Author Topic: BaseRaiders  (Read 410235 times)


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #135 on: December 08, 2014, 01:45:09 AM »
So I've been building penguin mecha this week, but for the next base I need some heroes the Ideal locked up. So far I've got Gravitron, an alien who just killed too many people and was too much trouble, the Ideal locked him down and looked for his homeworld but never found it.

This is for the base "A Pleasant Farm in the Country" where heroes who were too much trouble were locked up.

Also I've added a new thing, I call it "Creep" and it's a power that grows, so that each game it's more powerful but the PC has to keep paying off the growing burn. I've put it on the spleen of RageStab, a Wolverine like hero. If you pay a doc to transplant the spleen into you you'll get his regeneration, immunity to disease etc, immortality and extra hit boxes. But the powers come in slowly.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #136 on: December 08, 2014, 07:45:51 PM »
Grafted powers are a good idea, especially from a regenerating character.

Some idea for trouble superhumans:

Consequence from Heroes of New Arcadia
The Hybrid gang from Heroes of New Arcadia
A Question style vigilante who focused on uncovering the truth behind mysteries and eventually got wind of some of the Ideal's shady deals - human with gadgets so he wasn't taken during Ragnarok
Peracles from Heroes of New Arcadia
'Dark' Sparkles - a mirror of the original Sparkles and is somehow even more unstable and dangerous than normal Sparkles
Balgron the Fat from The New World campaign - goddamn multiverse bullshit
Axgore from New World


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #137 on: December 08, 2014, 08:16:35 PM »

'Dark' Sparkles - a mirror of the original Sparkles and is somehow even more unstable and dangerous than normal Sparkles

Wait, are you saying that there is an evil Sparkles? From an alternate dimension with an evil horse goatee and everything? I dread the terror that Dark Sparkles, or Darkles, could one day rain on the world.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #138 on: December 08, 2014, 11:38:27 PM »
Sparkles is ostensibly good - he's just extremely damaged from being resurrected so many times and having a poor choice of friends.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #139 on: December 09, 2014, 01:35:49 AM »
My group finally got together to play a game of Base Raiders, which the guy who was running it called it The Curse of the Cyber-Yeti's. It took place in and on Mount McKinley. We decided to use the base generation rules to come up with the base so it ended up being the very publicly known base of the D list supervillain the Cleaner, former high school janitor who wanted to rid the world of filth. The base was a factory guarded by the terrifying cyber-yetis who plagued the town of McKinley yearly by seizing the Prom King and Queen for horrifying experiments long after Ragnarok had happened and all heroes and villains had disappeared. The teenagers of course responded by voting for the least popular kids in school and running smear campaigns to get their enemies elected Prom King and Queen. We had decided that since the Cleaner's base was well known by the public and the base raiding community, attempting it was known as pulling the McKinley.
The characters involved where Knight Errant, Iconoclast, Victoria the full body cyborg, and Scurvy the surprisingly effective man who could turn fruit into bombs with a touch.

After some messing around in the town, including Iconoclast pretending to be an FBI Agent then staging an attack on the sheriff pretending to be the Cleaner and knocking out all of the police in the small town, our group went out with the police and captured one of the cyber-yetis in a tense battle. Luckily the only casualty was a police officer who was thrown at Knight Errant, don't worry Knight Errant was fine as he was armored the officer not so much.

Iconoclast took apart the cyber-yeti to make a device that would let us pretend to be a damaged cyber-yeti and gain entrance the the McKinley base. Once in Victoria and Iconoclast went up towards the main computer while Scurvy and Knight Errant went down towards the labs.  Once inside the base however the scanners recognized Iconoclast as Pangloss  and started to play pre-recorded messages by the Cleaner talking about how he knew she was jealous of him and wanted to learn the secrets of his cyber-yetis. His messages were so detailed that we were able to question him about his plans. This went on for a while until Victoria got annoyed and insulted him, dealing enough composure damage to knock the recordings out of scene. Sadly this should have been a hint for what happened later.

Mean while Knight Errant and Scurvy had managed to pick a fight with some vicious mega roombas and had to flee downwards to escape them and the quickly reactivating partially complete cyber-yetis. At the bottom they discovered that the Cleaner was using the Prom Kings and Queens to create cyber-yetis out of the most popular teenagers to drain the popularity out of them to create the ultimate life form. Sadly, for him, his understanding of biology and how teenagers would react led to his plans failing.

Mean while Iconoclast and Victoria had found the main computer and together managed to break their way through his security, and delete all of his annoying recordings, and learned more about his plans to create the ultimate life form and about the genesis engine. But that was when his most successful creation attacked, the dreaded Psyber-Yeti.

See our GM realized it was pointless to attack us physically as we were to focused on physical offense and defense to hurt so instead he opted for composure damage, in so creating a physically tough being that was able to attack us in the once way we couldn't defend against. Luckily for us Scurvy was there to save the day. With his ascendant tier ability to turn fruit into massive explosions he was able to demolish the mega roombas and swarms of damaged cyber-yetis. Knight Errant took out whole groups by tossing his shield and letting it bounce between them and high speeds as they raced towards Iconoclast and Victoria who had been trying and failing to pierce the Cyber-Yeti's hide.

