Author Topic: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline  (Read 97981 times)


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2014, 07:28:40 PM »
So I had a little time to sit and Write down some ideas for games I want to run. Most of these are working titles.

Hunter the Vigil: Our Old Friend Inspired by one of my favorite stories "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?". It will be an intro level game for a Hunter cell. It will be a Cell tier game so no Compacts or Conspiracies available yet, though they'll have a chance to interact with some like the Maiden's Blood Sisterhood. The plot being that they're amateur hunters going after what the papers are calling a serial killer along a stretch of road called The Devil's Highway. At the center of it all is Arnold Friend. Can they beat someone that might just be Old Scratch himself?

World of Darkness Innocents: Welcome to the Neighborhood I wanted to run an Innocents game (playing children in the World Darkness) where the characters world starts to change dramatically.  First it's the neighborhood all around them that's becoming a lot nicer. It doesn't really seem all that bad other than it's a complete change from everything their used to. It wasn't Hell's Kitchen before, but definitely not you Leave It To Beaver Utopia. The neighbors barely acknowledged them before, now they wave and give that creepy smile everytime they see them. Next comes the parents. Maybe mom never cooked anything that couldn't be done in a microwave and suddenly she's a Stepford Wife. Dad hasn't touched the TV or Computer in days and he keeps wanting to "throw around the ol' pigskin", even though he's never liked sports a day in his life. It starts to take on a darker side though. The dog down the street that snaps at everyone gets shot by a cop and no one even blinks an eye. The neighborhood bully gets run over by a car and no ones even talking about it, not even his parents. At this point, the possible cause might be an experiment by the God-Machine. As I work on the story more, that might change.

Mouse Guard: Robert's Rebellion I figure I could have some fun crossing A Song of Ice and Fire with the Mouse Guard system. Not much on this one yet, other than I want to set it during the last days of the Targaryen's.

Mouse Guard: Postapocalyptia Wanted to try Mouse Guard in a few different settings, and since I love Post Apocalyptic stuff, I figured why the hell not. Not sure if I'll stick with something closer to Mad Max, or go full on Fallout.

Hunter the Vigil: Liquid Assests I figured this might be a follow-up to Our Old Friend. Hunting is expensive and time consuming, so it's nice when someone offers to pay you for your efforts in making the world a little bit safer. Only problem is, the new patrons have started requesting live captures, or as close as you can get with undead. It's hard enough to to kill some of these things. Trying to capture them is suicide. And what are they even doing with the things they capture? Maybe their new patron deserves a closer look.

Promethean the Created: Life Blood The Cheiron Group has the secret to perfect clones. The only problem is they need Promethean's Divine Fire to create them. So far none have survived the extraction process for very long. They're working on ways of extending the process, but until then they'll need more Promethean's and as luck would have it, the Player's group has just gotten into town.

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Watchers on the Wall A bit of a side story to a game I'm running right now. They've been playing as a House of the Westerlands who have managed to escalate events ahead of schedule. Renly has siezed the Iron Throne, Ned Stark is still alive for the moment, Stannis's army is closing in on King's Landing, and the Westerlands and the Reach are dealing with open rebellion. This story will deal with the Wall while all this is going on. There are some new members of the Night's Watch now, including Jaime Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Barriston Selmy, and former Grand Maester Pycelle. Can they handle the army of Wildlings and the undead that pursue them?

Savage Worlds: God Complex A low/medium level superhero game. A little like InFamous. Someone has found a way to give certain people superpowers. It's a pretty bad idea to give people super powers just because you can.

That's all I've got for now outside the concept stage. Might post more later.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2014, 09:52:31 PM »
An idea I'd been bouncing around in my head, ran past my group and they seem to like it so I might run it sooner or later.

World of Darkness: Tin Kickers

The game starts out as a fairly regular Mortals game. The players go through their daily lives, connected in some way or happening to simply be in the same place at the wrong time. Then Final Destination happens, a massive traumatic catastrophe that takes dozens of lives in a totally unexpected fashion. The players then receive their Geists and wake up again as Sin-Eaters.

Through their Geists, the Sin-Eaters learn that things are not quite going right with death. They already knew with things like ghosts getting bound to our world that the mechanics of the afterlife were... imperfect. Inelegant, perhaps. But these statistically-improbable accidents are happening more and more, escalating in pace and scale. Some people are getting killed, but not dying. The Geists are uneasy, the Kereboi are frantic. Somewhere, deep in the Underworld, something is wrong. Death is broken. And someone's got to go down there and fix it.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2014, 11:04:12 PM »
An idea I'd been bouncing around in my head, ran past my group and they seem to like it so I might run it sooner or later.

