Nope. If I had to venture a guess it is a reaction to the huge drop in subscriptions to DDI over the last few months. The common reasons are: 1) Delayed updates to the offline CB. 2) Moving the CB to online-only, after promising Dark Sun updates to the offline CB, and never delivering. 3) Never updating the Adventure tools or updating the Monster tools to support MM3 monster design. 4) Sudden drop in quality in the Dungeon and Dragon articles (It has shifted to more fluff, less crunch, and I have yet to be impressed with the fluff) and 5) No Online Tabletop.
For the time being, 1 and 2 are not going to change any time soon, 3 is supposedly "in the works," and 5 is in beta for the moment, and DDI subscribers get preferential placement in the beta as they open up more slots.
As for #4, when I logged on to claim my session keys, I was prompted to take a survey about Dungeon and Dragon.
Also, the VT is being done in Java, not .Net or Silverlight like the other tools. If the Online CB goes to a platform that can run on an iPad, oh dear lord, imagine the possibilities.