Author Topic: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation  (Read 25228 times)

Robot Master

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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2011, 08:47:31 PM »
Double post!

What about "Father Peace"?

It's Adolf Hitler from another dimension who has the powers of Superman and is a paragon of virtue, but due to a curse by Loki, the god of mischief, is completely unable to fathom why the people of THIS Earth do not like him. It causes him serious self esteem issues.
Thanos: "I am going to sacrifice the Earth to gain the love of Death"
Me: (slowly raise eyebrow) "Destroy the Earth? That would be...illogical"
Vortex: "Yes...that...would be...highly...illogical."
Thanos: "Your Star Trek references bore me."


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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2011, 08:50:55 PM »
Double post!

What about "Father Peace"?

It's Adolf Hitler from another dimension who has the powers of Superman and is a paragon of virtue, but due to a curse by Loki, the god of mischief, is completely unable to fathom why the people of THIS Earth do not like him. It causes him serious self esteem issues.

Robot Master I less than three you and your amazing brain.
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2011, 10:19:17 PM »
Mr Clean:
Can excrete scrubbing bubbles of justice! capable of making any surface squeaky clean and then some.  Remove the paint from a tank, and then clean the armor out of existence, can irritate and remove skin, call a poison control hotline if ingested.
Can buff floors with his feet as he skates around effortlessly on a cushion of scrubbing bubbles, and can make the ground ultra slick (occasionally teams up with The Custodian, who makes sure to place Wet Floor signs).  

The Room:
Recognizable by his boxy ill fitting suit, long hair and general odor. Can throw footballs with such force as to incapacitate the average run of man (max range, 6ft), a master grappler who can easily push his adversaries into doors or onto the ground, his greasy skin makes landing a solid attack on him nearly impossible. His uneven dead-eyed gaze can strike fear in those subjected to it causing them to stop in their tracks, while his taunting 'cheep cheep cheeping' can draw even a pacifist monk into an uncontrollable rage and draw their attention.


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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2011, 10:39:06 PM »
Mr Clean:
Can excrete scrubbing bubbles of justice! capable of making any surface squeaky clean and then some.  Remove the paint from a tank, and then clean the armor out of existence, can irritate and remove skin, call a poison control hotline if ingested.
Can buff floors with his feet as he skates around effortlessly on a cushion of scrubbing bubbles, and can make the ground ultra slick (occasionally teams up with The Custodian, who makes sure to place Wet Floor signs).  

Amusingly enough this already exists in the Venture Bros. universe.
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."

Robot Master

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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2011, 11:00:30 PM »
Robot Master I less than three you and your amazing brain.

Word. I got yo' back the next time the fight happens, bruthah.

I got some more for you:

IBS = Irritable Bowel Squirrel. A man sized squirrel that can telepathically transfer his irritable bowel syndrome to villains and evil-doers.

King Maalox = The opposite of King Midas. This overweight Green Bay Packers fan has the amazing power to turn everything he touches into milky diarrhea.

Rabbi Goldmansteinbergman = The Jewish version of Jack the Ripper/Circumcision expert. Has bonuses to called shots to the penis with blessed knives. He is immune but not sympathetic to the plight of IBS, because the Rabbi once had a bad case of the schmilkas.

Markus Van Assassination = Mike D'Assassination's Dutch arch nemesis, who keeps stealing his kills for profit and ranking in the world's top assassination polls. The only thing he leaves behind as a calling card is the scent of Axe body spray and a half drunken glass of muscle milk.

Sex Minotaur = ...will catch you...and fuck you. This is awesome because he is a superhero. He's got a dick the size of a case of CD-RWs.

Giggle Guy = Professional clown that wants nothing more to be loved by children and the community that he protects, but his super power of being able to telekinetically rip all of the flesh off of his enemy's bones and then ignite their bodies in hellfire is a constant burden. His secret identity is actually another clown persona that doesn't look anything like giggles, making it more likely that he gets called for children's birthday parties. Oh, and thanks to a prior deal with a demon, if he ever dresses in anything other than clown garb he is going to be assaulted by a wave of demons that will drag him screaming into hell.

