Hokay, now for a harder question, have I got the math for figuring out multi-powers down? As example:
Control Computers UUUUUD: (U (universal interface), U (command override) U (powers computer) U (Binary translator), U (Remote command of armor): 10pts/d
Universal Interface (Duration+2 touch-2
Command Override: (Duration+2 Attached-2 (UI) Touch -2
Powers Computer (Duration+2 Attached-2 (UI) Touch-2 if/then must have suit on -1
Binary Translator (Duration+2 Attached-2 (UI) Touch-2
Remote Command of Armor Permanent+4 Range booster+2 Focus -1
Mind shielding (Permanent+4 Self only-3 if/then: can be bypassed by combined attack on mind and computer -1
This is the nano computer a young lady installed in herself (under the assumption it would not hurt) it is rewiring her brain a bit, grants hyper skills*, hyper mind, command and sense and is the interface jack for hir power armor, does that seem okay for a theme?
*She is unaware it gave her 4d in stability, somehow she never thinks about the chemicals keeping her more calm these days.
Next question: what does mutable mean? Do you need it to add new extras to a power? To buy new powers after the game starts? To change powers around? I am confused.
Nothing to do with anything but also I like:
Pilot and Suit repair systems (Regenerate Suit and pilot (6) Depleted-1 Focus-1 Slow-2 if/then must be linked into suit-1) (must be fed metal and meat, repairs her and the armor): 1
3hd (6)
Because the girl is bordering on terrified about what it means that she throws scrap metal and discount meat into a "vent" on her power armor and it uses that to rebuild her. She knows lots about nano things but still, she blew some of her foot off when testing out the blaster, and it's right back like new.