Author Topic: Wild Talents question  (Read 248894 times)


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #180 on: February 06, 2013, 02:42:49 AM »
Not really a question, but this seems like the universal WT thread.

A guy on the Cult of ORE posted some homebrewed revisions in what he calls WT 2.5.

Cult of ORE Entry

Wild Talents 2.5 Document (WIP)

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #181 on: February 06, 2013, 11:59:05 AM »
I perused.

I don't much like what I read.

It works for a house rule setup but I like the current ruleset.

I especially took issue with the Unbreakable Claws and Hyperbody changes.

I'll have to read over it and see if there is anything I want to implement.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #182 on: February 06, 2013, 03:47:32 PM »
it took me long enough to learn WT as it is, not gonna re-learn the damn system again


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #183 on: February 06, 2013, 04:02:24 PM »
Yeah, the system is kind of maddening. Mostly the revisions do things like simplify Augment and Variable (which are both extras I dislike because they both just kinda fall into GM discretion).

Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #184 on: February 06, 2013, 05:20:48 PM »
My favorite part of this game is that it plays advocate for the GM almost constantly.

As far as WT questions go though.

What do you guys think the most effective way to make a breath weapon for a Dragon?

Attacks Obviously...

Area seems close to what I want but I want it to be in a cone in front of the dragon.

Burn also seems obvious.

I was thinking I'd just throw the Area extra on a few times then throw in an if then that defines the area as a cone instead of a blast radius around the target.

If you guys have an easier way I'm all ears.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 03:58:27 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #185 on: February 06, 2013, 05:55:37 PM »
dwaggin breath:

Transform into [dead/poisoned/blinded/animal/lobstrosity/peacenik]
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Flawless P

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #186 on: February 14, 2013, 01:17:29 PM »
Does anyone know if there is a specfic rule prohibiting turning regular hyperdice/miracle dice into hard or wiggle dice?

Or can you just pay the difference in XP to change that RD to a WD?

So a power that was 6d1wd becomes 5d2wd for the cost of the difference between a regular die and a wiggle die?

I don't think it is touched on much in the book and I can't think of any immediate balance problems with upgrading in this manner.
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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #187 on: February 14, 2013, 08:01:56 PM »
You got it, pay the difference.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #188 on: February 14, 2013, 10:44:53 PM »
Just making sure I'm reading this right:  If I have a 3hd defends power with interference and endless, does that get applied to /all/ sets rolled against me?  For instance if someone attacks with 3 sets: 2x5, 3x7, 4x8, then all of them get gobbled?

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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #189 on: February 15, 2013, 11:58:25 AM »
Yep. Persistant defenses apply their effective roll against all attacking sets.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #190 on: February 17, 2013, 12:51:54 AM »
So after many leaps. Hurdles, and other physical and emotional damage(I actually had to wrestle a player.... good god that is something I'll need to write about and explain)
My group finally got a consensius after 2 sessions of Little Fears.
We would do Wild Talents

So that leads me to this.
Over the next two weeks or so(give or take a few days). We will be talking and building characters. For each of them, they are starting as 250 point characters and all the stuff I'm including for each player they do not need start out with it. So I came here looking for help with those things which may be really complicated or could it be done better.

If you must know its a Iron Age era I'm using for a basis on what the players should suspect. And its set in 2002.

