since i was here discussing the future methought, why not list some fodder for the RPPR cannon?
there's a thread for this already i know, but.
1. Precognition.
2. The Proper Care & Feeding of your Power-Gamer.
3. RPG & Healthy Lifestyles
4. (wtf is) Story-Gaming (& why should I care)
5. Grappling as an RPG enigma
6. Dice mechanics (linear vs. the curve)
7. Armor Class (or, why I stopped playing D&D)
8. Flame Warriors (why we battle over editions)
9. Cross-Genger Horror (or, how to make "My Little Pony" scary)
10. The Line (or, how to move from Player to GM to Game Designer)
Like Clubber Lang, "I got alotta more!" but this should start it off. I'm hoping others post topics as well.
maybe. It seems podcasts tend to fade, or mimic what everyone else is doing. Right now, it's AP.
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