Author Topic: Red Markets Alpha Playtest  (Read 344254 times)


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #150 on: May 22, 2016, 01:44:28 AM »
So I'm gearing up by writing a few jobs for the kickstarer for a campaign I'm pulling together soon. One in particular I'm fleshing out.

The job is highly volatile and needs to be done quickly. It's just a few short legs away in a secured underground parking lot (read, urban warfare nightmare). The job, which is only revealed via scams, is that the client needs biometric data from a certain person holed up there. What he'll only tell them upon arrival is that the target is a full blown vector. The biometric data that is required is a drop of blood, a thumbprint and an optical scan. The blood is easy and the thumbprint can be gotten with the provided kit, but the eye is tricky because the man turned vector only has the one. They therefor have to capture it alive and scan its eye.

All the while though the "apologies" it's screaming out mostly concern betrayal, revenge, apologizing to a loved one and screaming how "it's mine" over and over. So after the capture they can just get the data and execute its ass or they can try to get it to apologize in the right direction by doing research. They'll learn from the vector between the insane screaming and babbling that the client is going to fuck them over, or at least they can infer that.

So if they try I launch immediately into a negotiation. At their end is "gibber insanely and try to murder" and its end is "give them the final pass code and try to murder". They do this by guiding the vector's apologies with memories from its past life via research while they're making sanity checks as it tries to break free of its bonds.

Anyway, the idea behind it was that if the terrifying sprinting murder zombie, maybe it can say something useful. If it can say something useful then it would have to be captured and capturing a vector is insanity.

Still trying to flesh this story out. Any suggestions?


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #151 on: May 22, 2016, 02:02:37 PM »
How long does the Vector stage last? Given that jobs often have multiple legs, and legs last for about a day, the job would have to be somewhere pretty local and the infection have happened extremely recently to be valid. I remember the job in Vigilant, that episode starts with Vigilant falling and becoming Vectors, Drift skips a whole bunch of legs with The Path and by the time they got to Vigilant a number of the Vectors were entering the Torpor phase of infection.

Also, why can't they just shoot the Vector in the chest (since they die like regular humans) and get their biometric data in safety? Would the Blight in the blood interfere with the biometrics when the blood drop is scanned in?

I do like the idea of the murder zombie babbling key plot information as its mind dies, but what you might to do is, say..

The client was after a high-value target in the building attached to the car park and went in with his partner, the vector. Stuff goes wrong and they have to split up, so he hires the Taker crew to clear the parking lot and "confirm the death" of his "beloved partner" - while he in fact is breaking into the building and finishing the job while the Takers are drawing out the dead.

The complication is that the partner didn't die and has been fending off the horde, holed up somewhere. He's wounded - lost one of his eyes - but might not be infected. Of course, the client is going to insist that "I saw him get bit" which might raise the question of is he a Latent, is he immune etc.  And if they say they work for the guy who betrayed him, of course he's not going to be happy to see the players and will probably get infected trying to escape. At which point the apologies set in as he babbles "it's mine, it's mine", the code etc.


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #152 on: May 23, 2016, 10:46:04 AM »


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #153 on: June 06, 2016, 01:06:21 PM »
I know I'm late to the party, but are there any chances of still obtaining the alpha/beta rules? A member of my group showed me the RM Actual Play and I've been hooked ever since (not to mention they've dropped endless hints that they want me to run an RM campaign).


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #154 on: June 06, 2016, 02:05:10 PM »
I know I'm late to the party, but are there any chances of still obtaining the alpha/beta rules? A member of my group showed me the RM Actual Play and I've been hooked ever since (not to mention they've dropped endless hints that they want me to run an RM campaign).

Back the kickstarter.  It's my understanding that you get access to the late Beta rules as soon as the kickstarter finishes.
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)

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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #155 on: June 07, 2016, 10:35:15 AM »
I had a thought this morning. (I had a few thoughts this morning. This is the result of inexplicably waking fully after two hours of sleep. So it goes.)


There is enough very creative setting and enclave design posts on these forums that if the authors gave their consent, an unofficial Red Market's gaming magazine could be put together if a layout expert had time.

Something like Dragon or The Unspeakable Oath.



Thank you Ludwig.

At this point Ludwig is so intrinsically (to me) Red Markets that he's like the Pip Boy trademark to Fallout.

Perhaps make the friendly dronky a logo in green or have "Ludwig says" atop sidebars in future supplements? 

Of course this requires a cute, cartoonish yet essentially Ludwig icon to be drawn. Perhaps chibi?


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #156 on: June 07, 2016, 06:51:28 PM »
I think Ludwig is the closest thing RM has to an Iconic character since he's based on the original artwork of the dronkey with Hockey mask. It has reached the point for me that I imagine all the Dronkeys have different facegear like Payday. I keep imagining one with the skull of a bull on it's front. Old school western style.


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #157 on: June 07, 2016, 09:03:49 PM »
I support making Ludwig the Dronkey the official Red Markets mascot character.
Check out the Technical Difficulties Gaming Podcast!


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #158 on: June 07, 2016, 09:12:57 PM »
Okay, hear me out: a Ludwig app. Picture of Ludwig on the screen, tap him and get architectural quotes blared at you in a synthesised robo-voice. You can also dress him up in hats, different cargos and paint jobs.

I'll take my million dollars now please.


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #159 on: June 07, 2016, 09:53:50 PM »
I've been planning what I'll call my drones if I have a chance: Bigglesworth, Augie, Ginger.

Twisting H

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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #160 on: June 07, 2016, 11:37:03 PM »
I think Ludwig is the closest thing RM has to an Iconic character since he's based on the original artwork of the dronkey with Hockey mask. It has reached the point for me that I imagine all the Dronkeys have different facegear like Payday. I keep imagining one with the skull of a bull on it's front. Old school western style.

Yes. Exactly. 

I'm partial to my own idea that some dronkeys will have those baseball caps that hold two beers for thirsty takers.

I support making Ludwig the Dronkey the official Red Markets mascot character.

'Mascot' is exactly the word I was looking for and couldn't think of at 4 in the morning. Thanks again trinite for translating what I said into what I meant.

Okay, hear me out: a Ludwig app. Picture of Ludwig on the screen, tap him and get architectural quotes blared at you in a synthesised robo-voice. You can also dress him up in hats, different cargos and paint jobs.

I'll take my million dollars now please.

I've advocated (in a pie in the sky way because I don't know how to do it) for a php generator for Taker names on the website.  A similar generator could be made for Ludwig quotes.


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #161 on: June 08, 2016, 06:58:37 AM »
I always imagine his speech bubbles would be blue with the jagged soundwave marks at the edge like Atomic Robo.


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #162 on: June 10, 2016, 11:39:12 AM »
Ludwig for prez 2k16


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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #163 on: June 10, 2016, 03:01:35 PM »
I've been planning what I'll call my drones if I have a chance: Bigglesworth, Augie, Ginger.

Huey, Dewey and Louie.
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Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« Reply #164 on: June 13, 2016, 03:42:13 PM »
I have to say after this game it confirmed something for me.

 In Caleb games you cant spell Victory without Pyrrhic