I've listened to RPPR:
-Getting headaches from ethanol fumes while counting preserved insects under a microscope
-Vaccinating, infecting, performing surgery on, and collecting lungs from mice.
-While tagging horseshoe crabs
-On the way to and back home from a leather bar.
please say that last one was unrelated to the first three tasks
Please tell us you told someone about RPPR while at the leather bar 
Actually all of them were unrelated.
The ethanol story was when I first started listening to RPPR in undregrad when working long hours on an ecological assessment, essentially "Does the insect community reflect a what we would expect to see in a polluted river system?"
The horseshoe crab incident was when I was volunteering for the Audobon Society in Wellfleet MA during the summer. You have no idea how beautiful Cape Cod is when it's early evening and the crabs are coming out like ancient, buried, living, hubcaps.
The vaccination thing is what I'm doing now in grad school. I've often wondered about what it would be like to do a CoCt game or DG game where you play as human beings used as lab specimens. I guess that concept could work for EP too...
The leather bar thing was uh... interesting. I went because I'm a kinky son of a bitch but unfortunately the scene where I live is so insular that it was nearly impossible to make any headway or friends. After I left, still sober and still dressed in "Goodwill's Finest Biker Ensemble" I slipped the buds into my ears and made the 1.5 mile trek back home through the city in the wee hours of the morning, Know Evil blaring in my ears. The autumn sky was cloudy and the city's sodium lights made everything an orange twilight.
I never did tell anybody at the bar about RPPR but my current boyfriend knows about you in some capacity. He wandered into the kitchen while I was covered in dish suds. The stereo erupted in screaming laughter as Chan made a terrible decision. My boyfriend is also a kinky bastard so... you know... eventually somebody leather related will find out about you guys.
It's strange to say that parts of my life can be divided into different campaigns that you guys ran. I actually started recording games too but my campaigns were dashed on the rocks of grad school and conflicting work schedules. Instead I've taken to running one-shots. Right now I'm worming my way through No Security.