Author Topic: New GM: PLEASE HELP!  (Read 12205 times)


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« on: December 01, 2010, 09:56:37 PM »
So I've been interested in Tabletop RPGs for a while now (mostly due to the RPPR Actual Play podcast) and I've gotten a group of my similarly interested friends together.  The problem is, they want me to GM!  Now, I'm fine with this, I'm just a bit lost.  What System should I start with?  How long should the session go on?  Any first time GM tips?

A little background: the group is all either acting or film majors, so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like the whole standard dungeon crawl.  Also, there's a game shop near the college, so I'll be able to get pretty much any system you guys suggest.

Thanks in advance!


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« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 10:01:07 PM »
Do you want to play fantasy, horror, or what?

I would suggest getting a copy of the COC mainbook and playing through some of the pregenerated scenarios in it. They are pretty straightforward investigation games that you can easily adapt and change.
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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 10:14:55 PM »
I'm not one of the guys from the podcast, but I have a suggestion.

In my opinion there are really two kinds of games. You have games that are pretty much 100 percent role-playing, and there are games that have a battlemap/board game element. Don't forget that even in traditional "dungeon crawl" D&D, you (the GM) can flesh out the NPCs with your own acting. This can take a traditional battle-map D&D campaign into something more creative.

The first thing that I think that you should decide is what blend of roleplaying vs. board game element that you and your players would like. If you're a bit intimidated by the "film major" side of your group and don't feel comfortable yet with creating plots, building characters/npcs, and navigating life as a DM altogether, then I would suggest finding a system with a lot of printed modules, handouts, and pre-designed campaigns. Just because you didn't write them doesn't mean that they're any less good. TRUST me. I'm prrrrrrrretty sure Ross and the RPPR crowd will have a few SUGGESTIONS on modules.

Some good systems with pre-designed campagins are:
 - Dungeons and Dragons (modules galore!)
 - Call of Cthulhu (some homemade modules are free all across the internet. Others are very affordable. I would suggest some of these to start the group off due to the number of one or two-shot modules that will get your group used to the games).
 - World of Darkness (lots of module support, but not many of the modules you'll find are free)
 - I heard a rumor that SOMEONE involved with RPPR writes modules. cough. cough. (D&D/Monsters and Other Childish Things)
 - Many, many more. If a game interests you, I would suggest looking to see if there are printed modules to give you a little kick in the ass to get into the swing of things.

(pause as I complain about the Wild scoring a goal on the Phoenix Coyotes)

Also, when in doubt...STEAL. What I mean by this, is that not too many actual movies/books are one hundred percent original ideas. Star Wars itself is a mix of Arthurian legend, Akira Kurosawa Samurai movies, and other assorted influences. Think of stuff that you're REALLY into and draw your influences in your story from there. Just make sure to use your sources as an influence and not a copy. Your characters will know if you're simply re-creating Blade Runner or Showgirls. A good example is that you can totally recreate the feel and drama of the attack on Echo base on Hoth in "The Empire Strikes Back", but done in a zombie survival RPG like "All Flesh Must Be Eaten". The heroes could be the entrenched Rebel Alliance and the murderous gang of outlaws attacking your hideout/supply cache could take the role of the Empire.

Lastly, remember, you're not writing a book or a movie, you're just presenting your gaming table with an evening/campaign of fun. Don't take yourself too seriously and don't let being a GM feel like you're doing a job. You're walking them through a story, and you're the storyteller lording over the campfire :)
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« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2010, 10:24:23 PM »
I would imagine Call of Cthulhu would go over best if your players are interested in the story aspect.  However, I think it does take a bit more skill to run than dungeon diving DnD.  But, with a new GM and all new players, likely any system is would have a rocky start, so I'd say go for it.  As Seth said as well, it has everything you need in one book, so if it doesn't work out with your group, you haven't lost a lot of money (like say with DnD)...


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« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2010, 10:32:55 PM » covers this topic specifically

As for system - pick one that you can get familiar with and learn quickly.

You could try the Call of Cthulhu Quickstart rules for free

If that doesn't work or if you want something in a different genre - I can give you more suggestions. Just let me know.

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« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2010, 02:54:34 PM » covers this topic specifically

As for system - pick one that you can get familiar with and learn quickly.

