Author Topic: Fiasco  (Read 8356 times)

Flawless P

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« on: January 21, 2013, 04:13:37 AM »
So I tried to get my gaming group into Fiasco way back when RPPR did an Actual Play of it. Well of course my hipster mentality of I knew about Fiasco before it was cool didn't really get me anywhere and since Tabletop with Wil Wheaton did an episode it convinced my friends to want to try it out.

So as a practice run, my friend who was the only one interested in the game way back when, and I set up a game for fun. I ended up kind of sad we didn't get to play it because we made a pretty awesome game.

So here is the set up for the judging eyes of the internet.

1. Super Scientist Doctor Thomas Monroe aka The "Formerly" Villainous "Doctor Tomorrow"
6 The Government w/ Char 4
1 Define Relationship w/ Char 4 Scientist and Experiment
4 Need: To Save the Day
6 Define Need: So that they will finally admit your genius

2. The Samaritan
3 Secret Identities w/ Char 3
5 Define Relationship w/ Char 3 You know each other's darkest secret
2 Rivals W/ Char 1
1 Define Rivals: Righteous defender and arch-nemesis

3. Richard Oppenheimer EMP Powers
3 Location Boring
6 Define Location Coffee Shop
1 Need: To Take Over the World
3 Define Need: To Bring about Eternal Peace

4. Atomic Sally
5 Origin Stories w/ Char 3
6 Define Relationship w/ Char 3 Parent and Unknown Progeny
3 Need: To Escape
3 Define Need To Go Back to Being a Normal Person.

1 Mayhem
4 Define Mayhem Magnificent Self Destruction

3 Innocence
3 Define Innocence The Wrong Guy Gets Busted

Newly turned Super Hero Doctor Tomorrow comes up with a plan to "save" the world from an extremist Eco-warrior, who has newly developed EMP abilities.

His old nemesis The Samaritan doesn't believe his change of heart and in his later years is obsessed with proving him to be a fraud despite all evidence to the contrary.

Richard Oppenheimer test tube child/experiment of Doctor Tomorrow, has recently developed his own special abilities, and due to his extremist upbringing during foster care he believes that the world needs to be returned to a more natural state.
Doctor Tomorrow provides him with the technology necessary to amplify his own abilities to do this. He is currently working out of a coffee shop.

Atomic Sally recently found evidence that there is someone out there who was created using her DNA, she fears that the power is too much for anyone to be trusted with and is currently pursuing a means to disable her own abilities and find this person and do the same to them.

In our discussions it ends with The Samaritan being arrested for nearly killing Dr. Tomorrow, and Richard activates the McGuffin, but is interfered with by Atomic Sally. The machine kills him and she is sinks back into obscurity.

I just figured I'd share and yeah sorry it's quite a bit of reading.
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Flawless P

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Re: Fiasco
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 02:41:42 AM »
Well just played my first game of fiasco using the Space Station Sci Fi Playset and it turned out pretty good. We had 4 players and some cool drug running schemes that involved smuggling a Xenomorph egg and it trying to kill us all.

I honored Ross by naming my Cyborg enforcer Major Lazer.

Wasn't nearly as cool as his version though.
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Re: Fiasco
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 11:38:15 PM »
I got to play my first game if Fiasco :the dragon slayers playset the other night.  It was just 3 players ,but that worked for it being our first game.

Ok we had player1:
To his left:
Relationship:Magic sorcerer/apprentice
Needs: to overindulged in wenches

To his right:
Relationship: War :Pacifist Healer/ Violent scoundrel
Location: the splitpenny thieves guild
So I was a Apprentice healer, who had a problem with the ladies.  I was the Assistant 'Fluffer'

Player 2: The master: Professor "Fluffer"
to His right: the apprentice
to his left: Relationship: Boss/Henchmen
Object: Catapult

He was the Master and hired the Henchmen to pull the Catapult around to use in assaulting the castle sieges. It can be pulled by 2 horse or just the Henchman. The master would keep calling his henchmen 'Boy' even though it was a women. He is a sorcerer and therefore is skilled in the art of 'fluffing'. Therefore he is Professor Fluffer. if you don't know what 'fluffing' is look it up but you might not want to know.

Player 3: The Henchman. Named: Pauline
She was violent person there was a hint that she could have had orcish encounters. She had killed many thugs that were sent to eliminate her. She thought very little of the Apprentice and resented her boss, who would call her 'boy'.

