Author Topic: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table  (Read 12155 times)

Tadanori Oyama

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The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« on: December 10, 2010, 06:13:40 PM »
With christmas coming up I figured this was a good time to consider a horror element of roleplaying.

Tension and fear at the gaming table takes work, as Ross and Tom have always reminded us. So, what's the scared-est you've ever been around the table? Or for GMs, when your players where most afraid.

I've had two games where my players showed fear:

1) A Call of Cthulhu game when they discovered a descending pit with random foul smelling liquids rolling into it from around them as they climbed lower.

and 2) Esoterrorists. This was a good one because it was drawn out, eased off, and hit them again with more or less no effort on my part. They've discovered a pattern to a series of deaths and have no answers. They've only met one survivor and he killed himself out of fear before they could actually talk to him. Then they discovered what the thought the monster was and staged a plan to lure it out. The plan failed because they got the wrong place to stake out and when they checked the paper the next day, another person was dead and they realized they where not only chasing a cold trail but that the thing was making a pretty straight path towards the city that several of the characters (and their families) lived in.


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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2010, 06:45:28 PM »
The Night of the Squashed Cat has some of the best horror elements I've experienced in a game. Particularly the moments when the cat, that we had not seen, brushed against our legs.
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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2010, 03:17:15 AM »
Most anytime a Mythos beastie showsup my players get freaked.
They always ask for a picture so they can't be scared.

But from our most recent game, Masks of Nyarlathotep session 14... [spoiler] 1) A player staged an assault on the Clive expedition and Dynamited the shovel-swingers but didn't count on the actual expedition members carrying handguns. 2)They were trying to figure/get a hold of the Girdle of Nitocris by posting fliers about Cairo to lure Cultists to their hotel room. They were handling things okay but every time the lookouts made their spot hidden rolls I generated another cultist. They got increasingly agitated.  [/spoiler]

But the most scared I've been while at "the table" was at the house of this guy I met off the internet to play DnD with. Random babies, jailbait daughter, constant smoke, bad part of town, and en ex-con. Worst Idea Ever.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2010, 03:41:11 AM »
But the most scared I've been while at "the table" was at the house of this guy I met off the internet to play DnD with. Random babies, jailbait daughter, constant smoke, bad part of town, and en ex-con. Worst Idea Ever.

Never play at someone's house without meeting them first...

Not that I would have experience with that...

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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 05:11:53 PM »
I've never been actually scared at a gaming table, but once during a game of "All Flesh Must Be Eaten", the GM decided he'd show us exactly how the first zombie of the game appeared to our characters (resulting in AFMBE's version of a san check).

He went into the hallway and then all of the sudden he slumped into the main room groaning, swinging his hand around to palm-slap the wall as he started stumbling into the room.

Cool, right?

Well it scared the PISS out of my cat, who clawed one player's leg in an attempt to get away. This caused the player to knock over a can of soda and get soda on the couch. While scrambling to try to stop the soda from falling a dice bag got knocked over, sending dice all over the floor. The resulting SLAP and "OH SHIT" and "OW, MOTHER FUCK!" woke up the baby, who started crying.

It was like a Choasium version of a Rube Goldberg machine.
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Me: (slowly raise eyebrow) "Destroy the Earth? That would be...illogical"
Vortex: "Yes...that...would be...highly...illogical."
Thanos: "Your Star Trek references bore me."


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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2010, 11:28:08 AM »
I think the most scared I have been in a game is more general.  All it takes is a trap happy DM running AD&D and being on point in a dungeon crawl.  Every 10' was a rush of adrenaline as your character did not explode/implode/disintegrate/sex change/teleport/alignment change/...


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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2010, 02:40:02 PM »
/alignment change/...

Hey Vashik, yeaaah, that is TOTALLY not a trapped area. Just go ahead.


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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2010, 10:40:42 PM »
I can't really pinpoint a time where I've been scared as a player (although I played in a Werewolf LARP at a con once where the DM started by tying us up and blindfolding us... freaky much?).  But I have scared the bejeebies out of my players in a good old-fashioned D&D game.

The players had to cross a field.  That's all.  The field was full of goats.  Harmless, right?  But once they'd all climbed over the fence, they realised the goats had stopped their meandering, chewing on grass, and casual bleating.  They were all now staring directly at the party.  Everywhere they went in the field, the goats were staring, silently, watching their every move.  As they pressed on, a single goat stood in their path, and let out a low, gutteral "Baaaaaaaah."  The characters decided to circle around that goat.  That's when one of them got butted in the back.  No damage, just an angry butt.  The character turned around, and there's a goat, silently staring at him.  They keep moving, and another gets butted, followed by the deathly "Baaaaaaaaaaaah."  When they would turn around to see what butted them, they would get backbutted by a different goat.  But every time they turned to see the perpetrator, it would be standing there, silent, or occasionally baaahing with malice.  They broke and fled the field.  It never occurred to them to attack, or do anything really.  The idea of being attacked by goats was too overwhelming.

Good times.


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Re: The Most Scared You've Been at the Table
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2010, 03:11:57 PM »
The most freaked out I've ever been was a game of All Flesh Must be Eaten run by a zombiphobe (unsure of the technical term there).  We were playing ourselves in the small town of Edgerton, Ohio (real place - we all lived there at the time).  After fleeing from the zombies that had appeared around the farmhouse we started in, we made it into town but couldn't abandon our friend (the GM) so headed for his house.  I found debris and his dead mom in the living room.  The friend had hidden in their attic.  After convincing him I wasn't a zombie (because zombies don't sing) we got him down.

I watched the corpse of his mother (whom he had killed, thinking she was a zombie - she hadn't been).

Now, I'd been (in real life) drinking pretty heavily that night because my wife was driving. So, I was pretty into the game. When the GM told me that the dead body of his mother suddenly sat up, I shouted "BOOM!" as I gave her both barrels of the shotgun my character was carrying, destroying her zombie.  It was more unnerving that frightening, but very intense.

When I was running Dust to Dust for Call of Cthulhu, one of the investigators had gone off on his own at the beginning (just before actually) of a session to destroy the vagrant that was still haunting Martin's Beach.  He managed to destroy the thing with the reverse resurrection spell but went mad and started to eat the essential salts.  After cleaning out his mouth with some whiskey, he headed back to Danvers.

I moved behind the players chair and told him he spotted something out of the corner of his eye.  He expected to spot the huge conglomerate beast they'd freed from a local cellar.  I told him what he REALLY saw was a hand, the living, moving remains of the thing he'd just destroyed, on the back of the next seat.
"And it goes for your throat!" I said, grabbing at him.

Both he and the other early player across the table jumpbed and told me later that they had both been startled and scared by the move.