Is it true that the Swiss have a secret language?
But we've got your IP address and your location. Please, don't leave your sit as we consider it an obligation to answer your question personnally and in great detail. Don't run, don't shout, we are your friends. And no
Romansch is not a secret language.
I am just wondering if while you were here(I live in Sacramento California), you may have noticed a difference between what is available in Sweden vs. what you can find in The USA.
Edit: In the media that is. Video Games/Movies/TV ect.
Regarding movies, the same are showing in Switzerland than in the US (as long as they are distributed outside of US), and I would say, there is probably less censorship regarding sex/nude scenes than in the US (cf Basic Instinct for those who remember). Violence in movies is not specifically censored.
Movies are rated PG & cie, I would say more or less on the same scale than in the US.
As a side note, Singapore (where I lived for 2.5 years) has a much tougher censorship - Planet Terror from Rodriguez for example was forbidden to import, so no shop got it (but I could get it through Amazon though).
Regarding games, there are regularly outcries in the newspaper regarding such and such video game being too violent/promotting crime & so on (like GTA), but I do not remember having a game being formally banned (at least big title). And unless it would be banned in every neighbouring country, it would not be very effective - considering the size of Switzerland, 3/4 of the population live within one hour drive from a border (with France, Germany, Italy, Austria or Lichtenstein - which I only mention for the sake of completeness

Do we have more violence ? Since a decade or so, violence is on the rise - fight, brawl, assault - and respect towards authority (police, train & bus controller) has drop a lot - when they check your ticket in train or bus, it is no more a single controller, but it is a group of 3 or 4 because there was too much abuse and violence towards them.
Is it linked to more weapon ? I do not think so, because you don't see more guns being involved.
Is it linked to movies/games ? who am I to say.
What is a fact is that a lot more foreigners are involved in violent crimes than Swiss citizen (we have about 20% foreigners in our country), so for me it looks like it is more linked to education, culture and integration in the society than weapon availability - but again, I am not a sociologist.
Hope it brought some light on my little country way of life.