Author Topic: H.P. Lovecraft File Festival in Portland Oregon  (Read 11253 times)


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H.P. Lovecraft File Festival in Portland Oregon
« on: January 29, 2015, 06:31:59 PM »
Given the festival is 9 months away this might be a bit premature but the 20th anniversary of the HP Lovecraft Film fest in Portland is this October. I have been going off and on for 12 years and it has always been a good time. I saw some great movies and some terrible movies and some movies that were terrible but great. In the last few years they have expanded the non film track and I was able to attend a few seminars with Ken Hite and Sandy Peterson so it is just not strictly movies. Plenty of panels and art shows and side events. Plus you get to check out Portland and witness the epic sea of beards and hipsters and bearded hipsters that is this city. Plenty of good places to eat and drink as well for those looking to do something other than consume massive quantities of movies and seminars and beard watch.

The guest of honor this year is Charles Stross. I expect the lineup to swell with plenty of great guests and events as we close in on the event.

They have done a kickstarter the last few years and if attending I highly recommend doing that so you don't have to wait in the line to get your ticket opening night. It is not gencon levels of crazy but it also not a walk in the park.


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: H.P. Lovecraft File Festival in Portland Oregon
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2015, 07:50:30 AM »
Tempting... Always wanted to visit Portland. The craft brew scene there is excellent I hear.

I have to goto Vegas in the fall but my dates for that are somewhat flexible. Maybe I'll be able to do this on the way too or from.

Thanks for the heads up Tim.


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Re: H.P. Lovecraft File Festival in Portland Oregon
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2015, 12:10:13 PM »
The craft brew scene is quite nice although we still are suffering from the winding down of IPA bitterness wars. Plenty of people are doing different and tasty things but we still have an overabundance of over hopped IPAs. I happen to quite like the IPA style myself but it has been beaten into the ground.

If you happen to make drop me a line and I can point out some places to try. We also have a pretty good craft distilling scene. There are at least 9 local distillers and most of them have tasting rooms with in a few miles of each other.


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Re: H.P. Lovecraft File Festival in Portland Oregon
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2015, 03:31:20 AM »
I to shall be attending the HP Lovecraft File Festival, though I will no be needing to travel to do so, I'll be the ecstatic looking bearded man wearing a frock coat.


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Re: H.P. Lovecraft File Festival in Portland Oregon
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2015, 04:10:19 PM »
Planning to drive down from Vancouver for the festival in October, even though I will have to brave the lines at the passport office to get my papers renewed.

I will have to see if Mr. Glancy is running any games at the con. I would have tried to go to the Cthulhu con at the end of April but real life has gotten in the way.

Beer tastings really are called for, although I can do without endless IPAs.


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Re: H.P. Lovecraft File Festival in Portland Oregon
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2015, 07:43:41 PM »
Cthulhu Con also sounds pretty good and I am planning on attending but given I live in PDX it is not like I have far to go. Ken Hite and Robin Laws will be in attendance as will Mr Glancy.

One of the backer rewards for the HPL Film Fest last year was a spot in a Glancy game.

Plenty of non IPA beers here to be drunk.