Act One: first scenes
We all get back from the latest siege for we were hired by the Thieves guild as backup artillery in the latest job. We all go inside and The Master demands payment and inquires about more jobs. Our Henchmen had filled the basket on the catapult with heads of all the thugs that were sent to kill her. He gets into an argument with the Guildmaster for there was about 20 odd heads in there and that was lost manpower for the Guildmaster. She was promptly escorted out of the establishment with catapult in tow.
The Apprentice hits on the first harlot he sees and is making progress towards a deal for services rendered. The transaction is interrupted by the Guildmaster for the Apprentice learns that this Harlot is off-limits due to her being the Mayor's only. The Apprentice is also escorted out of the building. The Master didn't notice any of this happening for he was using his time to try to set up more jobs and by the time he noticed that his companions were gone, for worse things were happening outside of the building.
It seems that while standing outside the Henchmen was Hench-napped by an Assassin and totally vanished from view. Oh the Assassin also made the catapult disappear as well for he was that good. Now the Apprentice and Henchmen were is a really narrow alleyway ,but the Assassin could make things vanish. This caused the Apprentice to run away shouting for help, he ran into the Captain of the Guard , who took a liking to him in a more then just friends sort of way.
Bringing the Captain back The Master is impatiently standing in the alley asking where did everyone go and where the hell is the catapult. The Assistant, thinks that he is in trouble and will lose his job starts to cry and break down into the arms of the Captain. The Master doesn't care for about that for his 'fluffing' training will continue.  With this announcement that the Apprentice is a 'fluffer' the Captain pushes him away and runs back into the street shouting that the plague has come to town and the townsfolk need to burn it out. As the Apprentice is pushed back he trips over the invisible catapult release which causes the Assassin to be launched into the wall of the alleyway at very ,very high speed.
It is in the remains of the corpse that the Master finds a scroll case with a very important document inside.

A little mistake causes big failure and Mayhem massive catastrophe.

In the second Act:
We find out that the scroll case contained the personal invitation from the Assassins guild to invite the Henchmen into their ranks ,but there is no map included for the assassin was suppose to be the guide. The Henchmen was able to figure out that on the back of the invitation was a hidden map made from lemon juice so she would be able to find her way there. Now while this was happening the Captain of the guards had run into the street yelling Plague and causing a riot to be touched off. It caused the city folk to think that the cause was the Thieves guild therefore the angry ,torch wielding mob stormed the guild and set it ablaze. The Master and Apprentice went back into the Guild to loot as well. The Master found the Guild Master impaled by a fallen ceiling timber and therefore started to loot his body for gems and other goodies. The Apprentice found the harlot from earlier, she was trapped under a fallen timber as well. In that moment the Apprentice used his magic 'fluffer' powers to make a part of his body strong enough to free her, but really the Master just cast Magic Hand move it. The Apprentice was sure that it was all him therefore he was now a Master 'fluffer'

After that was settled we had the aftermath and the Apprentice and Master both rolled 7 white and the Henchmen rolled 1 black.

The Apprentice fled the scene of the riot with his Harlot in tow ,but ran smack dab into the Mayor's personal guard. He was promptly arrested and thrown in the darkest jail cell for 'fluffers' His abilities were discovered by the other prisoners and he was made into the prison bitch for the rest of his miserable life.
The Henchman made it to the Assassin's guild ,but found out that the leader was her ex-girlfriend ,who was an orc. She was tortured to death for the loss of the assassin and the breakup of the relationship didn't end well either.
The Master was also apprehended leaving the scene ,but was able to bribe his way out with all the jewelry he has pillaged. In the end he had lost his Apprentice 'fluffer' and Henchmen and pretty much could never come back to this town again.

Flawless P

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Re: Fiasco
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 11:32:21 AM »
Jesus, shit got REAL.


Sounds like you guys had a good time! I'm hoping to play again soon.
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Re: Fiasco
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2013, 06:21:49 PM »
So played again with the Dragon Slayers playset this time with 4 players

To make a long story short the Location was :the upper level dungeon, it wasn't defined.  Now we all though the Dungeon was your traditional adventure ,but no The Dungeon was actually Mistress Mandy's Dungeon of Pain. Yes, that is right the whole game was inside a S/M club. It went wrong right from the start for we started our first scene with all the characters hanging from manacles and 3 of them naked. There was some penetrating with a certain talking spear and the Guild of the Pimps making an appearance. Would you believe that the Guild of Pimps all wear parachute pants and have Furry purple hats with a large feather sticking out of them.

OH fun was hand by all!