Sorry to say I got not so good news for you Ross. 
She likes what she see's from your website but she is unsure about carrying it in the shop. Seems that zombie stuff has been slowing down for us lately and our customers are hesitant to buy a book from to unknown publisher. Her suggestion is to get picked up by a publisher, she used to publish comics and knows a lot of people who publish, so she knows what she's talking about.
People actually check who wrote and published things before they read them?!? I've never heard of such a thing!
No honestly the closest i've ever come to doing that is buying an ongoing book series...
Although I agree with the Zombie stuff starting to slow down, we are hitting a vampire streak since Twilight's new movie is coming out soon, although I still maintain that movie is about mystical blood faeries.
Remember kids:
If it broods, drinks blood and bursts into flame in sunlight it's a vampire.
If it lives in the forest comes into town to seduce normal people and sparkles in direct sunlight it is a fey creature.