Author Topic: Character Background Advice  (Read 8159 times)


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Character Background Advice
« on: May 17, 2013, 06:15:13 AM »
I've mentioned in previous posts that a good friend of mine has been harping on about running another short campaign of Shadow Run. We finally caved as no one else has any better ideas or drives to run anything else. Being determined to have fun despite any system issues I have given myself the task of making a character that I will find thoroughly interesting. More so than your run of the mill trench coat wearing, katana wielding street samurai.

Thus I came up with the idea of Lionel, a Socially inept Elf Rigger who specializes in Drones/Robots who believes that his Drones have deep and meaningful personalities and quirks despite to everyone else they are just steel emotionless automatons. Very Similar to Phantom Limb in The Venture Brothers during his "Revenge" phase. He will Identify and converse at length with these drones comfortably as if they were family.

As for the Social problems with actual people I was thinking of basically ripping off the mannerisms of Jim from Friday Night Dinner (The tall thin mustachioed neighbor ref - ).

Normally that's where I would have left it but after listening to Episode 82: Back that Story up I knew that just this wasn't enough but I'm at a loss as to what to flesh out whilst keeping things fresh and not resorting to the victim stereotype. How did he develop these eccentricities? Why is he a Shadow runner?

This is why I come to you guys. You've never failed me in the past. I am open to any and all ideas you guys can throw at me.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 06:36:51 AM by Wooberman »


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Re: Character Background Advice
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2013, 10:45:29 AM »
I've mentioned in previous posts that a good friend of mine has been harping on about running another short campaign of Shadow Run. We finally caved as no one else has any better ideas or drives to run anything else. Being determined to have fun despite any system issues I have given myself the task of making a character that I will find thoroughly interesting. More so than your run of the mill trench coat wearing, katana wielding street samurai.

Thus I came up with the idea of Lionel, a Socially inept Elf Rigger who specializes in Drones/Robots who believes that his Drones have deep and meaningful personalities and quirks despite to everyone else they are just steel emotionless automatons. Very Similar to Phantom Limb in The Venture Brothers during his "Revenge" phase. He will Identify and converse at length with these drones comfortably as if they were family.

As for the Social problems with actual people I was thinking of basically ripping off the mannerisms of Jim from Friday Night Dinner (The tall thin mustachioed neighbor ref - ).

Normally that's where I would have left it but after listening to Episode 82: Back that Story up I knew that just this wasn't enough but I'm at a loss as to what to flesh out whilst keeping things fresh and not resorting to the victim stereotype. How did he develop these eccentricities? Why is he a Shadow runner?

This is why I come to you guys. You've never failed me in the past. I am open to any and all ideas you guys can throw at me.

the drones/robots want to experience life, but they weren't able to do it on their own, they needed a being to Believe, so they've created/found their own Believer; they monopolized all of their Believer's childhood, feeding them information on 'the world', thus, the 'social awkwardness'

AND/OR 'e's a really, really g_od performance artist

AND/OR 'e's an urban anthropologist/sociologist, studying human behaviour & shadowrunner behaviour...conducting breaching experiments (google it)...

AND/OR 'e's a Physicist/Mathmatician who has noticed that a certain population of the population ('shadowrunners') seem to behave according to different Laws than the rest of the population...or that they happen to be more sentient/free willed...

AND/OR 'e's someone with multiple personalities in that 'e is constantly generating multiple personalities -- the drones are part of an experiment/a way to 'drain' these excess personalities off

AND/OR the 'is drones/robots are the ones with the personalities; the elf doesn't have any of 'is own, so the drones/robots 'egoride' 'im

« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 12:21:47 PM by QuickreleasePersonalitY »
pretentious i am
lest pretentious i become