SO if you have heard ,EBAY will not longer allow the sale of Magic spells,potions, prayer services etc. Therefore that is something that the news channels will talk about. On Good Afternoon America on ABC (AUG 16 episode) at the 6 minute mark they wanted to inform the viewing audience about this important information ,but the screen shot that was shown while the pretty man talked on was a screen shot of EBAY ,but they were Magic:the gathering CCG lots. Way to FAIL, Way to FAIL.
I wonder if there will be a backlash,if any? Will Timmy's mom who was watching that show overreact and burn all of little Timmy's cards for they are something of the occult and demon worshiping. Just like M:tg was demonized in the late 90's due to the images on the cards of demons, devils and other scary things.