So here is what I got so far

Player #1; Lets call him G, here is what he has given me

What He Wrote
[spoiler]His name is David Jackson, he was an archeologist that was always in high spirits, but one day he was caved in while exploring an ancient underground Japanese temple.  Deciding to look for an alternate route he explored the temple and found a mysterious medallion, upon touching it he heard a voice a voice that offered him power in exchange for a favor.  Unable to refuse he felt his body change into that of a large beast.  Opting to use this gift to it's fullest he and the spirit united to do good.
He was Dating a girl named Marian Freeman but she's going to school in France so they're taking time apart.  Two of his mates are Samson Raleigh and Al O'Riley
He was taking martial arts for fun and had to leave his apartment to go to Japan for his exhibition.
Ever since he has been keeping up his archeological studies and reports while using the spirit's powers in addition to two handguns and a katana to fight crime under the alias of "Shroud."  Wearing a black stetson, tattered black cloak and some bulletproof gear, using the spirits shadow powers to obscure his identity.
He got the powers three and a half months ago
The spirit explained that multiple Samurai had harnessed his powers, they were able to use his strengh to a much greater extent and in different forms but only because they had a stronger body and that David would have to train and practice to reach such levels.
He is 39 years old.
David was stunned and confused but soon moved past it, he occasionally ponders it but doesn't get too overly concerned.  When David told the Spirit it barely batted its tail at it.
David in his Shroud attire resembles more of a cowboy with a huge tattered cloak than a samurai.  The Spirit in its first form resembles a large black lizard with long tendrils where wings could be, large blood red eyes, large white claws and a curved blade on its tail
The Beast of Rage is fast, can teleport and is able to reflect elemental attacks, obviously his claws and tail-scythe deal wicked damage.
The Noble Nightmare resembles a human wearing noble-looking purple garb he has massive black wings and carries a massive blue sword.   He can fly, is an expert at swordplay, is telekinetic, telepathic and can command fire.
The Embodiment of Despair is a huge white werewolf with 6 huge feathered wings that wears black robes from the waist down, and has armor on his right arm.  He can fly, command the elements with ease, is a brutal melee fighter, his body is nearly indestructible, is telepathic to a high degree, and is telekinetic.[/spoiler]

What I Got From It/The Important things for making the characters stats
[spoiler]39 Years of age so starting to get older. Physically probably average because the previous users were noted as better with their body
Archaeologist, with knowledge of Japan and France so some dice in those languages
His girlfriend is younger and still in college, so charming or conniving
Picked up skill with sword, and handguns to fight crime
Even before that had some amount of training in a martial arts style
Some minor trinket powers, obscuring vision to hide his identity

He can Transform into 1 of three forms
They scale up in power
Beast of Rage
-fast(Higher coordination and body), can teleport(2 or more hd), reflect elemental attacks(defends + attacks with spray only against elements), obviously his claws and tail-scythe deal wicked damage(increased brawling damage).

Noble Nightmare
-Massive black wings(Custom Hit Locations) and carries a massive blue sword(A focus that appears well in this form).   He can fly, is an expert at swordplay(more dice in sword play probably some wiggle dice), is telekinetic(2hd), telepathic(2hd) and can command fire(move it and probably make it attack).

Embodiment of Despair
-6 huge feathered wings(Custom Hit Locations),  He can fly, command the elements with ease(Elemental Control 1 at a time), is a brutal melee fighter(up body), his body is nearly indestructible(HAR, MAR, and LAR at 2HD), is telepathic to a high degree(better Telepathy), and is telekinetic(more weight probably not greater range)

So how can I do this and what can he get to start out with.
He is fine with only starting with 1 of the forms.
But is there a way to start with all of them.
They are all tied to a magical amulet that is the only one he has


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #191 on: February 17, 2013, 09:52:29 AM »
And I thought two power sources for Pretty Soldier was complex.

You've got Alternate form (ADU) for 18 points, give it focus -1 accessible -1 lastly say if/then one of three pre-set forms -1 which brings it down to 9/dice. Use these dice for uppind body etc. If you want to go balls out, add on irreplacable for another -2 and it's only 3/dice. Don't lose it. Jack this with hard dice and add them to stats.
(Note, accesible is only for this power as I assume it's hard to find when he's changed)

I think it's easier to build each form on its' own. Which is okay because you can hook each power to Alternate form for a sweet -2.

