Author Topic: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.  (Read 34646 times)


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Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« on: May 13, 2012, 04:46:29 AM »
So when kicking around an idea for a Star Wars game with Aaron and Tom, I was more or less press-ganged into one day running a game.  After reading through my Saga books again, I realized that I have no interest in ever running a 3.X game of any flavor or stripe again.

So whilst sitting with Bill and chatting about nerdy things at the local hookah lounge, We finally stumbled onto it:  One-Roll Engine.

The premise of the campaign was going to be a Sandboxy Legacy Era game where the objective would start pretty simple:  The PCs are a motley crew with a ship that they want to keep flying.  The crew would need to figure out which factions they would be willing to work with, which ones they would rather not, and what kinds of jobs they would take. 

The PCs would be built via Wild Talents, 150-200 points with a restriction of mostly hyperstats and hyperskills, little to no access to miracles.  Either their passion or loyalty (or both, if they really want to) needs to be somehow tied to the ship/crew.  Ideally, each PC has a specialty that identifies the role in the crew (Cap'n, Medic, Weapons Spec, Face, Science bro, etc.) they serve.

The Force:  The Force is an extra stat that each PC gets 1d in for free.  Droids and 'Vong get the points refunded.  As a stat, The Force adds to Base Will/Willpower and costs double the cost of regular stat.  Skills in The Force include:  Sense, Control, and Alter, utilized in a much similar fashion to the way the three force skills were handled in WEG d6 system (Force Lightning would be a Force+Control+Alter check), and also costs double for each skill point.  A fourth "skill" for Force Points starts for all PCs at 1d, which increase by GM fiat.  Using Force Points allows PCS to add Force+Force Points to another Dice Pool, but Force Points is dropped by 1 if the skill check is successful, more if it is not.  Still working out the details of how to handle the Dark Side.

The Ship:  As a mobile base, and unifying theme of the party, the Ship will be built much like a monster from MaoCT.  The PCs share in its construction, specifically, each PC would claim a Location Cluster as his/her own.  Each hit Location gets Sharing for free with a PC, but a PC can only be sharing with one Cluster.  The cockpit would need to at least include HL 10.  The 10 Hit Locations as a whole represent the entire ship, but the areas that are special and above the normal stock of its type are what give the PCs an edge.

Thoughts, complaints, suggestions?
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 10:11:49 AM »
Star ORE might be helpful


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 10:57:02 AM »
I've been trying to convince some of my friends to do a Star Wars game using Star ORE for a bit now - I really like how the system accommodates that sort of 'science fantasy'. It's a pity, because my biggest scifi nerd friend wants Mass Effect instead of Star Wars and the rest don't care enough about Star Wars to be really into it.
Definitely seconding the Star ORE rules used in the larger Wild Talents ruleset. The setting document handles Force Powers pretty well, and remember that you can use miracles to emulate alien races or gear like Boba Fett's jetpack.

(Also record your games pleeeeease  ;D)


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 11:00:26 AM »
where would you get the idea we would record games


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 11:07:03 AM »
You weren't mentioned in the post... I got scared, everything got dark...

Hope China was fun!


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2012, 11:44:44 AM »
ross payton has been replaced with 15 chinese gold farmers


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2012, 11:45:21 AM »
i'm the admin i can derail threads if i want to


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2012, 12:29:53 PM »
What's the hatred for 3.x?
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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2012, 01:25:39 PM »
Seriously? Personal preferences aside, how in the fuck would you run Star Wars in 3.X?  :P
From everything I've heard Saga was their alpha test on a lot of 4E stuff, which you've indicated you have a distaste for. Plain old 3.X would be terrible for trying to play the setting.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 01:27:32 PM by SageNytell »


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2012, 01:29:31 PM »
Seriously? Personal preferences aside, how in the fuck would you run Star Wars in 3.X?  :P
From everything I've heard Saga was their alpha test on a lot of 4E stuff, which you've indicated you have a distaste for. Plain old 3.X would be terrible for trying to play the setting.

So you just don't think 3.X would be good at emulating the universe and so forth, then? Fair enough.

/personally I wouldn't run Star Wars in anything because I find the entire universe to be dreadfully uninteresting the SECOND anything with force powers gets into the picture, and since the whole thing is set up to be 'LOOK AT THE FORCE GUYS HEY GUYS WE HAVE THE FORCE OK' it would feel rather like missing the point to not include it at all so I'd just go with a different universe entirely.
Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)

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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2012, 04:10:52 PM »
Star ORE might be helpful

I have some buddies that are currently running a star wars game that may be interested in this, Thanks Lord of Zombies.
Liquid Water?


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2012, 05:24:27 PM »
Seriously? Personal preferences aside, how in the fuck would you run Star Wars in 3.X?  :P
From everything I've heard Saga was their alpha test on a lot of 4E stuff, which you've indicated you have a distaste for. Plain old 3.X would be terrible for trying to play the setting.

So you just don't think 3.X would be good at emulating the universe and so forth, then? Fair enough.

Well, I've played and ran Star Wars in 3.X before, and I know it's poor at emulating the universe firsthand.  At a certain Point, Force Users and Combat min-maxers take center stage and in a game system where most encounters and hazards are more efficiently solved by hacking through them, anyone that decided to invest in tech, knowledge, etc. sits with their head on the table, rolling a d20 to fire a blaster pistol as needed.  To run a good SW game, it needs to be more than Lightsaber Fights and Starship battles, and needs a system more abstract than d20.

