Okay guys, I'm having one of those moments in life where I've got something so huge and important to me possibly coming that I'm wanting to run all over the place and asking people to shake my lucky rabbit's foot/blow on the dice/send positive chi in my direction.
A position that I've been waiting for @ work for two years to have an opening in has just posted an opening. I'm friendly with the guys that work in the department and they're a great bunch of dudes, but more importantly this would be a career defining move and bring in some much needed cash into my household. Most importantly it would give us some breathing room so that my wife could afford to take the pay cut to leave a really crappy job. I've spent the last month studying up on the necessary job info and have spent the last week fine tuning my resume to "know my audience".
I feel like I've got a real shot at getting this one. I'm doing some mock interviews with other management at the office this week and getting a final opinion on my resume before submitting it sometime mid week. Interview would likely be after Xmas sometime.
So if any of y'all are willing, cross your fingers for me or buy a few buckets of chicken for me (chicken voodoo sacrifice, Pedro Cerrano style)?