Author Topic: Microfiction Thread  (Read 19320 times)


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Re: Microfiction Thread
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2010, 07:50:24 PM »
The vital fluid is strangely warm to the touch of my fingers
Clinging to the skin like reunited lovers
Hateful curiosity forces my hand and I taste that awful water
Sweetness fills my stomach as I foolishly drink my fill
I choke upon my hunger, stomach gurgling in eager anticipation
The dark thirst threatening to drown a forever parched throat
Sinful etchings of cascading desire blind my lusting eyes
I feel myself fade away, lost to basest emotion
At the height of passion, a beast wears my skin
A blind slave to the waves of reluctant sensation
Forgotten is the shame of sickening addiction
Only the taste of vitae, dancing across my tongue like an idol of seduction
Life is crippled by eternally degenerative urges
Existence narrowing to a single blur of perception
All I have left is the hunger, gnawing always at the edge of my mind
Even now I feel it calling to me, begging for sickly sweet succor
Shedding the skin in sanguinous epicure
The subject of my epitaph lies prostrate before me
The thirst seethes like scorching flame through my flesh
I taste fear on her lips and it pleases me
Liquid crimson paints innocent alabaster
The lust bubbles and dies, laying placated
Lips are stained ruby, still sweet as the thirst sleeps
I know my fatal appetite will only grow stronger
The body is cold, eyes glassy and dull
Breasts no longer heaving under the gentle sway of her breath
I cry and urge her to awake, but the chill of her skin freezes me
I want to cry, but no emotion stirs beneath my facade of humanity
I killed her, as I now know I had intended all along
Drained of every last drop of her life for the sake of my delicious orgy
She lies so still beside me, so deathly still
I close my eyes and try to sleep, to reach blissful oblivion
But I cannot hide from the revelations that savage my mind
Soul-numbing truths sweeping my sanity aside
And sickeningly I know, beyond the charitable wall of doubt
That I am the architect of my appetites
"When you realise that humanity is a dead end, the only way out is to stop being human."