Author Topic: Wild Talents Shenanigans  (Read 8186 times)


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Wild Talents Shenanigans
« on: August 21, 2012, 11:54:47 PM »
So I have been loving the Heroes of New Arcadia AP, so much so in fact that i decided to shamelessly rip it off, my problem however, is that the players seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that their actions have repercussions within the game world. Some examples of this are: 1. The police have declared martial law after the "Heroes" obliterated the terrorists attacking the bank in the first game (One player just completely disintegrated an enemy in front of a massive crowd of citizens and police), 2. When fighting the evil Columbian ex-nazi sorcerers in their warehouse, they decided to kidnap a power armoured super soldier with the sole purpose of tearing his armour off so that a player could wear it, but left the Fabricator which was making OGRe weapons in the hands of a Cuban gang which was also fighting the Columbians, 3. killing said super soldier in the middle of a suburban street after he escaped by first throwing a neighbour's minivan at him, shooting him repeatedly with a martian death ray and finally, punching him in the head so hard that the only thing left above the shoulders was a fine red mist - all in front of their neighbour's children

all of these actions have escalated the reactions of pretty much every faction in the game towards instant hostility towards them, but while the players' actions are way over the top, they still want to help the city and consider themselves as heroes.

My question for everyone here is: do you have any experience with players overreacting with their superpowers? and if so, how do you scale the game to incorporate this without just having every single encounter becoming a shoot on sight battle.


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Re: Wild Talents Shenanigans
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 12:57:39 AM »
Step it up: I had the government offer them a deal - do this or we make your life hell. Have them figure out their secret identities.

Also make sure the players know how people view them - news reports cast them as sociopathic vigilantes like the Punisher - average people get scared when they try to rescue them and villains try to recruit them.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Wild Talents Shenanigans
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2012, 01:50:13 AM »
Have more heroic NPC superheroes approach the players with caution under a flag of truce and try to dissuade them from their evil ways. Possibly have a hero who comes to the city specifically because of them, to warn them about what can happen when you take the "easy" way too often.


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Re: Wild Talents Shenanigans
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2012, 06:48:53 AM »
Thanks for the help guys, I really like that idea of adding in NPC heroes to the mix. in regards to how the police are reacting to them, I reinforced the police with giant mecha which has given the players massive trouble thanks to the amount of armour on them and have just introduced a PMC subsidiary working for a corporation which re-engineers stolen super technology. The players know just how deadly these new threats are but it hasn't really slowed them down thanks to their ability to get away very quickly.

Saying this, i guess i'll just bring the pain next session  ;D

Thanks again for the help, and i guess if you are interested i can link to the weekly news reports i post up for the players so they know what effects they are having on the world. Once we reach the climax of this part of the campaign i will post my recordings of the games up on the community AP site too I guess.