Author Topic: I have new head cannon...  (Read 11232 times)


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I have new head cannon...
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:49:43 AM »
This thread is a place to share your weird arsed head cannon. ;)

The great race of SAIRAC

...all Aarons characters are the same character.

Stay with me on this one.

Everything we think we know about SAIRAC is a lie. SAIRAC is a Titan. Rather than flee through the gate, or meet the same fate its kin, SAIRAC split itself into innumerable conciousnesses, each of whom is SAIRAC, and spread them across time and space using quantum teleportation, sort of like  Dr. Sam Beckett.

However, SAIRAC unlimately seeks destruction, so it puts itself and its hosts in horrible danger (knife fighting with sharks). However, at the last moment before death, SAIRAC looses its nerve, and flees, teleporting to a new body else where in time and space!  The exception is the SAIRAC code line in EC, who are just fragments of the original , with many of them being more stable than the rest of the great race.



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Re: I have new head cannon...
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2015, 10:38:41 AM »
"All of time and space, everything that ever happened or will happen. Where do you want to begin?"


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Re: I have new head cannon...
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2015, 07:23:57 PM »
I posted this on Facebook, but I think that we as listeners are the real monsters. Think about it. We laugh and laugh at all the shenanigans they do when they torture one another. The best example was RPPR after hours(which I want to change to The MindFlaying of Caleb) after they tortured the poor dude with talk of...well. No spoilers for those not on Patreon(JOIN ROSS' PATREON), but needless to say, poor Caleb. I laughed and laughed. Almost into tears. That's where my point lies. We are indeed the monsters. Ross is as well, that much is true, but so are we, if not more because we listen to hear such torture and do nothing.

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Mr. Purple

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Re: I have new head cannon...
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2015, 09:16:19 PM »
I posted this on Facebook, but I think that we as listeners are the real monsters. Think about it. We laugh and laugh at all the shenanigans they do when they torture one another. The best example was RPPR after hours(which I want to change to The MindFlaying of Caleb) after they tortured the poor dude with talk of...well. No spoilers for those not on Patreon(JOIN ROSS' PATREON), but needless to say, poor Caleb. I laughed and laughed. Almost into tears. That's where my point lies. We are indeed the monsters. Ross is as well, that much is true, but so are we, if not more because we listen to hear such torture and do nothing.

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But he makes all the Caleb-faces and it's nigh impossible to resist.
"Don't read that book, that's where they keep the madness!"