World of Darkness: Tin Kickers

The game starts out as a fairly regular Mortals game. The players go through their daily lives, connected in some way or happening to simply be in the same place at the wrong time. Then Final Destination happens, a massive traumatic catastrophe that takes dozens of lives in a totally unexpected fashion. The players then receive their Geists and wake up again as Sin-Eaters.

I've only ever run one successful Geist game. By successful I mean that the players managed to complete the story and survived. A lot of other people died though, and they just decided to reap wholesale destruction on a gated community and a Highschool. We had played Scion just before that so I guess they hadn't transitioned from the "hit it until it dies" mentality.

It was a pretty fun scenario though. I was watching Desperate Housewives with my wife one day and I thought "I could turn this into something evil". I based a bunch of the NPCs around the characters from the show, and then added a book of black magic and demon summoning. I used the Inferno book as well, and the whole feature of ghosts getting infected when they have contact with demons and they can become demons themselves.

I can't believe I forgot these games that I wanted to run.

Eclipse Phase: Borderlands Something about the world of Pandora from Borderlands just screams an Eclipse Phase game to me. The Players are Hypercorp Gatecrashers that are the first team in on a newly discovered world. The Hypercorp is set to make bank because this world doesn't even need terraforming. Too bad the local fauna seems to think the team is food. If that wasn't bad enough, it seems like someone has beaten then here. Except none of these groups seem to be with any organizations known to transhumanity and they don't know about the Fall. Where did they come from, and what's in this Vault they keep talking about?

The Graveyard Shift I worked the graveyard shift at a convince store for a few years and shit can be weird or down right terrifying at times. Especially you're in a part of town that closes town for the night. I've been robbed at gun point, gotten creepy calls worthy of a slasher flick, and dealt with schizophrenics that are off their medication. I want to run a horror game set in a convenience store past midnight. The only thing keeping you safe from the horrors outside are the giant glass windows that line the store. Not sure what system yet. I'm thinking maybe World of Darkness, but Call of Cthulhu or Fear Itself might work.

I also want to do a Better Angels campaign like No Soul Left Behind, where the stakes are high for the players but not so much for the world. A school is a brilliant setting for that because people have built in connections there. I want something like that, but I seem to have writers block at the moment. Suggestions are welcome.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2014, 11:29:31 AM »
I've got The Devotees in the pipeline. One of my players is going to be "Bitter Sam" a masked steelmorph bodyguard with a history of guarding the celebrities that she idolized in her youth pre-Fall. Essentially she was too badass to be an actress and fell into being the person that kept the crazy fans off.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #34 on: August 06, 2014, 05:49:58 PM »
Trail of Cthulhu: Dance in the Blood This will be the third game of Trail that I have run and my friends are expecting to fight some monsters.  I'm hoping that the players will try to kill the monsters by the end  ;)

@EndersLegends In the No Soul Left Behind postmortem, Caleb said that his inspiration for the campaign came from a bit of disillusionment he felt from his job as a teacher.  This point got me thinking of another job that people become heavily disillusioned in...government! You could do a campaign with the PCs playing as government employees, elected officials, naive and enthusiastic party volunteers or whatever else you could think of that fits.     


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2014, 09:57:01 AM »
"You review the business tax records. ROLL SAN"

^me irl  :-[

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #36 on: August 08, 2014, 09:22:46 AM »
Just got my copy of Wield.  It's basically a rules-light Better Angels, in which players play the intelligent weapons and items of high fantasy (and the poor people that use them are used as disposable hit points).  This should be a blast and has jumped to the top of my queue (for fun I created Carvin Marvin from KODT).
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 09:25:12 AM by PaulyMuttonchops »


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2014, 03:18:21 PM »
"You review the business tax records. ROLL SAN"

^me irl  :-[

"We gotta tax deez kiiiiids!"


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2014, 03:34:54 AM »
Finally going to run some Trail of Cthulhu at the end of the month when my Delta Green campaign goes on a bit of a hiatus.

Going to begin with the Black Drop scenario from the Out of Time collection. Very impressed after my first readthrough of the scenario. I think it would make for a good RPPR one-shot.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2014, 01:51:43 PM »
I was able to run a game of Dungeon World set in Dark Sun last weekend, and the players seemed to enjoy it, so I hope to continue it into a mini-campaign at least.

Probably be running(maybe playing) 5E soon. Adventurer's League stuff.
Chados- the, uh... hands of fate.


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2014, 02:04:19 PM »
After starting to read through Eternal Lies my brain is starting the process of building the case to fool myself into the belief that I could actually run and finish that game.