Posterboy = A ten year old boy who has two powers. One...he's indestructible. Two...when he decides he never wants to leave your presence he magically can never be any further than five feet away from you. HE NEVER SHUTS UP and ALWAYS GETS IN YOUR SHIT. Also, to make matters worse, every five minutes he does some sort of stupid dance and tries to get your attention so that you can "see what he made up." (any of you with kids are laughing your ass off at this one).

Lady Shakes = this female superhero has given so many hand jobs that she can literally grab her enemies with one hand and shake them until their bones start to break.

Thanos: "I am going to sacrifice the Earth to gain the love of Death"
Me: (slowly raise eyebrow) "Destroy the Earth? That would be...illogical"
Vortex: "Yes...that...would be...highly...illogical."
Thanos: "Your Star Trek references bore me."


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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2011, 01:27:03 AM »
Based off one of the lame superpowers Scientology says it grants its members, Salinity Man:
He has the power to control the salinity of things.  He can turn sea water into fresh water, and vice versa. He can alter the salinity of his enemies blood, as though they just drank gallons of salt water, causing intense thirst, their kidneys to fail and other organs to falter, leading to impaired judgement, hallucinations and death. Also can control his own salinity, thus keeping his blood pressure down despite the high sodium diet that his powers demand.

Doug - He's canadian and very polite, although still quite evil.  He has walked into many banks and asked for large sums of money, which the staff eventually help him carry to his car and wave goodbye as he signals and then pulls out into traffic at a moderate speed. The several Supers who have gone against him report their blasting into his lairs preparing for a fierce battle with the intent to pummel him into the ground, and leaving with a freshly baked hot-dish and some cookies, promising to come over later to watch the big hockey game.

Number 2 - A man cursed by a cursed gypsy after taking too long in a taco bell restroom, he appears as a normal human but is actually effectively an animate pile of feces.  Practically immune to physical damage, as normal attacks simply sink into or pass through him, he can reform his body after being splattered and can transform himself in part of in whole into feces, ranging anywhere he wishes on the bristol stool chart (he is liquid metal...except with crap). He can produce and control waves of feces, or shoot it like bullets out of his hands, etc. He is noticeable due to his smell, and a part of him wishes to die, but every time he tried to kill himself he found he was immune to the damage.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 01:28:40 AM by Joven »


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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2011, 03:45:49 PM »
The Incredible-Delectable Human Hamburger

He's a hamburger. And also a man.

A manburger.

What about a Man witch? Named Manwich ... he's got a whole serving of arcane might in each bite of his knuckle sandwich? 

Oh wait, that's terrible.
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2011, 03:50:35 PM »
Botro- A Robot programed with reverse laws of robotics.It will protect its self, follow orders given by humans unless following the orders would bring it harm, and won't harm humans unless ordered to or if not harming humans would bring it harm.

Robot Master

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Re: Venture Brothers "Hero" Generation
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2011, 11:13:06 PM »

Not-Corrector: An evil villain that can LITERALLY make it "OPPOSITE DAY" whenever he feels like it.

The 7th Sense: A man who's major superpower is the ability to detect exactly when a gallon of milk will expire.

The Reservationist: A Native American hero that excels at getting tables at restaurants in advance, but then always changes his mind before actually dining at the restaurant. Oh, and he hates the white man.

Jayden Smith: This is the son of famous actor Will Smith. Literally, Jayden Smith wanted superpowers so his father bought an entire facility of scientists to invent superpowers and then gave them all to Jayden Smith. In reality, Jayden's main superpower is the ability to get his dad to give him everything he wants, and then his creepy-ass parents can gloat about how great their kids are to People magazine.

Trey Smith: (Villain) The ugly half brother to Jayden Smith, who has sworn to ruin Jayden's life due to not getting any media attention for not being the 100 percent biological masterpiece that can only be produced by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett.

Brett "The Hitman" Hearth: A druid that specializes in both homeopathic medicine and WWF Hart Foundation trivia.
Thanos: "I am going to sacrifice the Earth to gain the love of Death"
Me: (slowly raise eyebrow) "Destroy the Earth? That would be...illogical"
Vortex: "Yes...that...would be...highly...illogical."
Thanos: "Your Star Trek references bore me."