Author Topic: The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man  (Read 7366 times)


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:52:33 AM »
I'm seriously considering using it as the next campaign for my Skype group. Always thought the Dreamlands tends to be overlooked as a rpg setting, despite some great source material out there. It definitely has a much more "fantasy" feel than typical CoC stuff. I suppose that might present some new challenges in keeping the horrific tone of CoC(though from what I've read so far, Dennis Detwiiler does a very admirable job). Was wondering if anyone here might have run this and how you thought it went. Any tips or thoughts on a Dreamlands-centric game?
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 11:57:21 AM by metalwhisper »