It is.
One of the central npcs is Lam Cong Dong, the Nine Lives operative whose highlights include raising hell against the firewall squad (Know Evil episodes 1-3), being captured by Bartleby (episode 3, 1:34:35), being tortured by Bartleby until she worshipped him as god of the hunt (episode 12, 1:23:54), and dying for her god during the Erato Heist (episode 15, 2:14:36).
The inciting incident for the game is Lam acquiring a certain piece of Cognite's project AUGUSTINE and the ramifications of Lam delivering an incredibly advanced psychosurgery suite to an (insane?) crime lord.
In true Know Evil fashion, the players can only advance the plot by compromising their identities and sense of morality for knowledge no rational individual would want, and the central antagonist can pull off his philosophical mask to reveal the ultimate villains of any Caleb scenario: moral ambiguity and fundamental identity philosophy.
At the end of the scenario, one of the hooks presented would lead the surviving party or their Octopus-heavy replacements to follow up on project AUGUSTINE, which could lead them to having a certain THOUGHT. Perhaps they could KNOW EVIL.