Author Topic: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign  (Read 13145 times)


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The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« on: December 22, 2012, 03:33:45 PM »
So a one shot game kind of sprawled into a mini-campaign. Gurps, 4E rules. Set in Fallout universe but in the Ozarks - PCs are mostly members of Vault 26, located in where Springfield Underground is in real life and have been selected as overseers. They've woken up from a 200 year nap in cyrogenic chambers to find out that the world is a very different place. The other PC is Tom, who is the ghoul leader of Rolla, a fortified city with a working nuclear reactor but is shunned by the rest of the region. The other major factions are:

Baldknobbers - a large roaming band of raiders and bandits.

Neo-Branson - decadent warlords that pacify their large masses of citizens with blood sports and authentic country music

Neo-Jerusalem - isolated and crazed cult that kidnaps people to brainwash into joining

Beartown - A somewhat open city built on the ruins of several colleges and universities - runs via indentured servitude and massive archives of knowledge from the past.

Nomads - neutral traders and merchants that facilitate trade between cities.

We are using the GURPS mass combat PDF for running large battles

Vault 26 currently has

6 squads of rifleman at TL 8, at good quality - Troop Strength (TS) 240 each - class Firepower and Recon

1 heavy squad weapon (HSW) at TL 8 - good quality - TS (300) firepower only

2 squads of riflemen at TL 8 at average quality - TS 160 - class firepower and recon

1 squad of battlesuits/power armor - TL 9 - average quality - TS 800 - Anti-air, Anti-armor, Firepower, Recon

1 light truck - TL 6 - TS 10, Cavalry, Transports 1 unit

1 giant killbot - on a closer reading of the rules, I am going to treat the killbot as a main battle tank (MBT) but without the cavalry class (it's too slow to count as cavalry) at TL 9 with the Fine Equipment Quality - TS 4,000 - Armor and Firepower

Rolla has:

3 squads of rifleman at TL 8, at good quality - TS 240 each - class Firepower and Recon

1 squad of battlesuits - TL 9 - good quality - TS 1200  Anti-air, Anti-armor, Firepower, Recon

1 Vertibird - I actually messed up on its stats - I'll treat it as a drop ship - TS is 1,000 in air power only but can transport 5 units

Rolla can also call up a militia of 10 squads of riflemen at TL 8 - average quality - TS 160 each, class Firepower and Recon - but that is only meant to defend the city or other emergency situations.

10 light trucks

5 heavy trucks


I have decided that 1 unit of scrap equals $2,000 in terms of raising/upgrading units, as per the rules in the Mass Combat PDF. If you look at page 24 of the PDF, it lists the costs of standard units. Note that the base cost is for TL (tech level) 6. The cost to raise a unit is increased by 50% for every TL. Troop strength doubles every Tech Level.

You can raise units at TL 6, 7, or 8 right now. You can raise some units to Tech Level 9 but that will require special missions or resources - The world of Fallout was at TL 9 right before the war and represents state of the art technology. It is very hard to get that level of tech.

So for example, if you want to recruit some surface homesteaders as cannon fodder for your glorious Vault 26 you have these options:

A TL 6 squad of riflemen costs 60k to raise and has TS 40.
A TL 7 squad of riflemen costs 90k to raise and has TS 80
a TL 8 squad of riflemen costs 120k to raise and has TS 160

You can also improve or weaken their quality (level of training/experience etc), their equipment quality and give them special qualities as well - look at page 10 and on for descriptions/rules

For example, let's give the new unit the Sealed quality - which gives them bonuses against environmental hazards - so you hand out gas masks or hazmat suits - that increases their cost by 20% so a TL 8 squad costs 144k instead of 120k.

I don't know when we'll play next but I want everyone to look over the mass combat PDF and think about what units you want to get for your army.

The wall around your vault will cost 200k - or 100 units of scrap - to complete.

You have up to 3000 spare units of scrap from your cyrogenic chambers.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 02:43:45 PM by clockworkjoe »

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 04:01:21 PM »
This looks pretty sweet Ross.


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Re: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 04:38:40 PM »
Thanks! I like the mass combat rules and city-building aspects of this game. It's been fun so far.

Oh yeah, another thing - the giant ant colony:

You've already fought the giant ants so you know their stats:

Giant Ant - TS 40 - Armor - Fanatic (+1 to their first attack roll)

You can estimate the size of the hive between 20 to 100 ants total. You do not know what the queen is like. If you want to take the hive out, you have to kill all the ants and queen.

The best way to do that is stack as many types of class superiority over the ants - get armor or anti-armor to neutralize their armor superiority - you already have firepower superiority, but cavalry, artillery, air superiority, C3I (command and control aka leadership) superiority, are all possible to get.

You also need to figure out how many units you will send into the fray.

Flawless P

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Re: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 12:24:49 PM »
Can has AP?
42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
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Re: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 01:35:48 PM »
We played 2 sessions so it's another incomplete game - no resolution. I suppose I'll post it at some point in the near future.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 02:12:59 PM »
I was wondering why we hadn't heard more about this. As long as somebody was reduced to ashes or green goo I can come away happy.


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Re: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 04:52:52 PM »
They fought giant ants using the mass combat rules. Does that count?

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: The Saga of Vault 26 - a Fallout GURPS mini-campaign
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 05:23:02 PM »
If plasma or laser weaponry was involved I can be safely assured one of the above situations met. Ant goo would work too.