You could try the Call of Cthulhu Quickstart rules for free

If that doesn't work or if you want something in a different genre - I can give you more suggestions. Just let me know.

That pod cast was my first RPPR Episode ever and I loved it I have listened to it a few times since then, and well my personal style for GMing hasnt changed to much but I do work more smoothly now. I tend to make up a lot of things on the fly. Me and some of my buddies were comparing DM styles and I got a pretty nice complement about my NPC's always being interesting and knowing what they are going to say and do. Apprently my combat is a little weak but to be truthful I have pulled my punches ever since I nearly TPK'd them last year when I got sick of them curbstomping the enemies.

tl;dr Find a good ratio between improv and preperation(most people lean more towards one than the other) and know what they expect from the game in advance, combat is more important to some than it is to others.
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« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2010, 01:07:15 PM »
I myself am a new DM after a long break from PnP that lasted throughout highschool. (Long time RPPR lurker.)

I had originally found the group playing 4E. The DM they had was a fairly nice guy, but seemed to know nothing about the game. He also insisted on using an old school fumble and crit charts that screws over half the party (3 players are multi-hit attacks. An invoker, wizard, and sorcerer. I was lucky to pick up Avenger). Combat--that seems to be mostly made of random encounters--gets bogged down fast.

So the moment he didn't show up for a session I quickly took the reigns. I had even bought Tides of Doom and was holding it to use just for the occasion! It went wonderfully as a creepy dungeon dive readjusted to level 8. In fact it even took a hilarious twist when they all agreed to help Sebastian and rid the town of the harvesters, thus setting a Lovecraftian horror on the country side.


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« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2010, 10:03:52 PM »
If I remember correctly there's a Innsmouth-esque 4e module.....

Honestly, if you're new I would say 4e or MAOCT.

4e is very straight foward and quick to pick up.   I'd recommend picking up a few modules and run those till you're comfortable.   

MoAOCT is another great starting system.  With a one die engine and child-like setting, its easy to get into and runs fairly smoothly.   What we do is you run your kid and the monster of the person sitting next to you so the RP really takes off.     

I would avoid CoC at first just because the mechnaics can be kind of complex.   

Steer clear of 3.5 and Pathfinder at all costs for a long time.

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« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2010, 09:46:32 PM »
If I remember correctly there's a Innsmouth-esque 4e module.....

Honestly, if you're new I would say 4e or MAOCT.

4e is very straight foward and quick to pick up.   I'd recommend picking up a few modules and run those till you're comfortable.   

MoAOCT is another great starting system.  With a one die engine and child-like setting, its easy to get into and runs fairly smoothly.   What we do is you run your kid and the monster of the person sitting next to you so the RP really takes off.     

I would avoid CoC at first just because the mechnaics can be kind of complex.   

Steer clear of 3.5 and Pathfinder at all costs for a long time.

I second that emotion. Not for the same reasons though.

4E because its harder to screw up and easier to game. Combat takes about an hour so if you are ever having trouble dealing with some players  you can just lob some goons at 'em.  And i think RPPR episode 21:So you want to create a campaign is a good one to listen too.

The first time I GMed I pulled 90% of the game out of my ass, but I had a great handle on the game RULES it was old world of darkness.
In the first game I played I just had fun eating beef jerky (it was DnD).

Run a published module, there is nothing wrong with that. And as always you can change things. My group is a bunch of racist assholes and my girlfriend First Time GMed with us Shadowfel Keep and turned it into Shadowfellas...

We had fun even though she tried to kill us, luckily she stuck with the pre-printed encounters so only two of us had to make death saving throws.

Once you get a module under your belt you should be able to figure out what worked and what didn't. Asking your players to tell you what they liked and didn't like will help immensely. If the don't tell you after the session, ask them during lunch or whatever sort of non gaming event.

The reason I support going for MAOCT or 4E for a first timer is that the stories that flow from those games are more accessible. "okay this mayor wants me to kill goblins that are bothering towns people. I get it." or "this bully is threatening my friends. I get it.''

RATHER than in CoC, "This person I'VE NEVER met wants me to do what again?"

and they have a wonderful Red Box for 4E out now that is supposedly everything you need.  Oh another tip for a first timer, bring extra dice and pencils.

I hope this helps.
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