recording Equipment1
Defense and Countermeasures: Countermeasures1(radar lock)
Targeting System: IFF Transponder1, Target Tracking Interface1
Misc.: Environment Optimization1(space)
Weapon System:
VA Combat knife: Strike 1( handheld, slashing/stabbing; Might , Penetrating)
Plasma SMG:Blast 4(handheld, plasma; Auotfire Total Fade; Fades)
Attack +3*(ranged), +4*(melee), Grapple+19,Damage +8(unarmed or VA combat knife) Defense +3*, Knockback-10,Initative+2
*Rovol’s stats added
Action(takes 1 minute ,-1)
Mech points=47(Device/Equipment 10)

Flawless P

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Re: Character Sheet Sharing Station
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2010, 07:05:39 PM »
       This is one of my all time favorite characters, I made him for a one or two shot game in which two parties grouped together and tried to loot Undermountain.

        I was human when the ordeal started, I was player killed by the other Rogue in the group who was under the influence of an evil intelligent magic item. He killed me and the group quickly fell to pieces. With his characters party shrugging it off like nothing happened, even so far as to say "Daaaaren..." in a completely hokey sitcom way. This lead my party to confront them about it.

        While they argued I was spirited away to the lair of Halaster Blackcloak who in some kind of weird experiment infused Vampire blood into my system, trying out a new immortality experiment of some kind proved to bring me back to life with all the abilities of the vampire template. My job was to kill the entirety of the PC's, which he failed to do, but he ran away and stalks them to this day.
(Story edited for ridiculous length)

Markus Battlin

Rogue 3/Fighter 2/Invisible Blade 3

Neutral Evil Human Vampire
Medium Undead

70 Hp

AC 28(29 with Dodge)

Str 20
Dex 24
Con --
Int 20
Wis 16
Cha 20



2 Keen Kukri +14/+9 or +12/+12/+7 1d4+5 15-20 x2(+4d6 Sneak Attack)

Armor Class Bonuses
+2 Chain Shirt AC +6  +4 ACP -1 (Not Worn)
+6 Natural Armor for being a Vampire
+5 From Intelligence Bonus for being and Invisible Blade with no Armor\
+7 From Dexterity
+1 From Dodge

Vampire Powers

1 Weapon Focus Kukri
H Point Blank Shot
3 Two Weapon Fighting
6 Telling Blow
F1 Weapon Finesse
F2 Combat Expertise
V Alertness
V Combat Reflexes
V Dodge
V Improved Initiative
V Lightning Reflexes
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
If you can't fix it with duck tape you haven't used enough.
I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

Seejo Crux

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Re: Character Sheet Sharing Station
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2010, 10:33:59 PM »
Made this guy using Heroes of the Fallen Lands. Pretty damn tough for a starter.

Hadagal the Brave

RACE: Human
CLASS: Knight


// The book offers three choices for scores. A "Balanced" set, a "Dual Specialist" set, and the choice used here, the "Specialist" set.
// There's a blurb saying the DM can let you use normal point-buy rules if you like.

SURGE VALUE: 10 (base 7, +3 from Swift Recovery)


SPEED: 5  (6 + Armor Penalty)

 * Longsword    +9 (+5 Ability, +1 Weapon Talent, +3 Proficiency)
 * Javelin          +8 (+5 Ability, +1 Weapon Talent, +2 Proficiency)

 * Armor Class   20 (Base, +8 Armor, +2 Shield)
 * Fortitude       18 (Base, +5 Ability, +1 Race, +2 Class)
 * Reflex           13 (Base, +0 Ability, +1 Race, +2 Shield)
 * Willpower      11 (Base, +0 Ability, +1 Race)

LANGUAGES: Common, Elven

SKILLS (Trained; includes Human bonus skill)
 * Athletics        +9 (Strength)
 * Diplomacy     +5 (Charisma)
 * Endurance     +7 (Constitution)
 * Intimidate     +5 (Charisma)

FEATS (includes Human bonus feat)
 * Swift Recovery (+3 bonus to your healing surge value)
 * Armor Finesse (ignore the check penalty for wearing armor)

 * 5 gp
 * Plate Armor
 * Heavy Shield
 * Longsword
 * Javelin
 * Adventurer's Kit

 * Weapon Talent (+1 bonus to attack rolls with weapon attacks)
 * Shield Finesse (ignore the check penalty for wearing a shield)

 * Defender Aura (Minor/At-Will; Aura, Personal)
      While in this Aura, any unmarked enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls when it makes an attack that doesn't target you or another ally who has Defender Aura.

 * Battle Guardian (Opportunity/At-Will; Martial, Personal)
      TRIGGER: An enemy subject to your Defender Aura either shifts or makes an attack that doesn't target you or another ally who has Defender Aura.
      EFFECT: You make a basic melee attack against the triggering enemy. If the attack misses, the enemy still takes damage equal to your Strength modifier.

 // Fighter Stances (choose two)

 * Defend the Line (Minor/At-Will; Martial, Stance)
      Until the stance ends, whenever you hit an enemy with a melee basic attack using a weapon, that enemy is slowed until the end of your next turn.

 * Measured Cut (Minor/At-Will; Martial, Stance)
      Until the stance ends, whenever you hit an enemy with a melee basic attack using a weapon, you can shift 1 square as a free action.

 // Encounter Powers
 // Heroic Effort seems to replace the free At-Will power that humans usually get.

 * Heroic Effort (No Action/Encounter; Human Racial Utility, Personal)
      TRIGGER: You miss with an attack or fail a saving throw.
      EFFECT: You gain a +4 racial bonus to the attack roll or saving throw.

 * Power Strike (Free/Encounter; Martial, Personal, Weapon)
      TRIGGER: You hit an enemy with a melee basic attack using a weapon.
      EFFECT: The enemy you hit takes 1[W] extra damage. (This damage increases at Level 17 and Level 27.)

Flawless P

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Re: Character Sheet Sharing Station
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2010, 12:57:50 PM »
This is a 3.5 version of the Dragonborn from the Races of Dragon, so he had to be reborn as a Dragonborn. He is supposed to be a cleric of Mystra. Becoming a Dragonborn usually requires dedication and worship to Bahamut, but in the campaign he was played Mystra made a deal with Bahamut to hide Magnus from the Sharans who were after him.

Ryshek Vosk
Formerly Human (Magnus Logos)
Dragonborn Monk 2/Cleric 5/ Sacred Fist 10/ Prestige Paladin 3

Str 17
Dex 16
Con 20
Int  14
Wis 18
Cha 16

BAB +17/+12/+7

Unarmed Strike +25/+20/+15 2d8+8 x2 (+2d6 against Chaotic, +2d6 against evil)

+5 Amulet of Natural Attacks

Ghost, Touch, Holy, Mettaline, Axiomatic

Ring of Protection +5

Ring of Natural Armor +5

Bracers of Armor +8

Monks Belt

Heart Aspect 6d8 Reflex Save for half DC 28 1d4 30 ft Line or 30 ft. Cone

M1 Stunning Fist
M2 Combat Reflexes
1 Recover Breath
2 Combat Casting
3 Shape Breath
9 Clinging Breath
12 Mounted Combat
15 Lingering Breath
18 Spreading Breath


Knowledge Religon 12

Knowledge Nobility and Royalty 2

Ride 4

Concentration 23

Balance 8

Listen 15

Spot 15

Spellcraft 10

Swim 10

Tumble 13
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
If you can't fix it with duck tape you haven't used enough.
I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.