Don't have time to work everything out but some thoughts:

For beast, mostly simple, claws/tail can be brawl, give it spray for free extra attacks and some other goodies.
As for the elemental thingy, are these the Greek elements? The Chinese ones? Either way, maybe
Reflect elements AD,
D: endless +3 attached (form) -1 focus -1 (3)
A: Spray +1, endless +3 attached(D) -2 focus -1 (3)
Which will make it automatic at 6/dice

Nightmare: Control fire is more or less easily from the book, it's 6/dice base and once it's attached and focused it's almost free. Same for telekinetic and telepathic. You might want to drop one or two of the qualities from those if you need to skimp on points.
For the sword, hyperskill but not sure how to make the sword appear, maybe make it a harm power with the mass capacity, which isn't hyperskill  but can be tricked out (remember it's cheaper after attached and focus, if you take irreplacable it's -3/dice from the get go so you'll have to add at least four levels of goodies (go first and attack levels?) to make it 1/dice.
Custom is already as is but the flaws will make it cheap.

For elemental control take the control element and add variable effect(+4) with if/then only for X elements (-1) which makes it 15/dice, after flaws it's 6/dice or 1/dice if irreplacable. Really, watch out for pickpockets.
As for the L/M/HAR, just go with invulnerability which goes from the book's 20/dice to 11/dice after flaws and 5/dice if irreplacable.
Top it off with regeneration (2/dice or 1/dice if irreplacable).
Flight is standard, remember duration.
For the TK, just don't add the high capacity and put most of the dice in mass when you use it.
Top it off with some hyper brawl?

So there you go, kind of cheap or really cheap if irreplacable, if it is, have it implanted in his chest cavity because he will not want to lose it.

How's this?
Also, I'm going to punch myself for munchkining it that hard.


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #192 on: February 17, 2013, 03:35:51 PM »
Thanks and it was Japanese, because the spirit was used by Samurai.
No no that is fine to munchkin it.
And its great, I'll figure out his other stuff and see what forms he can get.
The amulet is irreplaceable its the only one he has, he does not know how to get another, make another or anything really


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #193 on: February 19, 2013, 10:21:05 PM »
So things went well with the alternate forms I figure it out.
Despair can only control one element at a time decided after it transforms and it can only use that element, until it switches out(Limited to Earth, Metal, Air, Water, Fire)

Its a good all around character.
The Amulet is not accessible as it is latched into the guy wearing it. That is how the player wanted it. So he wears a necklace of gold constantly which holds a powerful spirit inside

Any suggestions for a alien similar to Star-Fire from the Teen Titans


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Re: Wild Talents question
« Reply #194 on: February 20, 2013, 03:03:18 AM »
She's more or less FISS/superman lite right? I think you can add "No will no way" to her powers and give her an allergy? Did she have one? (I don't remember too much from the old comics. I only remember some of the pictures from the new comics and found them less than inspiring).

I recall she has:
Source: Alien, super
Flight (It's costly but if you put Endless on D it's free avoid rolls forever) She'd need a few levels of booster (speed) on this since I kind of remember her flying off to space and that's not easy.)
(She's okay in space, may need some kind of immunity to deal with that? Attach it to flight?)
Shoots beams (Harm: range, may be locational to her arms? I kind of remember all of her glowing so might be obvious?)
I don't remember if she has better senses but ought to.
Does she absorb energy? Totally don't remember.
Hyper stats*
Heavy Armor* (I think? I don't remember her shrugging off gunfire but it seems like something she'd do. Not a lot of it but 3-5 points, so just under a tank.)
*You can add obvious to these since she's a funny color but not different looking enough for inhuman.

Is this right? I think she's going to come out similar to Interceptor. I'll take a look at scrapping her together but she'll be a lot simpler to make.

Also, question about large dice pools: say I have a pool of 7d+3hd+2wd, I can only use 10 of these but do the hd go away first or can I choose which two dice go away?

Also question is there a "go first" power? I've seen it in Grim War but they don't show their math and making it with augment is a waste of points, in that you can litteraly add the extra to all your stats and miracles for less than an augment power.