Author Topic: Cluethulu?  (Read 9288 times)


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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« on: December 15, 2011, 01:01:44 PM »
I am want to use the existing clue board and figs to make a hero quest-esque rpg.

I am not thinking your typical clue game, "Hastur, at the mountians of madness with an elder sign..."

I have some of the mechanics worked out. (simaliar to heroquests d6 mechanics)

Also, each character has a role, for example, Col. Mustard is the scrapper, getting an extra die for attacks and ignores 1 point of body damage per room encounter.

I am wanting some ideas for simple investigation quests involving the board and rooms.

Like, the house is haunted and each room has that haunted theme with ghosts, moving books, Etc...

Also, the board could change by blocking paths with tiles.

Just brainstorming, looking for fast, fun board game without having to pull out mansions of madness or arkham horror.

The board could change much like hero quest by putting block and and other tiles in the way for a different experience.

Thoughts, comments, etc..?


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Re: Cluethulu?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2011, 03:37:10 PM »
I'd say just use the Cthulhu Dark rules, each turn they get a move roll and an action.

As for plots or whatnot, hmm. Maybe competitive secret agendas. Col. Mustard has to blow on the Hunting  Horn of Shub-Niggarath or w/e in the Conservatory.

Or There is a ritual to banish/summon and you need three components from across the board and they need to be collected from different rooms.

But yes, haunted books, roaming spectres, homicidal mania, and other hazards can be all over the place. Bleeding walls and shit.
I wish I was Tom.

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  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: Cluethulu?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2011, 05:23:16 PM »
Nice. I was thinking something similar.

I could use Cthulhu Dark, but there is no real combat rules. Investigator comes in contact with evil whatever and dies. That's why I would use a different set of rules, something very similar to CD and/or Heroquest.

I would also, love to have some random cards to pull from like hero quest or just make a random encounter (in the loosest terms) generator. (which could be anything from a specter to a flying book, to an oozing cabinet to eggs cooking themselves on a countertop... Hmmm,  I'm starting to see a ghostbusters theme here.


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Re: Cluethulu?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 10:40:45 AM »
Throw in the Kill Dr. Lucky cards (change room names) and let them draw from that?