Author Topic: Ripping and Tweaking a 3.X houserule. Now let's perfect it.  (Read 8021 times)


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Ripping and Tweaking a 3.X houserule. Now let's perfect it.
« on: October 13, 2012, 03:27:22 PM »
So a friend of mine is badgering me to run a Pathfinder Game at some point, so I am looking to take some 4E lessons and make them backwards compatible.

First up.  "Fuck You Christmas Tree Effect", or in a non-offensive way:  Progressive Enhancement Bonuses.

Originally ripped from, with my own minor adjustments.

1 +1 TO HIT
2 +1 ALL SAVES, Stat bump
4 DR 1, Stat Bump
5 +2 HIT
6 +2 ALL SAVES, Stat Bump
8 DR 2, +1 Enhancement all stats
9 +3 HIT
10 +3 ALL SAVES, Stat Bump
11 +3 DAMAGE
12 DR 3, Stat Bump
13 +4 HIT
14 +4 ALL SAVES, Stat Bump
15 +4 DAMAGE
16 DR 4, +2 Enhancement to all stats
17 +5 HIT
18 +5 ALL SAVES, Stat Bump
19 +5 DAMAGE
20 DR 5, Stat Bump

ARMOR BONUS = LEVEL /2, each +1 is added to choice of Deflection, Natural, or Enhancement at an even rate.

The idea is to now need fewer magic items (and thus lower WBL), and the ones that are given out are special and fun, or chosen for their properties, not necessarily there to keep up with monster progression.

Any other thoughts from RPPRLand?
- Dan, Adding one to his Darkspiral Aura.


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Re: Ripping and Tweaking a 3.X houserule. Now let's perfect it.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2012, 09:39:12 PM »
Upgrade the upgrades for Fighters by 1.5 what everyone else gets, and they become slightly more doable. Still not what we would call viable, but hey.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Ripping and Tweaking a 3.X houserule. Now let's perfect it.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2012, 09:41:17 PM »
Removing the combat focus on magic items is always a plus in my book. I don't see any big problems.

I recommend giving classes static bonuses to some of these things so that they will always be a little higher in their focused areas.