Author Topic: Road Trip  (Read 12315 times)


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Road Trip
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:42:27 AM »
Hey all!

Finally! We did it! We found a new group and after a playtest of the manual's adventure (albeit an abridged version) they were so enthousiastic that it would seem only natural to follow up with the very charming Road Trip which caught my eye (or should I say ear?) on the AP.

Downloaded the PDF and *MY GOD* it is a beast! 200 pages of goodness with handouts to boot!

Thank you Ross Payton for giving me something to read and prepare the coming 2 weeks!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 10:49:04 AM by Noredor »


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 08:12:21 PM »
Great to hear! Are you going to let the players pick which chapter they want to tackle first or are you going to pick? If you have any questions about running it, this is the place to ask!


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 12:11:14 PM »
Hi Ross (or should I stick to Mr. Payton PUBLISHED AUTHOR BUY HIS BOOKS!),

Ideally I would love for the players to pick the destination themselves (sending the actual postcards by mail) but as I am a tad insecure about my GM'ing as far as MaoCT goes, I think I will lead them to Sucrose Park first as I have heard the podcasts for it.

Shame we're not gonna AP it (most of the banter would be in Dutch) but I plan on making the whole Jack/Basil scene *VERY* dramatic!

Thank you for your reply, if you wish to get any more info on how I would like to run it feel free to ask!

And if I have any questions: I will be bold and ask them!


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2014, 05:46:52 AM »

Wheyhey all!

Well we ran our first game of Road Trip.
As planned we got through the intro adventure and the players had GREAT fun.
The setting got epic enough even in such a short time.

As promised here are the things I ran into as a GM.
Keep in mind that although I have RP’d quite a bit and hosted several games, most of them were “rules heavy” such as D&D and there was a page in a book somewhere covering every instance one could encounter (or nearly so). Monsters/Road Trip is far more “freeform” and as such players tend to get more creative. I’m still learning and my players accept the fact I make mistakes and several quick RetCons were made on the spot.

The players themselves are pretty much new to the Monsters universe but they love their monsters and characters already.

My first mistake is a lack of preparation. Although this is obvious, having 2 very busy work weeks I did not study the characters enough. Road Trip kind of expects the GM to use the setting and do a lot of fleshing out with the info given. This is in no way bad but thinking I could “wing it” wasn’t as easy as I had hoped. As such: lesson learned!

The adventure started out fine enough, the graffiti had them paranoid from the start. Meeting Jack was awkward but the players decided to help him. But they were wary of him from the start.
This was further strengthened by the fact they had not yet seen Basil and the attack of The Red Terror made them feel strongly they were being lead into a trap.

When entering the museum they pretty much refused to enter the display room. Making me use Jack to remove the cover from the statue.
I chose to make them experience Basil being banished but Dagon appearing still made it feel like a trap to them. They started to distrust Jack more and more, despite feeling sorry for him losing Basil.

Here started the main problem of the session: after defeating Dagon they pretty much refused to let Jack go. I did not find a hint on how to let him “escape on his Road Trip”.
I did not expect him to be “guarded” like they did found no good plot twist to let him escape.

Did I miss something vital in that part of the story? Luckily my players were kind enough to let me RetCon him escaping while they were fascinated by Dagon but it felt a tad awkward.

One other smallish thing (but that is most likely due to me trying to wing it), I sort of missed a description of the abilities of The Red Terror and Dagon. This was not a huge problem but for someone less experienced like me it was tough to try and stick to the name of the abilities while not really knowing how to handle them. This was very minor though, so no biggy!

Next up for us is Sucrose Park, *KUDOS* on the postcard handouts. The players are really looking forward to the trip and they have 2 weeks to come up with an idea on how to undertake the Road Trip.

So major thanx for what looks like a great adventure the coming months! We are all really looking forward to it!

Will keep you updated on how it goes!


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2014, 04:10:11 PM »
The biggest difficulty in writing Road Trip was that MAOCT is a tool kit game - there is no preset cosmology that explains what monsters are or why they bond with kids. I had to write it in such a way that any particular campaign setting could use it. That's why the GM has more work to do than in regular games.

I also ran a Road Trip sequel/gaiden game last night that used 5 Nights at Freddy's as an inspiration.


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2014, 08:24:04 PM »
Please tell me an animatronic Cool Rat was involved!


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2014, 11:53:54 PM »
Cool Rat was involved


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2014, 04:21:24 PM »
I taught my group to play MaoCT with Road Trip. They'd always wanted to try the game and I loved Cool Rat so much that I had to run Road Trip. The group really liked the adventure too and now we're playing MaoCT as a Jojo styled game. It's getting weird.


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Re: Road Trip
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2014, 04:35:59 PM »
now we're playing MaoCT as a Jojo styled game. It's getting weird.

You're doing it correctly then!