Finally Victoria had managed to rip a whole open into the Psyber-Yeti into which Scurvy fired two jalapenos which exploded inside of the beast, causing it to die. And with that our group managed to complete the McKinley. 


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #140 on: December 09, 2014, 01:12:38 PM »
Clever idea of attacking composure to deal with tough PCs. Did you encounter any problems with the system or chargen? You going to run some more games?


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #141 on: December 09, 2014, 08:51:29 PM »
The system worked pretty well, but my group tends to have a problem with fate and coming up with aspects for the GM to compel, which usually leaves us with around two fate points between the four of us by the time a big fight comes around. But that may just be a lack of familiarity with FATE. I usually get around it with amusing quotes, and a link to the FATE wiki and its list of aspects.

I also plan on running a game where the players are just random schmucks who stumble into a base. Mostly as a way to introduce some of my friends to how gaining powers works, rather than starting off a game with them. But that will have to be after the 7th Sea game I plan on running.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #142 on: December 10, 2014, 02:49:14 AM »
In the several Fate game I run using BaseRaider, there was a few issues:
- list of social trappings a bit too long with some redudant or overlapping trappings (Conversation, Convince, Guile, Disguise...), leading to confusion and overly-costed powers.
- Ressources should be handled differently: if one PC has it, let's say at Supernatural or higher, it is easy for all the PCs to benefits from it (I had the case of "I gave him my Platinium-Iridium-Cowium card" - I did not mind, but in a campaign, it means that no other PCs need to have it)

We did a little bit of brainstorming with my players to find out what was annoying us and we came to the conclusion that the minutia of the powers/trappings system is in opposition with the relative "lightness" of the FATE system.

So I am currently tinkering with a more global definition of powers, taking inspiration from what I remember from the system you used for Heroes of New Arcadia, and having a pool of larger trappings (like combat, social, tinkering, knowledge, health/resistance), combined with enhancements.
I know that we will loose the ability to customise the powers, but it is a trade off that seems to suit my players.

Testing to be done early next year.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #143 on: December 10, 2014, 12:49:25 PM »
You should look at the Atomic Robo RPG - it seems to be the next iteration of Strange Fate in how it tackles super powers but also combines ideas from Fate Core. I'll probably use it for the next edition of Base Raiders.

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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #144 on: December 11, 2014, 08:20:58 PM »
The Atomic Robo RPG is really,  really good.  I think the rules are well-aligned with Base Raiders' use of super powers. 

It's also a GORGEOUS book.  Any plans for RPPR to run/record a game of Atomic Robo?


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #145 on: December 13, 2014, 10:48:31 AM »
I'd actually like to hear Aaron run an Atomic Robo game since he seems to know the series pretty well. Just a thought since we don't get to hear him behind the GM screen very often.


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #146 on: December 15, 2014, 06:38:26 PM »
'Dark' Sparkles - a mirror of the original Sparkles and is somehow even more unstable and dangerous than normal Sparkles

[sounds of Caleb screaming in the distance]

Clever idea of attacking composure to deal with tough PCs. Did you encounter any problems with the system or chargen? You going to run some more games?

The only major issue we had was the GM gave the Psyber-Yeti all Ascendant tier stats, meaning no matter what avenue we tried to attack it with we simply had to roll above +9 (Even if we were only at Superhuman) and hope it whiffed badly just to scratch it; this is probably because two characters (Including Tom's) had Ascendant tier attacks and the GM was compensating, but the other two were using pregen characters and weren't minmaxed enough to tackle it. Meanwhile it was constantly spamming its area of effect psychic attack every round, which led to Iconoclast (Me) suffering a temporary mental break and believing that she was Doctor Pangloss before the psychic attacks eventually overwhelmed her and knocked her out having accomplished pretty much nothing. It was less a fault of the system and more just the GM being inexperienced, as it was his first time with the game and he hasn't GMed much outside of that. Until then it was hilarious fun, especially the part where I pretended to be an FBI agent and a supervillain in the same day.

As for future games, I have a remixed version of Heroes of New Arcadia that I'm sitting on until after I graduate and the summer comes around, as well as numerous one-shots that keep popping out of my brain when I should be paying attention in class. :V
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 06:53:43 PM by Jace911 »


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #147 on: December 15, 2014, 07:10:33 PM »
'Dark' Sparkles - a mirror of the original Sparkles and is somehow even more unstable and dangerous than normal Sparkles

[sounds of Caleb screaming in the distance]

Wouldn't that just be Brighteyes, the killer gnome from The New World campaign?


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #148 on: December 15, 2014, 11:28:53 PM »

 especially the part where I pretended to be an FBI agent and a supervillain in the same day.

Yeah there won't be any consequences to the world believing that there is one remaining supervillain. :P


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Re: BaseRaiders
« Reply #149 on: December 16, 2014, 07:52:54 PM »

 especially the part where I pretended to be an FBI agent and a supervillain in the same day.

Yeah there won't be any consequences to the world believing that there is one remaining supervillain. :P

Well I assume "Agent Pilgrim" sent the sheriff of McKinley an email informing him of the Cleaner's actual-for-real demise once she woke up from her short-lived psychic-induced coma.