Author Topic: Dragonlance 2nd Ed D&D... now what?  (Read 7681 times)


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Dragonlance 2nd Ed D&D... now what?
« on: August 19, 2012, 02:10:20 PM »
I have been DMing a Dragonlance game using the 2nd ed D&D rules for a couple of years now.  My group in the game are all highschoolers who for the most part have NO RPG experience.  My goal in this game has been to give them an over view of Rolepleying games... think college "SURVEY OF--- " classes.  I figure that the best thing I can do for these guys is give them a good overview of what makes up a great Game.

(It was their idea to use 2nd edition btw... they came to me and asked me to replace a sucky DM who had bailed on them.)

Storyline wise... we presently are at the Dragons of Winter Night era of the Dragonlance storyline.
The PCs are holed up in a small keep in Solomnia besieged by the green dragon army in the midst of the winter.  They are all Silvanesti Elves and they have a single... hatchling... Bronze Dragon in the party. 

As DM... after running Dungeon Crawls, a Mass tabletop battle, and some really cool RP... what is left? 
Where do I go both is storyline and in giving them the above stated good overview of a typical RPG?   

PS--- If I recall correctly the winter is when the rest of the good dragons join the war. (Am I right) (I am presently rereading the Chronicles series but with work and DMing my reading time is short)