That, and running any game with the 3.X ruleset looks like a chore to me now that I've ran games in other systems with less mechanical prep work for challenging encounters and lets me focus on building an evolving story.  I'll Play 3.X, but I'll never want to run it again.

/personally I wouldn't run Star Wars in anything because I find the entire universe to be dreadfully uninteresting the SECOND anything with force powers gets into the picture, and since the whole thing is set up to be 'LOOK AT THE FORCE GUYS HEY GUYS WE HAVE THE FORCE OK' it would feel rather like missing the point to not include it at all so I'd just go with a different universe entirely.

Which is why though I like the Star ORE stuff on principle (and now I have equipment, yay!), I'm still leaning on the more generic WT ruleset.  Star ORE still has that feel of classic Film Star Wars where Jedi and Sith turn into these mystical super-soldiers that trounce all over any 'vanilla' hero that dares challenge them.  By the time the universe hits the Legacy Era, you have Force-using traditions splintered off into three main factions (Sith, Imperial Knights, and Jedi), the government Split in two, with a third Rebellion faction, and so many other things going on in the universe that if a Jedi starts getting uppity, the GM has the option of sending a group after them saying "I don't know how many guys it'll take to subdue you, but I'll send that many plus one." 

Also, this is the same era that is post the 'Vong invasion, with soldiers and tech capable of dealing with Force Users.  On top of that, if you read through the comics, you have non-force users capable of pulling off an extraction from the Sith Temple.  People without the force with highly specialized equipment and training to stand toe-to-toe with Sith/Jedi.  I don't see that being represented in Star ORE as well as a WT guy with Hyperstat (Amphistaff) vs a guy with Coord+LightSaber+ForcePowers.

But that's just me.

I'm rethinking my approach to using the Force with something similar to what Star ORE has, but again, it feels like there is a power curve issue with having it cost as much as any other stat/skill.  Maybe I've just been burned by d20 so hard.

No thoughts on the custom Monstership yet?
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2012, 07:39:47 PM »
Seriously? Personal preferences aside, how in the fuck would you run Star Wars in 3.X?  :P
From everything I've heard Saga was their alpha test on a lot of 4E stuff, which you've indicated you have a distaste for. Plain old 3.X would be terrible for trying to play the setting.

So you just don't think 3.X would be good at emulating the universe and so forth, then? Fair enough.

Well, I've played and ran Star Wars in 3.X before, and I know it's poor at emulating the universe firsthand.  At a certain Point, Force Users and Combat min-maxers take center stage and in a game system where most encounters and hazards are more efficiently solved by hacking through them, anyone that decided to invest in tech, knowledge, etc. sits with their head on the table, rolling a d20 to fire a blaster pistol as needed.  To run a good SW game, it needs to be more than Lightsaber Fights and Starship battles, and needs a system more abstract than d20.

That, and running any game with the 3.X ruleset looks like a chore to me now that I've ran games in other systems with less mechanical prep work for challenging encounters and lets me focus on building an evolving story.  I'll Play 3.X, but I'll never want to run it again.

/personally I wouldn't run Star Wars in anything because I find the entire universe to be dreadfully uninteresting the SECOND anything with force powers gets into the picture, and since the whole thing is set up to be 'LOOK AT THE FORCE GUYS HEY GUYS WE HAVE THE FORCE OK' it would feel rather like missing the point to not include it at all so I'd just go with a different universe entirely.

Which is why though I like the Star ORE stuff on principle (and now I have equipment, yay!), I'm still leaning on the more generic WT ruleset.  Star ORE still has that feel of classic Film Star Wars where Jedi and Sith turn into these mystical super-soldiers that trounce all over any 'vanilla' hero that dares challenge them.  By the time the universe hits the Legacy Era, you have Force-using traditions splintered off into three main factions (Sith, Imperial Knights, and Jedi), the government Split in two, with a third Rebellion faction, and so many other things going on in the universe that if a Jedi starts getting uppity, the GM has the option of sending a group after them saying "I don't know how many guys it'll take to subdue you, but I'll send that many plus one." 

Also, this is the same era that is post the 'Vong invasion, with soldiers and tech capable of dealing with Force Users.  On top of that, if you read through the comics, you have non-force users capable of pulling off an extraction from the Sith Temple.  People without the force with highly specialized equipment and training to stand toe-to-toe with Sith/Jedi.  I don't see that being represented in Star ORE as well as a WT guy with Hyperstat (Amphistaff) vs a guy with Coord+LightSaber+ForcePowers.

But that's just me.

I'm rethinking my approach to using the Force with something similar to what Star ORE has, but again, it feels like there is a power curve issue with having it cost as much as any other stat/skill.  Maybe I've just been burned by d20 so hard.

No thoughts on the custom Monstership yet?

Thank you for explaining your thoughts on the matter, I understand much better now, and definitely see where you're coming from.
Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2012, 12:37:15 AM »
So Tom wants to play a Trandoshan commando, and Aaron wants to play a Mon-Cal Something or another.
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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Re: Star Wars in O.R.E. Yeah, I'm doing it.
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2012, 12:42:54 PM »
Tom's playing a reptilian character and Aaron's probably going to be a techie of some kind?