It take a lot of work to get to that level of delusion and I still seem to be in the foothills.

In all seriousness at only 30 pages in it looks great but I don't really have a hope of running it to completion. Maybe we could knock out Chapter 1.

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2014, 12:07:15 AM »
A friend of mine bought me Luchador: Way of the Mask at Gen Con.

We have now all bought Luchador masks, I have a referee shirt, and we will be starting a campaign soon.   8)

Henry Hankovitch

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #42 on: September 15, 2014, 10:02:22 PM »
I'm currently running a Red Markets inspired game in FATE Core.  The previous campaign that I did was a Dreamlands/Inception mashup where the PCs were "interpretation analysts" hired by a tech startup that had this dream-decoding technology.  Stuff currently rattling around the brainpan...

The Anarchy.  One of my players really really REALLY wants to finally play a medieval-fantasy sort of game.  So I tossed out an idea I'd had for a campaign based on the period in England called the Anarchy.  (Heavy inspiration from Pillars of the Earth/World Without End.)  Haven't figured out what system I want to use, though.

Jagged Alliance.  A scenario based on the old Jagged Alliance games: a team of mercenaries goes into a small Caribbean country to lead a revolt and overthrow the repressive government.  I'm thinking of making the enemies double-extra-weird--a cross between African warlords and bad guys from Metal Gear games.  I'm also unsure about what system I want to use for this, since it really cries out for some tactical gunz action.  GURPs would probably do well, but I don't own it and have never played it.  Savage Worlds is the other candidate, which would be less crunchy but is already on my bookshelf.

Werewolf Women of the SS.  I want to do this as a Savage Worlds one-shot.  That is all.

Lover in the Ice.  One of my players keeps bugging me to do this game.  The challenge is, he's already familiar with how it ends.  The rest of the group has no idea...

Welcome to Weyland-Yutani.  This is more a concept than a scenario so far.  Basically, I want to surprise my players with the reveal that they're in the Alien/Aliens universe.  If I start the game out with "so, you're on the Weyland-Yutani ship Edmund Fitzgerald," then everyone's going to expect facehuggers and Gigermorphs.  But if I just tell them they're playing a cyberpunk game, or a Resident-Evil-style survival horror game, I might be able to really surprise them. 

Look Away, Dixie Land.  I actually already ran this for my group.  It's heavily inspired by the David Drake story, "Than Curse the Darkness," moved to the US South.  The first version was set during the Civil War, but I might move it to the 1920s.  The central idea is kind of a fake-out where you have the creepy white Southern family with the mysterious uncle who traveled the Dark Continent and brought back stuff...but the mythos villain is actually a cult of vengeful African-Americans, driven to extremism.  Part of the fake-out is the reveal that one of the wealthy whites is a Delphine LaLaurie inspired serial killer.  I love the idea that the PCs discover the hidden torture chamber under the mansion...and it's not actually where the mythos magic is happening.


Vikings!  Between watching a documentary about a mass grave of beheaded Vikings in England, and the History channel series, I've been cultivating this nugget of an idea.  Vikings land on England to pillage, run afoul of Glaaki's minions.  And...uh, that's as far as I've gotten.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 01:33:54 PM by Henry Hankovitch »


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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2014, 01:04:55 AM »
survival horror game, I might be able to really surprise them. 

Look Away, Dixie Land.  I actually already ran this for my group.  It's heavily inspired by the David Drake story, "Than Curse the Darkness," moved to the US South.  The first version was set during the Civil War, but I might move it to the 1920s.  The central idea is kind of a fake-out where you have the creepy white Southern family with the mysterious uncle who traveled the Dark Continent and brought back stuff...but the mythos villain is actually a cult of vengeful African-Americans, driven to extremism.  Part of the fake-out is the reveal that one of the wealthy whites is a Delphine LaLaurie inspired serial killer.  I love the idea that the PCs discover the hidden torture chamber under the mansion...and it's not actually where the mythos magic is happening.

Make this where the PCs are slaves and have to decide between using the cultists' aid or rebelling on their own. Start it on the night when the cult first strikes - or better yet set it in a Haitian slave revolt. PCs would have more opportunities to act before the government moves back in.

Henry Hankovitch

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Re: THE QUEUE: Whacha got in YOUR gaming pipeline
« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2014, 01:36:46 PM »
Those are both really good ideas.  The original version had the PCs as a small patrol of Confederate cavalry who stumble across the estate where it's all taking place.  Idea being to conflict the modern sensibilities of the players with the racial expectations of the time.  When they discover the plantation-owner's dissection/torture room, she demands to know why they care what she does with her own property.